Homeowner Association Accounting Services, Inc.

11420 Gravois Road, St. Louis, MO 63126

(314) 842-1313 FAX 842-7045


Homeowner Association Accounting Services, Inc.(HOA) is an affiliate of AccounTax Business Services, Inc., and was organized to provide superior professional accounting services for the trustees of homeowner associations at an affordable cost.

AccounTax Business Services, Inc. has been providing accounting and tax services to small businesses for over 20 years. These services include monthly accounting, bank reconciliations, payroll processing, budgeting, invoicing and bill paying services, income tax preparation and consulting. Everyone on our staff has over 15 years experience and includes a CPA, MBA, an attorney, and trained staff accountants.

As an affiliate of AccounTax Business Services, HOA is staffed with the most qualified personnel in the homeowner association accounting field and provides association trustees with a superior accounting service and professional management of association funds at a more affordable cost.

Why are we different than the rest ?

1.Fees Based on Our Activity versus Fees Based on Your Income.

Many of our competitors base their fees on a percentage of your income. As a result, the fees that you pay bear absolutely no relationship to the accounting and collection work actually performed. In contrast, our fees are based on the number of homeowners and the actual activity that is taking place.

2.Accounting Professionals versus Office Clerks.

HOA Accounting services is an affiliate of AccounTax, Inc. All of our owners and employees are experienced accounting professionals with many years of experience. We do not employ untrained clerks to collect your funds or prepare your financial statements.

3.True Financial Statements versus Cash Disbursement Schedules.

Many of our competitors are not trained accountants and the statements that they provide to you are merely cash receipt and disbursement schedules. Our financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis by trained accountants and will give you up to date accounts receivable and accounts payable information.

4.Collection Efforts versus Cheap Talk.

Everyone tells you they will increase your collections but talk is cheap. We really do try to help your association collect its assessments. Past due notices are sent out promptly and we follow them up with a personal telephone call from our office. If requested, we can accept credit card payments to aid in collection. Bad checks are promptly turned over to the prosecuting attorney’s office for collection. Liens are prepared by our office on a timely basis. When all else fails, we have retained the services of an attorney with years of experience in filing collection lawsuits against delinquent homeowners. If your association has had difficulty with collections, then its time to consider a new collector.

5.Proposals That Reassure versus Contracts That Trap..

Our proposal to provide you with accounting services is not a binding contract on your association. The only party that is bound to perform is us ! If you are not fully satisfied with our performance, for any reason, you can cease using our services. Compare that with a firm that requires you to sign an annual contract and collects all of their fees upfront. We know that you are not bound to us by anything more than the quality of our service and we will continuously strive to keep you satisfied.

6.Pride in Performance versus Pride in Numbers.

The largest firm in town brags that it has hundreds and hundreds of clients. And you wonder why they don’t know who you are. We are a family owned professional accounting firm and our reputation is everything to us. Our business mission is to provide our clients with the best quality personal service at a fair price. Our personal goals are to create a business that our family will be proud to carry on.

We hope that you will give us the opportunity to demonstrate the quality of service that professional accountants can provide to your association.

Association Fee Checklist. Please complete the checklist and mail, fax or email it to us. A written proposal will immediately be sent to you.

Or if you prefer, provide us with the name of your current provider and the fees that they charged you for the prior year. We will guarantee our fee to be at least 10% lower than what you are currently paying. If you were required to pay for all or part of this year in advance we will complete the balance of the year at no additional cost to you.

Please feel free to call Terriwith any questions that you may have regarding the services to be performed


Terri Launhardt, MBA

Greg Launhardt, CPA

Homeowner Association Accounting Services, Inc.

AccounTax Business Services, Inc.

11420 Gravois Road, St. Louis, MO 63126

(314) 842-1313 FAX 842-7045



January 2009



Sample Homeowners Association

St Louis, MO

RE: Sample Proposal for Homeowner Association Accounting Services

Dear Trustee,

As we discussed, we present the following proposal for the collection and accounting requirements of Your Homeowner Association. This proposal is binding only on us and may be cancelled by you at any time

Services to be performed: Complete Accounting Service With Invoicing and Bill Paying

Accounts Receivable Processing:

We will prepare and mail invoices to each homeowner on an annual basis.

We will post all payments received to the accounts receivable ledger and deposit weekly.

Accounts receivable collection and aging reports will be generated monthly.

Past due accounts will be notified by a separate collection statement.

Accounts Payable Processing

We will write checks and pay all vendor invoices submitted by you on a semi-monthly basis.

All payments will be posted to the appropriate financial statement accounts.

Financial Statement Preparation

We will provide you with a monthly balance sheet and income statement prepared on the accrual basis.

We propose to perform the above-listed services for the fixed base fee of $XXX per month.

This fee quote is based on the assumption that we will invoice XXX units and write approximately XXXvendor checks per year. This fee quote is also based on the assumption that you will fax or mail all invoices to be paid on a weekly basis.

Expenses are invoiced separately. The above fee does not include the cost of postage, stationary, printing, extra mailings, legal fees, tax return preparation if required or personal attendance at meetings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or Fran. We truly appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you.


Terri Launhardt, MBA

Homeowner Association Accounting Services, Inc.

AccounTax Business Services, Inc.

11420 Gravois Road, St. Louis, MO 63126

(314) 842-1313 FAX 842-7045



Number of households in your association: ______

Frequency of dues (circle): Monthly Quarterly Annual

Approximate number of vendor checks per month: ______

Are you required to file Tax Return 1120-H ? No ______Yes ______

How many special mailings per year ? ______

Number of trustees: ______

How would you like your proposal sent ?

1.Mailed to:______


2.Faxed to: ______

3.Emailed to:______

Please fax or email the completed checklist to Terri at

Fax 314-842-7045
