- Meeting Opens: The Chairman, Burnie Collins opened the meeting at 7pm and welcomed all present.
- Present: As per attendance sheets (15)
- Apologies: As per apology sheet ( 7)
- Minutes of the General Meeting held on 1stMarch 2017 distributed.
Motion:That the meeting accept the Minutes as read.
Moved:Henriette GuestSeconded:Glenis AylingCarried
- Business arising from minutes
- Burnie contacted the Choir re Light the Lights. Ailsa indicated they are willing to share with Show Band. The choir did not accept the QCCC donation.”
- Motion: That MADCA invite Mapleton Choir AND Show Band to perform at the 2017 Light the Lights Event.
Moved: Laurie GardnerSeconded: Eckhard HempelCarried
- Correspondence:
MSS School Newsletter
Peter Wellington MP – Nominations for Nicklin Community Awards
John Seebeck – Change of Banking to Suncorp Business Everyday A/c
Joy Chaffey – Invite to Lions Welcome to Hinterland Dinner 19 Apr 2017
G. Dobson – Fire Safety Officers – Bowls Club
SCRC – Social Media Training for volunteers and not for profits – Module One
SCRC – Queen’s Baton Relay – Nominate a Local Legend
Brighter Future 4 kids – Sunshine Coast Shoes & Socks Back 2 School Appeal
Dulong Futures Newsletters
Australia Day Flag Raising – opportunity for sponsorship from council.
MSS – Parents and Carers Facebook Page
MSS School Newsletter
Peter Hulme – Seeking Feedback from Disaster Management Warnings 28-31 March 2017 – was the information timely? – helpful? – suggestions to improve?
Peter Wellington MP – Solar & Energy Efficiency Initiative
CBA – Term Deposit Reinvestment Notice
SEQ Regional Planning – Community Submissions to the Draft SEQ Regional Plan (Shaping SEQ) – sent 2nd March – to be ratified by the Committee.’
John Seebeck – Change of arrangements for Term Deposit to One Month Only.
Mapleton Post Office – rental of PO Box for MADCA
Burnie Collins – Damian Large re Lilyponds Fitness Equipment MOU.
Motion: Correspondence Inwards received and Outwards endorsed
Moved: Kaye RogersSeconded: Eckhard HempelCarried
- Business Arising from Correspondence
- MADCA to write letter of thanks to Peter Hulme and Graham Shackell for their efforts during Cyclone Debbie.
- Fire Safety Officer for Bowls Club – Burnie Collins to liaise with Bowls Club
- Treasurer’s Report:
MADCA acc $45,206.76
INFO CENTRE acc $ 180.28
TERM DEP $ 5,356.82
Income received:
TOSH rent, donations and interest$117.25
Accounts for Payment$675.85
Outstanding $331.54
Motion: That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.
Moved:John SeebeckSeconded:Joy WisemanCarried
- Reports from MADCA Sub-Committee and Interest Groups
- MADCA Management Committee – discussed in General Business
- TOSH Garden Committee – verbal report
- Information Centre - nil
- Septic Pump Out - nil
- Web site and FaceBook – Many hits on website. Facebook appeals to the younger members of the community.
- Reports from Community Organisations
- Mapleton Library – report attached
- Mapleton School PC – newsletters in correspondence
- Bushfire Brigade - nil
- RSL - nil
- Mapleton Hall and Sports Ground - nil
- Mapleton Community Gym – report attached
- Mapleton Tennis Club - nil
- Men’s Shed – report attached
- Report from Cr Greg Rogerson, Division 10 SCC. CR Rogerson unable to attend due to prior commitments.
- General Business
- Ratified new memberOlive Bird. Olive, Mark Frawley and Alison Smith to discuss Off Leash Dog Area for Lilyponds Park.
- John Seebeck reported on need to change Banks CBA to Suncorp to allow for online payment of accounts. Our term deposit expired on 19th March and was reinvested for one month to 19th April. By then we should be able to transfer to Suncorp. Separate account for the Information Centre to be closed as minimum balance of $5,000 not achievable. John Seebeck will monitor account through MYOB.
Motion: That MADCA close the existing CBA Accounts and open an appropriate account with Suncorp.
Moved: Nita LesterSeconded:Eckhard HempelCarried
Motion: That the following be signatories on the Suncorp Bank Accounts with any two being sufficient authority.
- Burnard CollinsPresident
- John SeebeckTreasurer
- Kaye RogersSecretary
Moved: Fay MossSeconded:Laurie GardnerCarried
- Request computer for Treasurer – Kaye to write to David Penrose to ask if another computer could be made available.
- Mapleton Lilyponds Fitness Equipment work begins Monday 5th June. Memorundum of Understanding (MOU) signed.
- Disability parking in Mapleton. Burnie reported Council has decreed no change to parking in Mapleton as 120 parks are available within 200 metres of Medical Centre. Burnie has asked the Doctors at Mapleton Medical Centre if they agree it is needed. He suggests members approach Council individually if they want to push the issue.
- LindallHulme recommended Burnie Collins seeks feedback about failed 50 year celebration bid as he submitted the initial bid. We can apply for $2,000 grant for an event. In Hinterland Times Council is calling for further bids for funding for the 50 year celebration.
- Potentialfunding of $6000 could be available for Historic/Cultural self walk/drive. The money could pay for printing of brochures, and erection of small plaques identifying places of interest to visitors.
Motion: That MADCA submit a bid for $6,000 to fund a historic/cultural self walk/drive.
Moved: Henriette GuestSeconded: Cec StuartCarried
- Neighbourhood Watch Contact. Mike & Debbie Strano from Dulong contacted Burnie to see if Mapleton would join with KureelpaDulong Neighbourhood Watch Group. Gillian Hall reported that the existing Neighbourhood Watch does not enjoy the support of the community or the police and she saw no advantage to making it bigger. Nita Lester offered to circulate information about the program and the proposed merge in Pop Up News to allow members of the community to express an opinion.
- Lions Club Dinner – Burnie Collins to attend on behalf of MADCA.
- Brighter Future 4 Kids - Shoes & Socks for Qld School Children – charity to provide disadvantaged children with leather shoes and 3 pairs of socks for donations of $34.95. Individuals contact Kaye for details.
- Pop Up News & Website – still seeking a volunteer to manage during Nita’s absence 19th April till 8th June.
- Nominate a local hero to the Queens Baton Rally – Suggestions Olympic Bronze Medal Winner - Archer - Ryan Tyack; Peter Hulmefor his work in Disaster Management or John Clemence – the onion king - for his consistent work on Sausage Sizzles for the Men’s Shed. Issue to be discussed at Committee Meeting.
- Feedback from the recent Disaster Management Emails from Peter Hulme. MADCA to send a letter of thanks to Peter Hulme and Graham Shackellfor their efforts during Cyclone Debbie. A report on feedback is being collated.
- Nita Lester questioned the sending of information by email to Library Members as no prior agreement had been sought if they were prepared to accept this. At the Disaster Management Meeting run by Peter Hulme and the committee, all community groups were advised that in an emergency, secretaries of local community groups would be contacted with the understanding they would pass on warnings to their list of contacts.
- Peter Wellington MP –Solar and Energy Efficiency Initiative for all state schools.
- Raffle Winner – Mark Frawley.
- Next Meeting to be held at Mapleton Bowls Club on Wednesday 3rd May 2017.
- Meeting will close at 8.30 pm
Burnard Collins, PresidentKaye Rogers, Secretary
CONTACTSPresident / Burnie Collins / 5445 7127 / 0402 110 637
Vice President / Nita C Lester / 5445 7182
Treasurer / John Seebeck / 5445 7813
Secretary / Kaye Rogers / 5478 6914 / 0407 586 309
Publicity Officer / Nita C Lester / 5445 7182
Committee Member / Fay Moss / 5441 3451
Committee Member / Lorraine Purcell / 5445 7452 / 0427 799 217
Committee Member / Eckhard Hempel / 5478 6983 / 0418 280 153
Committee Member / Maxwell Standage
Hall & Sportsground Representatives / Burnie Collins / 5445 7127 / 0402 110 637
Eve Kerr / 5445 7867
Disaster Mngt Representatives / Peter Hulme / 5478 6109 / Mapleton
Graham Shackell / 5478 6954