Xinnian Dong, Duke University
Xinnian Dong
Developmental, Cell and Molecular Biology Group, Department of Botany
Duke University
Box 90338
Durham, NC 27708-0338
Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China Microbiology B.S. 19781982
Northwestern University, Chicago, USA Molecular Biology Ph.D.19831988
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Plant Mol. Biol. Postdoc1988-1991
2007Arts & Sciences Professor of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC
2004Professor, Biology Department, Duke University, Durham, NC
1999-2004Associate Professor, Biology Department, Duke University, Durham, NC
19921998 Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, NC
Professional Experience:
19881991 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School and Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114
Advisor: Dr. Frederick M. Ausubel
19921998 Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, NC
1999-2004Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, NC
2004-Professor, Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC
1992-Member of American Society of Plant Biologists
1995-1998Consultant of Monsanto Company, St. Louis, MO 63198
2000Consultant of Maxygen, Inc. Redwood City, CA
2000-Associate Editor for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
2000-2006Monitoring Editor for Plant Physiology
2002-Advisory Board for Plant Journal
2010-Editorial Board for Plant Cell
19831984 Northwestern Medical Practice Scholar, Fellowship Award
2006-2010Honorary Investigator, Genetics and Developmental Biology Institute,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
2007- Arts & Sciences Professor of Biology
2009 Adolph E. Waller Memorial Lecturer (OSU)
2009 Millikan Memorial Lecturer (University of Missouri)
Womble, D. D., X. Dong, R.-P. Wu, V. A. Luckow, A. F. Martinez and R. H. Rownd. (1984).
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Womble, D. D., X. Dong, V. A. Luckow, R. P. Wu, and R. H. Rownd. (1985). Analysis of the
individual regulatory components of the IncFII plasmid replication control system. J. Bacteriol.
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Dong, X., D. D. Womble, V. A. Luckow, and R. H. Rownd. (1985). Regulation of transcription
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Rownd, R. H., D. D. Womble, and X. Dong. (1986). IncFII plasmid replication control and stable maintenance. In Banbury Report 24: Antibiotic resistance genes: ecology, transfer, and expression. S. B. Levy, and R. P. Novick eds. pp.179-194.
Womble, D. D., X. Dong, and R. H. Rownd. (1987). Changes in RNA secondary structure may mediate the regulation of IncFII plasmid gene expression and DNA replication. In New perspectives on the molecular biology of RNA. M. Inouye, and B. S. Dudock eds. pp.225-247.
Dong, X., D. D. Womble, and R. H. Rownd. (1987). Transcriptional pausing in a region important for plasmid NR1 replication control. J. Bacteriol. 169:3535363.
Dong, X., D. D. Womble, and R. H. Rownd. (1988). In vivo studies on the cisacting replication
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Dong, X., K. P. Rouillard, D. D. Womble, and R. H. Rownd. (1989). DNA bending near the
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Davis, K. R., E. Schott, X. Dong, and F. M. Ausubel. (1989). Arabidopsis thaliana as a model
system for studying plantpathogen interactions. In Signal molecules in plants and plantmicrobe
interaction. B. J. J. Lugtenberg, ed. pp.99106.
Schott, E. J., K.R. Davis, X. Dong, M. Mindrinos P. Guevara, and F.M.Ausubel. (1990). Pseudomonas syringae infection of Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system for studying plantbacterial interactions. In Pseudomonas: Biotransformation, Pathogenesis, and Evolving Biotechnology. S. Silver, A.M. Chakrabarty. B. Iglewski, and S. Kaplan, eds. pp 8290.
Dong, X., M. Mindrinos, K.R. Davis, and F.M. Ausubel. (1991). Induction of Arabidopsis thaliana defense genes by virulent and avirulent Pseudomonas syringae strains and by a cloned avirulent gene. Plant Cell 3: 6172.
Keith, B., X. Dong, F. Ausubel and G. Fink. (1991). Differential induction of 3deoxyDarabinoheptulosonate 7phosphate synthase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana by wounding and pathogenic attack. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 88: 882188251.
Melan, M. A., X. Dong, M. E. Endara, K. R. Davis, F. M. Ausubel and T. K. Peterman. (1993). An Arabidopsis thaliana lipoxygenase gene is induced by pathogens, abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate. Plant Physiol. 101: 441-450.
Cao, H., S. A. Bowling, A. S. Gordon, and X. Dong. (1994). Characterization of an Arabidopsis
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Dong, X. (1995). Finding the missing pieces in the puzzle of plant disease resistance. Proc.
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Cao, H., J. Glazebrook, J. D. Clarke, S. Volko, and X. Dong. (1997). The Arabidopsis NPR1 gene that
controls systemic acquired resistance encodes a novel protein containing ankyrin repeats. Cell 88: 57-
Bowling, S. A., J. D. Clarke, Y. Liu, D. F. Klessig, and X. Dong. (1997). The cpr5 mutant of
Arabidopsisexpresses both NPR1-dependent and NPR1-independent resistance. Plant Cell 9:1573-
Cao, H., X. Li, and X. Dong. (1998). Generation of broad-spectrum disease resistance by
overexpression of an essential regulatory gene in systemic acquired resistance. Proc. Natl.
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Clarke, J. D., Liu, Y., Klessig, D. F., and X. Dong. (1998). Uncoupling PR-gene expression from NPR1 and bacterial resistance: Characterization of the dominant Arabidopsis cpr6 mutant. Plant Cell 10: 557-569.
Dong, X. (1998). SA, JA, ethylene, and disease resistance in plants. Current
Opinion in Plant Biology 1: 316-323.
Zhang, Y., Fan, W., Kinkema, M., Li, Xin, and Dong, X. (1999). Interaction of NPR1 with basic
leucine zipper protein transcription factors that bind sequences required for salicylic acid
induction of the PR-1 gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 6523-6528.
Li, X., Zhang, Y., Clarke, J.D., Li, Y., and Dong, X. (1999). Identification and cloning of a negative regulator of systemic acquired resistance, SNI1, through a screen for suppressors of npr1-1. Cell 98, 329-339.
Clarke, J.D., Volko, S.M., Ledford, H., Ausubel, F.M., and Dong, X. (2000). Roles of salicylic
acid, jasmonic acid, and ethylene in cpr-induced resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 12, 2175-
Kinkema, M., Fan, W., and Dong, X. (2000). Nuclear localization of NPR1 is required for
activation of PR gene expression. Plant Cell, 12, 2339-2350.
Dong, X. (2001). Genetic dissection of systemic acquired resistance. CurrentOpinion in Plant Biology, 4, 309-314.
Jirage, D., Zhou, N., Cooper, B., Clarke, J. D., Dong, X., and Glazebrook, J. (2001).Constitutive
salicylic acid-dependent signaling in cpr1 and cpr6 mutants requires PAD4. Plant J. 26, 395-
Li X., Clarke J. D., Zhang, Y., and Dong X. (2001). Activation of an EDS1-mediated R-gene
pathway in the snc1 mutant leads to constitutive, NPR1-independent pathogen resistance. MPMI
14, 1131-1139.
Clarke, J.D., Aarts, N., Feys, B. J., Dong, X., and Parker J. E. (2001). Constitutive disease
resistance requires EDS1 in the Arabidopsis mutants cpr1 and cpr6 and is partially EDS1
dependent in cpr5. Plant J. 26, 409-420. (cover story)
Chern, M.-S., Fitzgerald, H. A., Yadav, R. C., Canlas, P. E., Dong, X., and Ronald, P. C. (2001).
Evidence for a disease-resistance pathway in rice similar to the NPR1-mediated signaling
pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 27, 101-113.
Li, X., Song, Y., Century, K., Straight, S., Ronald, P., Dong, X., Lassner, M., and Zhang, Y.
(2001). A fast neutron deletion mutagenesis-based reverse genetics system for plants. Plant J.
27, 235-242.
Dong X., Li X., Zhang Y., Fan W., Kinkema M., Clarke J. (2001). Regulation of systemic
acquired resistance by NPR1 and its partners. In Rice Biotechnology: Improving yield, stress
tolerance and grain quality. Novartis Foundation Symposium 236: 165-175.
Fan, W. and Dong, X. (2002). In Vivo Interaction between NPR1 and transcription factor TGA2
leads to SA-mediated gene activation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 14, 1377-1489.
Spoel, S. H.,Koornneef, A., Claessens, S. M. C., Korzelius J. P., Van Pelt, J. A., Mueller, M.
J., Buchala, A. J., Métraux J.-P., Brown, R., Kazan, K., Van Loon, L.C., Dong, X., and Pieterse
C. M. J. (2003). NPR1 modulates cross talk between salicylate- and jasmonate-dependent plant
defense pathways through a novel function in the cytosol. Plant Cell 15, 760-770.
Mou, Z. Fan, W., and Dong, X. (2003). Inducers of plant systemic acquired resistance regulate
NPR1 function through redox changes. Cell 113, 935-944.
Zhang, Y., Dong X., and Li, X. (2003). A gain-of-function mutation in a plant disease resistance
gene leads to constitutive activation of downstream signal transduction pathways in the snc1
mutant. Plant Cell 15, 2636-2646.
Dong, X. (2004). Pathogen-induced systemic DNA rearrangement in plants. Trends in Plant
Science 9, 60-61.
Durrant, W. and Dong, X. (2004). Systemic Acquired Resistance. Annual Review of
Phytopathology42, 185-209
Dong, X. (2004). ACD6, an ankryn-repeat protein that both regulates and is regulated by the
plant hormone salicylic acid helps plants defend against pathogens. Science STKE(February,
Dong, X. (2004). NPR1, all things considered. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 7, 547-552.
Heidel, A., Clarke, J.D., Antonovics, J. and Dong, X. (2004). Fitness costs of mutants affecting the systemicacquired resistance pathway in Arabidopsis thalianaGenetics 168, 2197-2206.
Wang, D., Weaver N.D., Kesarwani, M., and Dong, X. (2005). Induction of protein secretory pathway is required for systemic acquired resistance. Science 308, 1036-1040
Mosher, R.A., Durrant, W.E., Wang, D., Song, J., and Dong X. (2006). A comprehensive structure–function analysis of Arabidopsis SNI1 defines essential regions and transcriptional repressor activity. Plant Cell 18, 1750-1765.
Heidel, A.J., and Dong, X., (2006). Fitness benefits of systemic acquired resistance during Hyaloperonospora parasitica infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 173: 1621-1628.
Wang, D., Amornsiripanitch, N., Dong, X. (2006). A genomic approach to identify regulatory nodes in the transcriptional network of systemic acquired resistance in plants. PloS Pathogens (cover story) e123.
Durrant, W.E., Wang, S., and Dong, X. (2007) Arabidopsis SNI1 and RAD51D regulate both gene transcription and DNA recombination during the defense response. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 4223-4227.
Kesarwani M, Yoo J, Dong X (2007) Genetic interactions of TGA transcription factors in the regulation of pathogenesis-related genes and disease resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 144, 336-46.
XueC., TadaY., DongX., and Heitman J. (2007) The human fungal pathogen
Cryptococcus can complete its sexual cycle during a pathogenic association with plants. Cell Host & Microbe (cover story) 1, 263-173.
Wang, D., Pajerowska-MukhtarK., Culler A. H., and Dong, X. (2007). Salicylic acid inhibits pathogen growth in plants through repression of the auxin signaling pathway. Current Biology. 17, 1784-1790.
Zhang, X., Dai, Y., Xiong, Y., Defraia, C., Li, J., Dong, X., and Mou, Z. (2007). Overexpression of Arabidopsis MAP kinase kinase 7 leads to activation of plant basal and systemic acquired resistance. Plant J
Spoel S.H., Johnson J., and Dong, X. (2007) Regulation of trade-offs between plant defenses against pathogens with different lifestyles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 18842-18847.
Spoel, S. H., and Dong, X. (2008) Making sense of hormone crosstalk during plant
immune responses. Cell Host & Microbe3, 348-351
Tada, Y., Spoel, S. H., Pajerowska-Mukhtar, K., Mou, Z., Song, J., Wang, C., Zuo, J., and Dong, X. (2008). Plant immunity requires conformational changes of NPR1 via S-nitrosylation and thioredoxins. Science 321, 952
Spoel, S .H., Mou, Z., Spivey, N. W., Tada, Y., Genschik, P., Dong, X. (2009) Proteasome-mediated turnover of the transcription co-activator NPR1 plays dual roles in regulating plant immunity CELL 137: 860-872
Dong, X. and Kahmann, R. (2009) Battle for survival: plants and their allies and enemies. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 12:387–389 (coeditor of the issue)
K Pajerowska-Mukhtar, X Dong, A kiss of death--proteasome-mediated membrane fusion and programmed cell death in plant defense against bacterial infection.Genes & Development 23:2449-2454.
Saijo, Y., Tintor, N., Lu, X., Rauf, P., Pajerowska-Mukhtar, K., Häweker, H., Dong, X., Robatzek, S., and Schulze-Lefert, P. (2009) Receptor quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum for plant innate immunity. EMBO J.28:3439-3449