
PCO 624 01: Crisis and Grief Counseling

Instructor: Sue King, MA PCC sc : Early Fall (M-F)

Office Location: Counseling Center Room: GR1

Phone Number 513-244-8193



This course explores the dynamics of a crisis, the recommended steps in good crisis intervention, and the role of the church in prevention as well as in a caring response. It also includes an examination of the dynamics within the person, family and community when severe or terminal illness has been diagnosed or the bereavement process has been initiated. The course includes methods and resources for helping.


The material in this course is designed to meet the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum standards for masters and post-masters. The specific maters (CODE) states that students are required to “have curricular experiences designed to develop an area of professional expertise.” The material also meet requirements for Ohio Administrative Code 4757—area 13 01 (A) (1) (e) (IV) and 4757-13-01 (A) (I) (e) (v) which state that persons seeking training for an LPCC must have graduate coursework in methods of prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.


If you successfully complete this course you will be able to:

·  Implement various skills, techniques and resources necessary for successful interventions in both crisis and grief counseling

·  Develop a Biblically integrated approach to grief assessment and intervention

·  Develop a resource library for grief and crisis counseling situations


Attendance at all classes is required.


This course will be graded utilizing the Seminary grading scale.


If you are 15 minutes late for a class you will receive a ¼ day absence, if you are 30 minutes late you will be counted as absent for ½ day, and over 45 minutes late will equal a one day absence. This policy will be enforced to encourage students to make their education a priority.

Assignments and Readings:

Since this is a non-traditional format course, you are expected to complete a major portion of course required reading prior to the beginning of the first class. The assignments are as follows:

Assignments and Due Dates

Assignments / Date Due
  1. Read chapters 1-9 of Crisis Intervention Strategies prior to beginning of course
  2. Read chapters 1-6 From Grief & Loss prior to beginning of course
  3. Read Grief Counseling & Grief Therapy (Worden) prior to beginning of class.
/ By start of class
  1. Reaction Papers (1-2 pages) to experiential learning and guest speakers (20 points)
/ As assigned in class
  1. Community referral resource list for helping grieving persons that includes brief description, how to access resource and cost where applicable. Minimum of 10 resources.
/ September 17
6.  Interview of person in mourning for 45-60 minutes who has suffered a loss within the last six months (use only the first name of your interviewee to protect their confidentiality. Summary: 4-6 pages in length. / September 17
7.  Final Exam – Crisis Counseling) / Wednesday

Tests/Quizzes/Mid-Terms/Final Exam Information

No final for grief counseling section of course; final exam for crisis counseling consisting of case study and brief essay.

Policy on Academic Integrity

Please refer to your seminary handbook for complete details on the seminary policy on academic integrity. If you cheat on an exam or turn in work that is not your own you will receive a 0 for that work, and additional action may be taken by the counseling academic committee.

It is very important that you remember that it is unethical to talk about clients at any time other than during supervision sessions, or with a MAC supervisor. It is also important that you not discuss your work as a counselor in a classroom setting.

Guidelines on Missed Work or Exams

Written assignments must be turned as designated in class schedule. Late work accepted by special prior agreement only.


James, R. & Gilliland, B. (2005). Crisis intervention strategies (5th ed.). Brooks/Cole.

Walsh-Burke, K. (2006). Grief & Loss: Theories and Skills for Helping Professionals. Allyn & Bacon.

Worden, J. William (2002).Grief counseling & grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner (3rd Ed.). NY: Springer.

Methods and Procedures:

This class will utilize a mixture of lecture, guest speakers, small and large group exercises, and class discussion.


The professor reserves the right to change or amend any part of this course plan as deemed necessary to offer the best possible educational experience for students.

Is it the responsibility of each student to decide whether or not he or she can handle the amount of reading, and other assignments required for this course at this time.


Community Resource List 20 points

Reaction Papers 20 points

Final Exam – Crisis Counseling 30 points

Grief Interview 30 points