Unit 2 Revolution and Constitution 1754-1789

Organizing Principles: Between 1754 and 1763, British attempts to exert control over the colonies led to violent, organized and successful resistance by American colonist.

The Articles of Confederation provided a reasonable and workable transition from the unitary system of British rule to the federal system established under the Constitution.

Concepts: British tax policy, colonial reaction, inter-colonial unity and conflict, independence movement, revolution and its impact, Article of Confederation, US Constitution

Date / Topic / Reading /assignments
F-9/20 A day
M-9/23 B day / The Battle for Empire / pp. 122-127
T-9/24 A day
W-9/25 B day / End of Salutary Neglect
Learning the DBQ / pp. 123-142
Th-9/26 A day
F-9/27 B day / Road to Revolution and Independence
Doc. Analysis of Dec. of Independence / pp. 142-161
Chapter 5 Outline Due
Cause-Effect Quiz
M-9/30 A day
T-10/1 B day / Victory and New Government
AOC to Constitution / SFI Quiz
Take Home DBQ DUE
W-10/2 A day
Th-10/3 B day / Constitutional debate Federalist and Anti-Federalist
Great debates Yes/no position / pp. 161-188
Chapter 6 outline due
F-10/4 A day
M-10/5 B day / Catch up review if needed-most likely will be
T-10/8 A day
W-10/9 B day / Exam 2 1754-1789 The Revolution Period

Make sure to scroll down to see the most common but not complete list of SFI for this Unit.

Common Terms (But not All) 1750-1789

John Locke Salutary NeglectFrench and Indian War

Albany PlanProclamation 1763Thomas Paine/Common Sense/Crisis

Stamp Act/CongressOlive Branch Petition Pontiacs Rebellion

Quartering Act Townshend ActsBoston Tea Party

Loyalists/ToriesSons of Liberty Coercive/Intolerable Acts

Boston MassacrePaxton Boys First/Second Continental Congress

Tea Act Battle of Saratoga No taxation without representation

Virtual representationGaspee AffairNon-importation Agreements

Sugar Act-1764Annapolis ConventionCritical Period

3/5th compromiseArticles of Confederation Land Ordinance of 1785

Shay’ Rebellion Virginia/New Jersey PlansDeclaration of Independence

Northwest OrdinanceBill of Rights Great/Connecticut Compromise

Quebec Act Battle of Yorktown Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Federalist PapersProhibitory ActDeclaration of Causes and Necessities

Declaratory ActBattle of SaratogaLexington and Concord