First Marking Period Book Report Options

Mrs. Brown

Due: November 15, 2016

Directions: Written elements of all projects MUST be typed. No handwritten projects will be accepted. NO PENCIL on illustrated projects.

These will count as a TEST grade.

All projects will be presented to the class as part of a participation grade.

FIFTEEN points are deducted each day late.

  1. Character Alphabet Book: Choose a character from your book and create sentences based on the alphabet scheme that demonstrate your knowledge of the character and the plot. For example, in Spite Fences, Zeke’s alphabet could begin like this:

A is for the ABUSE Zeke took at the hands of the racist mob.

B is for the BENDING OVER BACKWARDS to make sure the visiting civil rights activist could work in obscurity

C is for the CAMERA given to Maggie so that she could see the world in new ways.

**Make sure to illustrate at least HALF of the alphabet. They can be hand drawn pictures or computer graphics. Put together in a book form with a cover.

  1. Book Report Container: Select a container appropriate for your book. This can be a folder, shoe box, a can, canvas bag, etc. Decorate your container to convey some of the major details, elements, and themes that occur in your book.

The contents of the container must include:

  • QuestionsWrite ten questions based on the book. Five of the questions can be about general content, but the other five must require more thinking (for example, ask the reader to compare and contrast, identify specific details and their relationship to the outcome of the story, synthesize with current events, etc).
  • Vocabulary:Create a ten-word glossary of unfamiliar words from the book. Include part of speech and definition.
  • Things:Include five objects that have a connection to the story and write a brief description of their connection.
  1. Book Jacket: Design a book jacket for your novel. Use large paper and on the right side write an “About the Author” section. On the left side inside cover, write a FIVE paragraph summary of your book. Add a picture on the front (hand drawn and colored or a computer graphic), and include the title and author. On the back, include a “Star Rating “ complete with a full explanation as to why you liked or disliked the book.
  1. Map Project: Create a map to illustrate the setting of your novel. Include ALL elements of a map, such as a title, compass rose, map key with symbols, etc. You must have at least 8 locations on your map and on a separate sheet of paper, explain the importance of each location in essay form. Must be at least 5 paragraphs. Map must be hand drawn and colored. NO PENCIL.