High school students generally have a limited knowledge of careers. They may have some understanding of jobs from part-time or summer work, jobs their parents or friends do, or even from jobs they have seen on TV. While valuable, these sources may be incomplete or subject to misinterpretation.

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is a program designed to help students learn about themselves and the world of work. Students explore occupations in line with their interests and skills, and at the same time, develop an effective strategy to realize their career goals.

In today’s world, where there are hundreds of careers to choose from, it’s a smart idea to spend some time looking closely at the options. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is a good measure of how well students have developed their academic and occupational skills at school. Knowing their strengths and areas of improvementcan give students time to make improvements before they start a job, begin college or vocational school, or enter the military.

Your school counselor will receive a copy of the test results and make arrangements to have them explained through a Career Seminar. The school has already determined that scores will not be released to the military services. At no time will a student be contacted by a military recruiter based upon the ASVAB scores. This is confidential information that will be shared only by the school, students and parents. Also, at no time will taking the ASVAB obligate a student in any way to any of the military services.

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program was developed by the Dept. of Defense Personnel Testing Division. The program has been reviewed by career development experts and career counselors from universities across the country to ensure its soundness and accuracy. You may obtain additional information by reviewing the program’s website, In addition, the program is offered absolutely free of financial costs to participating students and schools.

The purpose of students taking the ASVAB is for the school to help students help themselves investigate sensible career options.

The test date for Waukee High School isduring College Career Readiness on November 30. For those who don’t finish the test, it will be completed on December 1.

If you have questions about the ASVAB, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. John Walker, MS Ed., ASVAB Program Manager at .

Please let me know at if you do not want your student participating in this career assessment by November 27, 2017.

Thank you!

Alyssa Amundson