From Strength to Strength

Visions of an Exceptional Future for the Federated Church

& Preparing for the Call of Our New Senior Minister

A Special Congregational Meeting

November 23, 2003


“You should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the day coming”. --Hebrews 10:25

“This is not easy because we love this place of grace and all of you…..through intentional prayer and discernment Federated will move into the future by faith.” --David and Priscilla Norling

“Congregations are where people come together, gathered by God to serve God’s intentions of renewing and redeeming the whole world in love…we must understand the underlying strengths of congregations that are most relevant to the enduring needs of our times. The precise way those strengths and needs intersect will constantly shift; and the precise activities, events, persons, and physical structures will shift with them. But if we understand our underlying strengths and move in faith toward our deepest sense of God’s hope, we can move in confidence” -- Jimmy Carter, Sources of Strength

**********************************************************Cover sheet

Discovery:[1] What gives life to our church, our church family and the church community—when we are most alive and vibrant as a church and ministry?

Dream: What is our highest purpose – vision for our church? What are our most vivid images of the future? What is God calling us to be?

Design: What will make our dreams of the future come alive? Healthy transition—what does it look like? Small steps? Larger steps?

Destiny: What actions will we commit to, to best move forward—to learn and grow and realize our higher and wider potentials?

From Strength to Strength

Visions of an Exceptional Future for the Federated Church &

Preparing for the Call of Our New Senior Minister

Opening Appreciative Inquiry in Diverse Pairs to be

cCompleted by ______o’clock

(Please take brief notes as you listen to your partner’s stories. You will use these notes later this evening with a table groupYou . )

1. To start I’d like to learn about your beginnings at the FederatedChurch. When did you first become part of or connected to the FederatedChurch family as a member or friend? What most attracted you to connect/join with Federated? Can you remember your moment of decision—the moment you decided to become part of the community and congregation? Please tell me about that time and what most attracted you.? and how you came to that decision.

2. Thinking back over your Federated memories, what have been the real “high points” for you as a member or friend of this congregation—memorable times when you felt best about Federated—times perhaps when you felt most inspired, challenged,engaged,or spiritually nurtured;?tTimes you were most proud about being part of this church family.?

  1. Name some of the times that stand out for you as high points as a member or friend of Federated.?

B. Now can you tell me the story-- in more depth-- about one of the high point experiences?What happened?When? Can you remember the feelings you had? Why did this experience mean so much to you? What was it about Federated Church that allowed you to have this experience?

3. Distinctive strengths and special qualities: Every Church today must change, transform and grow with God’s radical call---constantly. Butvibrant congregations also, in the midst of change, know how to preserve the “positive core” of their special qualities and enduring strengths.

A. Strengths you bring: Without being too humble what strengths or best qualities do you bring to Federated community? PleaseCan youtell me aboutone example—one way that you have shared those strengths alone or in combination with others.?

B. Federated’sspecial or distinctive strengths:. When you think about your hopes and dreams for the future of Federated there are things you would want to see our congregation keep and strengthen. What, in your view, are the 3 most important qualities or special strengths of theFederatedChurch—those precious qualities and practicesfrom our past and present that you want us to keep and preserve, even as we move into a new and changing future?

4. Images of an Exceptional Future—Your Hopes and Visions of the Federated in 2010. Engaging in envisioning provides an opportunity to listen carefully to God’s call and the call of our times. It is an opportunity to push the creative edges,to do new things, and to wonder and pray about our ministry’s greatest potentials-- both internally as a church and externally in our work ministry in the world.

  1. Let’s assume that tonight, after the meeting here, you/we go into a sound sleep and when we you awaken it is seven years into the future—the year is now 2010. While we were asleep many great exceptional things happened--—miracles happened-- and the FederatedChurch became something you would most like to see it—see for yourself and friends, for children, for our community and for our world. Now you awaken. You go into the FederatedChurch of 2010 and you get a panoramic view. You are moved and proud in a heartfelt way..It’s the kind of Federated Church and community you most want to be part of—one that is living God’s call in fresh, vibrant, meaningful and powerful ways. So now,please share some highlights of what you see in this vision of 2010: Wwhat do you see happening that is vitaland good? What is happening that is new, different, or better—things that “bring to life” our greatest potential.?
  1. What is it that most excites you about yourthe vision of Federated in 2010?

5. Transitions-- we have all experienced transitions and probably have ideas that can help make our congregation’s transition a successful and positive one.

A. Of all the things you have shared with me tonight, what do you most want a newpotential future senior minister to know about our congregation—the Federated family?

B. What, in your view are the steps we -- as people of this congregation -- can do —to make this transition healthy and successful…

  1. What is the smallest step we could each personally take that would have the biggest impact?
  1. What is a bigger or bbolder orbigger step we can take as a Church—in groups or as a community to make this transition healthy and successful?

C. 6. C. Dave and Priscilla said in their letter:

“This is not easy because we love this place of grace and all of you”.

What, at this early phase of transition, would you most want to say to Dave and Priscilla—as it relates to how you feel atabout them and our relationship with them, as wellandthis moment in time as how it relates to theof our transition ahead?


Each small group manages its own discussion, data, time, and reports. Here are useful roles for self-managing this work. Divide up the work as you wish:

  • DISCUSSION LEADER – Assures that each person who wants to speak is heard within time available. Keeps group on track to finish on time.
  • TIMEKEEPER – Keeps group aware of time left. Monitors report-outs and signals time remaining to person talking.
  • RECORDER – Writes group’s output on flip charts, using speaker’s words. Asks person to restate long ideas briefly.
  • REPORTER – Delivers report to large group in time allotted


—Every table

(From Interview Questions 1 & 2)

Purpose: To appreciate and welcome each other and to learn about special experiences, capabilities, and “high point” stories.


Everyone Introduces Themselves (from questions 1 and 2)—Who they are—and one memorable “high point” experience at Federated. Go around the table. Everyone is introduced.

Discovery-- red tables

(Themes and Patterns in High Point Stories--Question 2)

Purpose: To look at the “high point” stories in more depth—looking for the underlying patterns and strengths of Federated when it is at its best.

Self-manage: Assign discussion leader, timekeeper, recorder, and reporter--only red tables will be responsible for large group report-out on this analysis.


  1. Revisit and re-tell a few more high point experiences—things that represent moments you have experienced the very best qualities of Federated as a church and community. Then ask: what caused the high point experiences? What do the stories say about Federated—its special qualities, strengths, values, practices?

Place your notes here as you listen:

From Question 2.
High Point Experiences/Stories / Themes You Hear in the High Points:
What do these stories or examples say about Federated’s valued strengths or special qualities?

Please be ready with a report- out (3-4 min) of themes and be ready to re-tell, in the large group, one of the special high point stories from your table—a story that helps illustrate these themes.

Discovering the “Positive Core” of Federated-- Green tables

Purpose: To map the “positive core” of Federated’s distinctive strengths and special qualities and to answer the question the: What do we want to preserve about our congregation and ministry—things we most want to keep and build on—even as we change in the future?

Self-manage: Assign discussion leader, timekeeper, recorder, and reporter. Green tables will be responsible for report out in large group on this mapping of the “positive core”.


1.Share discoveries from question 3-B of your interview—everyone shares in response to the question:

  1. When you think about your hopes and dreams for the future of Federated there are things you would want to see our congregation keep and strengthen. What, in your view, are the most important qualities or special strengths of the Federated Church—those precious qualities and practices from our past and present that you want us to keep and preserve, even as we move into a new and changing future?

2.Now as a group make a list of up to ten distinctive qualities or strengths—things you agree upon—things we want to keep and preserve, even as we change in the future?

3.Now create a metaphor to map or picture your insights into “the positive core” of the Federated Congregation. For example the distinctive strengths and special qualities might be pictured as a forest of redwood trees with deeply woven roots; or a DNA double helix; a solar system; as a tree of life….etc. create a graphic image (picture, drawing) Use the flip chart paper and color markers.

4.Be prepared for a 3-4 minute report. Reporter should be ready to share :

  • Your metaphor and picture of your analysis of the “positive core”—things we want to keep and preserve, even as we move into the changing future.
  • Explain why these are important and perhaps re-tell one of the actual stories (from the high point moments) that can illustrate this. Feel free to re-tell or share the story before or after sharing your metaphor.

Dreams and Visions-- Blue tables

Discerning God’s Call & Imagining the Future We Want

Purpose: Engaging in envisioning provides an opportunity to listen carefully to God’s call and the call of our times. It is an opportunity to push the creative edges, to do new things, and to wonder about our ministry’s greatest potentials both internally as a church and externally in our work in the world.

Self-manage: Assign discussion leader, timekeeper, recorder, and reporter. Blue tables will be responsible for report outs in large group on this area of dream and vision of the future.

  1. Drawing on question 4, let everyone share their visions of 2010:
  2. Let’s assume that tonight, after the meeting here, you/we go into a sound sleep and when we awaken it is seven years into the future—the year is now 2010. While we were asleep many great things happened-- and the Federated Church became something you would most like to see it—for yourself and friends, for children, for our community and for our world. Now you awaken. You go into the Federated Church of 2010 and you get a panoramic view. You are moved and proud in a heartfelt way. It’s the kind of Federated Church and community you most want to be part of—one that is living God’s call in fresh, vibrant, meaningful and powerful ways. So now, please share some highlights of what you see in this vision of 2010: what do you see happening that is vital and vibrant? What is happening that is new, different, or better—things that “bring to life” and action to our great potential?

2. As a group discuss common themes, visions, and unique or exciting new possibilities. Key elements of our image of the future include:

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

Now, imagine again it is 2010 and the Plain Dealer—because of Federated’s extraordinary vibrancy and capacity and ministry-- has made the Federated family and congregation its feature full page story.

  • What is the HEADLINE?
  • What does the story say about our congregation and ministry?

Reporter should be ready to share up to a 3 minute report.

Headline News



Design and Destiny-- Yellow tables

Planning for the Transition

Purpose: To make this transition period an effective and healthy one-- a time of opportunity and development-- for the Federated congregation, community, and ministry.

Self-manage: Assign discussion leader, timekeeper, recorder, and reporter. Yellow tables will focus on this and be responsible for report out in the large group session.


As a group please share—everyone has an opportunity to share—responses to the three elements of question 5 from the interview. These were:

A. Of all the things you have shared, what do you most want a future senior minister to know about our congregation—the Federated family?


  1. What, in your view are steps we - as people of this congregation - can do to make this transition healthy and successful?
  1. What is the smallest step we could each personally take that would have the biggest impact?
  2. What is a bolder or bigger step we can take as a Church community to make this transition healthy and successful?


C. Dave and Priscilla said in their letter:

“This is not easy because we love this place of grace and all of you”.

What, at this early phase of transition, messages would you most want to share with Dave and Priscilla—as it relates to how you feel them about them and… our relationship, and this moment of transition?


2. Reporters create a 3-4 minute report—a summary of common themes from A, B, and C above.

Table Colors and Numbers

1 / Red
2 / Green
3 / Blue
4 / Yellow
5 / Red
6 / Green
7 / Blue
8 / Yellow
9 / Red
10 / Green
11 / Blue
12 / Yellow
13 / Red
14 / Green
15 / Blue
16 / Yellow
17 / Red
18 / Green
19 / Blue
20 / Yellow
21 / Red
22 / Green
23 / Blue
24 / Yellow
25 / Red
26 / Green
27 / Blue
28 / Yellow
29 / Red
30 / Green
31 / Blue
32 / Yellow
33 / Red
34 / Green
35 / Blue
36 / Yellow
37 / Red
38 / Green
39 / Blue
40 / Yellow
41 / Red
42 / Green
43 / Blue
44 / Yellow


[1] For more on “AI” see Cooperrider, D. and Whitney, D. (1999) Appreciative Inquiry. Berrett-Kohler Communication, Inc. or see