Short Term Planning Year 6 Term 1Ancient Civilizations
Resources:Access to World Wide Web
(Online or downloaded version)
Suggested text for letter to parents re use of Scratch online is available from link above. / Objectives:
Technology in our lives
- Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world-wore web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.
- Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
- Explain the consequences of spending too much time online or on a game
•Understand that efficient algorithms can be used to solve problems and to plan for specific outcomes.
•Design and write programs that accomplish specific goals.
•Use sequence, selection and repetition in programs.
•Use logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.
•Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) to design and create a range of programs and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
1 / e-Safety
I can explain the consequences of spending too much time online or on a game / e-Safety focus
- Discuss with the children their own personal use of the Internet and choices that they make including excessive use, personal information and password security. Discuss the importance of keeping an adult informed about what they are doing on line, and how to report concerns.
- Watch ‘Kieran’s Story’ of BBC Caught in the Web at 6 mins).
- In addition children could use ‘ThinkUKnow Cybercafe activities’ explore how safe online spaces and use mobile phones and chat rooms.
- Agree class rules for the responsible use of technology. Children could create posters/presentations/videos/leaflets of the rules.
- Extension: Ask the children to keep a diary of their own online use.
Silver: Can I demonstrate an understanding of how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly?
Bronze: Can I identify simple steps to take to stay safe online?
2 / Technology in our Lives
I can tell you the Internet services I need to use for different purposes. / How does the Internet work?
- What do you know about the Internet? How many different services can you name that are parts of the internet? Model different services available on the internet (email, World Wide Web by using search engines or visiting school website, FTP File Transfer Protocol by sending an attachment, uploading documents to SLP or Dropbox, VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol using Skype). Collect a class list of services identified.
- Which of these services might we need in order to create, share and evaluate a game programmed using Scratch? Create a class list.
- Find out more information about the Internet and World Wide Web: ‘Information for less confident readers’
- and ‘more confident readers’.
- Children to create a poster to help teachers in your school understand the Internet.
Silver: CanI recognise the different services that are part of the internet and identify some parts that are required to create, share and evaluate a game?
Bronze: Can I recognise some different services that are part of the internet and begin to understand how some are required to create, show and evaluate a game?
3 / Technology in our Lives
I can talk about the way search results are selected and ranked.
I can check the reliability of a website. / Understanding how searching works and different types of information
- Look at a variety of web pages and label the different elements, describing what they are for, including e-safety considerations.
- How do we search for information? Which search engines do we use? List common engines used by the class.
- ‘Investigate how searching for information happens’
- Consider how a search engine works. Look at
- Consider ‘types of information’ on webpages. In particular thinking about primary and secondary sources of information.
Silver: Can I understand the elements within a webpage and recognise that election and ranking of search results?
Bronze: Can I recognise some elements of webpages and am I aware that search results are selected and ranked?
4 / Technology in our Lives
I can talk about the way search results are selected and ranked and select information to use within a game. / Searching the Internet to find information for a purpose
- Begin to identify information and resources required to create an ‘authentic game’ based on the Mayan Civilisation topic. What information will the children require (information about clothing, buildings etc)? What type of resources will be required (images, sounds etc)? Children to record ideas.
- Using knowledge about search engines, web pages and reliability from previous lessons, children to begin to find information and resources that could be used in a game, recording the web addresses of their findings.
- Look at planning an ‘effective strategy to use search engines as part of research’ to help focus research
Silver: Can I use search engines effectively to locate and record the information and resources I need in my game?
Bronze: Can I use search engines to find information and resources I need in my game?
5 / Technology in our Lives
I can tell you about copyright and acknowledge the sources of information that I find online. / Acknowledging sources of information
- Why do we need to acknowledge who resources belong to that have been found on the internet?
- Use the ‘Digizen Copyright resources’ including a Moral Compass activity to consider the effects of using other’s content without permission.
- Start a ‘working document’ of sources for the game. Draw a diagram of the resources located so far for the game and record where the content has come from. Use this ‘working document’ to continue to record and label the sources of all the information/resources planned to be used in the finished game.
Silver: Can I recognise my responsibility to acknowledge the sources for resources used in my game?
Bronze: Can I acknowledge sources for some resources in my game?
6 / Technology in our Lives
I can select an appropriate tool to communicate and collaborate online. / Collaborating to make a game
- Continue to research information and resources required for game, using knowledge from previous lessons and e-safety understanding.
- Ask the children how they could collaborate to create a game together. Ask them to explore Scratch online independently and report back. How could a blog be used for this purpose?
- Refer back to e-safety issues, making good choices when presenting themselves online and respecting the rights of other users.
Silver: Can I identify internet services which allow me to collaborate with others?
Bronze: Can I understand which services I could use online to collaborate with others?
7 / Programming
I can use logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.
I can recognize when I need to use a variable to achieve a required output. / Creating a Times Table game using Scratch
- Ask the children what Scratch programming skills they already possess? Are they familiar with the computational language? What are sequences, selection and repetition? What are variables? Inputs and outputs? What does debug mean? Record any terminology that the children are not familiar with to refer to later.
- Tell the children we’ll be developing a game using what we have learnt about Mayan Civilisation topic but first we are going to use something familiar to increase our knowledge of what we can do with Scratch. Introduce them to the Times Tables quiz game.
- What do you do when you play a times tables game on a computer/tablet? Guide the children to the basic things which are part of any such game –
- Ask a question – the program will need to sense the question and whether this is right
- If the answer is right say ‘that’s right’ If the answer is wrong say ‘that’s wrong’
- Identify the need to repeat this basic idea to make it a proper quiz game.
- is a useful video to watch as a teacher but it is also good to show to children to let them see how a programmer thinks. (Note: it is not just a case of a process where the algorithm is planned, programmed into the computer and then debugged – you are continually moving between these aspects. Some children will need to begin programming before they complete the algorithm.)
- Ask the children for additional ideas that would individualise their own Times Tables Quiz Game. Can they recognise which is the essential bit of the algorithm that can be repeated for different purposes?
- Allow time for children to create their own Times Tables Quiz. Emphasis the need to keep testing sets of programming blocks to check they are doing what you want them to.
- Children to add to or adapt the program to customise it. Keep testing how the program is working, correcting any errors in programming.
- What have you learnt from this activity? How could we apply this to creating a game based on a Mayan quiz? What could it look like on screen?
- Refer back to the terminology list from earlier. What have we learnt? Can we define all the words now?
Silver: Can I detect an error in a program?
Bronze: Can I spot a bit of code which may be wrong in a program?
8 / Multimedia
I can talk about audience, atmosphere and structure when planning a particular outcome.
I can deconstruct a problem into smaller steps, recognizing similarities to solutions used before. / Planning a game using Scratch
- ‘Plan a quiz game’ based on our Mayan Civilisation topic.
- What skills have the children learnt? Which can they use in their game? What algorithm will they need to follow?
- Children to think about how they will manage the questions and answers.
- Think about the ways colours can be used to select actions. Consider how variables can measure what is happening in a game.
- Children to begin to plan their game
- Think about the audience for their game. What will the atmosphere be like? How will it be structured? Will it have different levels? Think about using variables to add scoring/timing.
- Consider the sprites, background and programming they will need. Begin to think about the algorithm.
Silver: Can I plan a sequence of steps to make something happen?
Bronze: Can I think of bits of code to make something happen?
9 / Multimedia
I can combine a range of media, recognizing the contribution of each to achieve a particular outcome.
I can explain and program each of the steps in my algorithm to achieve a planned outcome.
I can evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of my algorithm while I continually test the programming of that algorithm. / Creating a game and considering the possibilities
- Children to continue planning their game/refining their game ideas. Remind the children to remain focused on the theme and their identified audience and atmosphere whilst planning and designing their game.
- Create or discover backgrounds and sprites for planned game.
- What are the reasons for creating your own backgrounds/sprites? - no need to worry about copyright, the image is just what you need
- Collect/create image files to use within the game for different backgrounds, characters and objects.
- Remind the children about copyright and the need to acknowledge the source of any resources used in the game.
Silver: Can I use a sequence of steps to make things happen and collect/create appropriate resources?
Bronze: Can I select the bits of code to make things happen and collect/create resources?
10 /
- Create sound files to use within the game and continue to design and program it.
- Use ‘Audacity’ to record music or sound and explore how to repeat sounds.
- Explore online sources of sounds/music that could be used in the game e.g. and
- Remind the children about copyright and the need to acknowledge the source of any resources used in the game.
11 /
- Children to continue to program their game, refining ideas and identifying any errors in algorithms and programs, debugging as appropriate.
- Don’t be too quick to fix pupils coding. Provide a paper copy of code that does work and let them compare the two to spot where their code is different. Praise those who find and fix errors.
Silver: Can I detect an error in a program?
Bronze: Can I spot a bit of code which may be wrong in a program?
12 / e-Safety
I protect my password and other personal information.
I can be digitally discerning when evaluating the effectiveness of my own work and the work of others. / Modifying my game and making it better
- Test and improve games. Evaluate and make appropriate changes.
- Children could upload projects onto the ‘Scratch community website’
- This will allow them to play each other’s games online in school and at home.
- Comments can be made on each other’s games after modelling and guided writing of responsible and appropriate peer assessment.
- Discuss the importance of keeping their passwords private. What are the consequences if someone logs in as you and makes a comment? Ask children to remind each other about the details they should not include when commenting online.
- See ‘information about ‘Scratch community’ and letter for parents.
Silver: Can I evaluate my own and other work and offer constructive comments for improvement?
Bronze: Can I say what I think about my own and other work?
Denise Flagg, Ilchester Community Primary School and ELIM