Case study #3 – 45 year old male-Achilles Tendon

Type / Description / Reps / Frequency / Rest / Exercise Mechanics
Functional / Walking up stairs / n/a / n/a / As necessary / uses plantar flexion
Walking around pilons using lateral movement / n/a / n/a / As necessary / Use road lines, because of practical application,
Flexiblity 1
3 / Calf Stretch
/ Hold for 30 seconds / Twice a day / n/a / Gastrocnemius, Achilles tendon, plantar fascia
Cat Stretch
Position client on hands and knees, hands below shoulders, and knees below hips.
Flexion: Arch back up toward the ceiling, head facing down.
Extension: Drop back into extension, stomach pushed toward the floor, and head looking forward. / 3 repetitions in each position, hold for 20 seconds. / Once a day. / The transition from flexion to extension should be a slow, smooth cyclic motion. / Erector spinae (Iliocostalis, longissumus, spinalis)
Rectus abdominis
Foot Roll
- Place tennis ball under foot, along the plantar fascia
- Roll ball in circles under foot massaging the area / Roll 10 times clockwise and counter clockwise / Twice a day / n/a / Plantar fascia
3 / Plantar Flexion- wrap theraband around the bottom of foot
-hold end in each hand / -10 times and hold for 3 sec each time / 7 days a week, once a day / After 5 reps, rest for 30 sec. / -gastrocnemius
-flexor digitorum longus
-flexor hallicus longus
Dorsiflexion- wrap theraband around the bottom of the foot
-hold end in each hand / -10 times and hold for 3 sec each time / 7 days a week, once a day / After 5 reps, rest for 30 sec. / -peroneus
-extensor hallucis longus
-extensor digitorum longus
-tibilais anterior
Heel raises- stand tall, feet shoulder width apart
-can start just by raising to toes and then going back down
-progress to using a phonebook or edge of stair then raise and lower / -raise and lower 10 times
-slowly progressing to twenty when strong enough / 7 days a week, once a day / If tired after 5 rest for 30sec and then continue
-when doing 20 rest after 10reps / -gastrocnemius
Stability 1
3 / Isometric contraction
Inversion- put inside of foot against table leg and then push against it. Foot should not move. / -hold for 10 sec.
-do 5 times / 7 days a week, once a day / Rest a 5-10sec between each isometric contraction / -tibialis posterior
-tibialis anterior
Isometric contraction
Eversion- put outside of foot against table leg and then push against it. Foot should not move. / -hold for 10 sec.
-do 5 times / 7 days a week, once a day / Rest a 5-10sec between each isometric contraction / -fibularis brevis
-fibularis longus
Wobble Board
- Stand with both feet on board, shoulder distance
- Roll ankles in circles in a controlled motion
- May hold on to wall for support / Roll ankle 10 times clockwise and counter clockwise / Twice a day / n/a / Gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneus longus/brevis, tibialis anterior, plantar fascia
Type / Description / Reps / Frequency / Rest / Exercise Mechanics
Plyometric 1 Exercises
2 / Running between pylons in a zig-zag pattern – the athlete sprints as fast as possible through the zig-zagging obstacle course. / The athlete runs through the course one way and then back through it the opposite way. / Perform 3 sets on 2 days of the week. / Rest between each set for 2-3 minutes. / -fibularis brevis
-fibularis longus
Tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, semitendinosus, semimebranosus, biceps femoris,
Quadriceps group: rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, lateralis, & medialis.
Running through a rope ladder – a rope ladder is laid-out on the ground through which the individual must tap their feet as quickly as possible – one-by-one in each rung of the ladder / Same as above. / Perform 3 sets on 2 days of the week. / Rest between each set for 2-3 minutes. / fibularis brevis
-fibularis longus
Tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, semitendinosus, semimebranosus, biceps femoris,
Quadriceps group: rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, lateralis, & medialis.