Dear future graduate,

This document was created to help you with the thesis process as it can be difficult to receive the right information concerning deadlines etc. We hope that we can help you by providing our own and our friends’ experiences.

But remember, this is only a guide. Things can change and of course the exact process also depends on your professor, thesis topic etc.

The “Schreibzentrum” of the Uni Graz can also assist you with the writing process as it offers workshops such as “Themen eingrenzen” or “Verfassen von Abschlussarbeiten” as well as peer-tutoring and individual coaching - for free. They also provide numerous worksheets and materials which might be of interest before and during the writing process. For more information see following link:

Your StV Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Table of Contents

1. Finding a topic 3

2. Timing 3

3. Supervisor 3

4. Read, read, read! 3

5. Only for Lehramt: 2nd Subject 3

6. Title & thesis organization 3

7. Finally: Start writing your thesis 4

7.1. Table of Contents 4

7.2. Content of the Thesis 4

7.2.1. Title page 4

7.2.2. Acknowledgement 4

7.3. Proofreading 4

7.4. Layout 4

8. Handing in your thesis, abstract and summary 4

8.1. Upload summary and abstract 5

8.2. Upload final version of the thesis 5

8.3. Approving of your thesis by supervisor 5

8.4. Hand in bound copies 5

9. Lehramt and Master hand-in checklist: 5

10. Diploma exam 6

10.1. Diploma exam topic 6

10.2. Reading list for diploma exam 6

10.3. Chair of diploma exam 6

10.4. Preparing for diploma exam 6

10.5. Diploma Exam 6

11. Sponsionsbescheid 6


1.  Finding a topic

Start thinking about the area of research:

o  didactics (only for teaching degree students),

o  literature,

o  culture or

o  linguistics

Look at some theses online or get them from the library. This might help you to get a better idea of what it should look like. Think about how you want to approach this topic. Do some research (e.g. Google scholar, EBSCO host, articles, etc.) – you do not want to do something that has already been done.

2.  Timing

Depending on how fast you write and how many courses you have left you should start with your thesis about 6 to 8 months before you want to graduate (including diploma exam and receiving your final certificate). The writing process will not/might not take this long but you know that bureaucracy takes some time, as well as finding the right exam date etc.

3.  Supervisor

Find a supervisor who works in the field of your chosen. Usually it should be a professor who is habilitated. Describe what you want to do. Tell them when you intend to finish – they need to know this as they need to plan time to supervise you as well as read and mark your thesis. Legally they are allowed to take 2 months to do this, but this is hardly ever the case – plan at least 3 weeks to 1.5 months.

Ask how they want to support you. Some supervisors read each chapter, some read 20-40 pages and just need general information on what you are doing in each chapter, etc.

Discuss what the structure of the thesis will look like (chapters, length, etc.) and your methodological approach etc.

4.  Read, read, read!

5.  Only for Lehramt: 2nd Subject

Start thinking about which professor of your second subject you want as an examiner in/on/at your diploma exam. Meet with them and discuss the topics (usually two topics are chosen).

You, your supervisor, the professor of your second subject as well as the chair of your diploma exam need to agree on a date. Print the sign up form and get their signature. After that you hand in the form at the Dekanat (Lehramtskoordinationsstelle).

6.  Title & thesis organization

Talk to your supervisor again when you know exactly what the title of your thesis will be and how you want to organize your thesis.

Fill out the diploma title sheet:

Have the supervisor sign it and then hand it in at the GEWI Dekanat (Main university building). Once it gets approved, which might take a couple of days, you can start.

NOTE: If you decide to change the title, you have to hand in a new one again. There needs to be a 2 week time frame between handing in the title and the thesis.

7.  Finally: Start writing your thesis

Following things should be considered and included when you finally start writing your thesis.

7.1.  Table of Contents

It helps a lot to start off with the table of contents. It gives you a clear overview of what needs to be in there and it is easier to figure out what is missing as well. Moreover, it gives you a good structure which makes the writing process easier.

If you are unsure what your supervisor means or suggests: ASK! Do not hesitate to ask them. It is better to ask than to keep writing and finding out that you did something wrong.

7.2.  Content of the Thesis

You need to include a title page as well as an acknowledgement:

7.2.1.  Title page



7.2.2.  Acknowledgement

Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung Ich erkläre ehrenwörtlich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und ohne fremde Hilfe verfasst, andere als die angegebenen Quellen nicht benutzt und die den Quellen wörtlich oder inhaltlich entnommenen Stellen als solche kenntlich gemacht habe. Die Arbeit wurde bisher in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form keiner anderen inländischen oder ausländischen Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegt und auch noch nicht veröffentlicht. Die vorliegende Fassung entspricht der eingereichten elektronischen Version.

Datum: Unterschrift:

7.3.  Proofreading

You yourself can proofread (obviously). Print it out: finding typos etc. is a lot easier.

We highly suggest to let someone (either a friend or paid professional) proofread your thesis. You might have turned blind on your own mistakes.

7.4.  Layout

Work on the layout and final changes. The easiest would be to use formatting styles of the program you’ve been writing your thesis with from the beginning on e.g. marking headings as headings.

8.  Handing in your thesis, abstract and summary

The first step is to upload your abstract, summary and thesis in UNIGRAZonline. Afterwards you have to hand in bound copies at the GEWI Dekanat.

Following link provides a detailed description for uploading your final version:

8.1.  Upload summary and abstract

The abstract (in English) and the summary (in German) are not part of the thesis. You will see lots of theses that include an abstract and the summary but you really do not need to include it as the Dekanat will attach them to your printed thesis once you have handed it in. On their website they also say that you should not include it in your thesis. You have to upload both to UNIGRAZonline: “Abschlussarbeiten” > “Bearbeiten” > “Zusammenfassung/Abstract” > Copy & Paste your abstract and Zusammenfassung > Save it!

NOTE: Abstract and summary cannot contain more than 2000 characters! It will say 4000 characters but you are only allowed to use 2000.

8.2.  Upload final version of the thesis

NOTE: Before uploading, ask your supervisor whether they want to take a look at your final version.

Save your thesis as a PDF/A and DEFINITELY check all pages one more time as it sometimes changes the layout and moves graphs around.

Upload it to UNIGRAZonline: “Abschlussarbeiten” > “[Title of your thesis]” > “Bearbeiten” > Check if everything is correct! > Upload the PDF/A version > Confirm your upload with “Jetzt einreichen” > DONE!

8.3.  Approving of your thesis by supervisor

In the next step your supervisor approves your thesis online. The orange circle in “Abschlussarbeiten” will turn green.

8.4.  Hand in bound copies

At the GEWI Dekanat you will have to hand in two bound copies of your thesis. Make sure it is the same version as the one you uploaded. With handing in the printed version of your thesis the plagiarism assessment will be performed/conducted/completed.

When you hand in the two copies of your thesis, bring these forms (fill out on a computer!):



9.  Lehramt and Master hand-in checklist:

o  aktuelles Studienbuchblatt (Ausdruck aus UNIGRAZonline)

o  dasFormular Einreichung der Diplomarbeit (pdf)/Masterarbeit (pdf)

o  2 Exemplare der Diplomarbeit - fest gebunden(Hardcover; alle Exemplare müssen die gleiche Farbe haben, achten Sie auf die Seitenzahlen - siehe Plagiatsprüfung)

o  3 Kurzzusammenfassungen in deutscher Sprache (ausnahmslos 2000 Zeichen, nicht eingebunden, Autorenname und Titel angeben)

o  3 Kurzzusammenfassungen in englischer Sprache (ausnahmslos 2000 Zeichen, nicht eingebunden, Autorenname und Titel angeben)

o  1 Lebenslauf (unterschrieben, mit oder ohne Foto)

o  eventuell:Antrag auf Sperre der Diplomarbeit

It will take about 2-3 days until your supervisor receives the printed version.

10.  Diploma exam

NOTE: The period between handing in your thesis and the date of your diploma exam needs to be at least 4 weeks. Your supervisor needs to write a report about your thesis and needs to hand it in at the Dekanat at least 2 weeks prior to your diploma exam.

10.1. Diploma exam topic

If your supervisor’s focus is linguistics, your exam will be in linguistics. You and your supervisor need to find a topic (cannot be the same as your thesis) and agree on what you will be reading for the exam.

MA: Choose two topics of the same focus (e.g.: Linguistics)

Lehramt: Choose one or two topics (depending on the professor) of the same focus

10.2. Reading list for diploma exam

Find a second professor of your second subject (no matter which focus) and agree on a topic and the reading list.

10.3. Chair of diploma exam

Either ask a professor of the department of English/American studies to be the chair of your diploma exam or ask Ms. Auer and she might help you to find someone.

You need to get the signature of all professors and then hand in the form at the Dekanat (Lehramtskoordinationsstelle for LA people) at least two weeks before your exam.

LA: - LA students also need to find a professor of their second subject for the exam because you are tested in both subjects.


10.4. Preparing for diploma exam

Start reading and studying on agreed topics.

You are allowed to go to other students’ exams and see what it looks like. Information about upcoming examinations:

MA: You can find the information about the upcoming exams on the third floor in the English department (two doors left of the Common Room)


10.5. Diploma Exam

Do not be nervous, you got this! The exam lasts 1 hour and afterwards you are a Mag.phil. or a MA!


The chair will hand in the protocol of your exam to the Dekanat and within a day or two it will say your title in UGO.

11.  Sponsionsbescheid

Once your title in UGO is visible you can go to the Studien- & Prüfungsabteilung to get your Sponsionsbescheid. This also means you can sign up for the Sponsion.

Bring following form with you otherwise you will not receive the Sponsionsbescheid:


If you want to sign up for the Sponsion right away, make sure you have transferred the 50€ to their account and hand in this form:

You will also receive an email within 3-8 days saying that you can pick up your final diploma certificate at the Dekanat and after you have done that YOU ARE DONE!!!

Make sure to print out all your documents (Studienerfolgsnachweis, Studienblatt, etc. whatever you need) as your account will be closed soon after you graduated.



o  Table of Contents: page numbers correct?

o  Graphs: good quality, numbers, spacing, layout, all the same?

o  Bibliography: alphabetical order, period or no period behind each citation, year of publication etc.

o  Appendices: everything included? Check other theses to see what they include, maybe you forgot something by accident?

o  Have you handed in all the forms?

More information can be found here: