Week 3
Sermon Series:God Space
SermonTitle: Serving
SermonText: Luke 5:27-39; 14:12-14
StudyHandoutDate: Week of 2-18-18
GroupDate: Week of 2-25-18
SermonDate: 3-4-18
BEFOREWEBEGIN:Whatwasyourtakeawayfromthis pastSunday’ssermon?
ATTRIBUTE: Loving-Kindness
Is the idea of faithful love in action and often in the OT refers to God's lovingkindness expressed in His covenant relationship withIsrael. God'sLoving-kindnessdenotes persistent and unconditional tenderness, kindness, and mercy, a relationship in which He seeks after man with love and mercy (contrast God immediately seeking manGe 3:9, who was immediately hidingGe 3:8trying to cover their shameGe 3:7- contrast God's lovingkindness manifested by spilling blood to provide skins to cover their shame!Ge 3:21).Loving-Kindnessexpresses both God’s loyalty to His covenant and His love for His people along with a faithfulness to keep His promises. (Loving-Kindness - Definition of Hesed, Precept Austin, 8-20-2016)
DOCTRINE: Humility
Is that state of mind which submits to the divine order in the universe and does not impiously exalt self. Humility is a lifelong lesson lending to the correct evaluation of self (Rom. 3:23) and is therefore the highest form of self-respect since it admits mistakes and makes the proper adjustments. Humility does not consist in hiding one’s talents and virtues, but in possessing a clear knowledge in all that is lacking in one’s character and not exalting oneself. The Biblical meaning of humility is not a feeling of insignificance or inferiority or of a low rank or low importance. (
DAY1 Read:Luke 5:27-39; 14:12-14 (Remember to read God Space Chapter 5, “Listening Your Way Into Spiritual Conversations”, and take the test on page 57.)
- What stands out to you in these verses?
- What questions or challenges did you find?
DAY2 Read: Luke 5:12-26
- What was Jesus doing right before His encounter with Levi (Matthew)?
- What was it that the Lord demonstrated about Him and His mission that bothered the Pharisees?
- What was the crowd’s reaction? What do you think the Pharisees’ reaction was? What can you learn from that?
DAY3 Read: Luke 5:27-32
1. What was the social and religious perception of a “tax collector” at that time?
2. What was Levi’s response to Jesus’ calling? Why do you think Jesus called a guy like Levi?
3. What was Jesus accused of by the Pharisees? What risks do you take to reach out to others in need of the Gospel?
4. What can you learn-and share with our group-about the response Jesus gave in verses 31-32?
DAY4 Read:Luke 5:33-39
- Have you evertried to do a new thing in an old way? What was the result?
- What does Jesus’ response reveal about His purpose and plan?
- The Pharisees were concerned about Jesus’ radical hospitality. How do you see Jesus showing them a new paradigm? What can you learn from it?
DAY5 Read: Luke 14:12-14
- Is Jesus asking us not to invite our family and friends over anymore? If not, what is He trying to teach?
- When we help/serve others we should not expect retribution, but what is the benefit of doing it then?
- What are the lessons you learned from Jesus’ challenges in the passages studied this week?
- Which practical steps will you take to apply those lessons learned this week?