Print this, write (not type) your answers here or on your own paper – turn it in for +5 on the test day…

Read the book, look at your notes, etc….


·  VOCAB > physiographic region, income gap, natural boundary, mestizo, NAFTA, maquiladora

·  3 Empires that existed in the region ‘pre-Columbus’ and location of each

·  Cultural commonalities w/in region

·  Effects of El Nino

·  Nations that conquered the region and areas/cultures taken over

·  Reasons to protect the rainforest

·  Geographic factor that most influences what can grow in the vertical climate zones (L.A.N.D)

·  Products that were traded between Europe, Africa and the Americas in the Triangle Trade

·  Geographic force behind the success of the Triangle Trade


·  Push and Pull ESPN factors of migration for Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Haiti

·  Immigration policies and dates regarding immigration from Asia and Lam to the US

·  Place where most legal US migrants are from

·  Advantages for illegal immigration for US


·  What is the major resource of Mexico for export?

·  Describe what is unique about NAFTA

·  Meaning of NAFTA

·  Reasons to like NAFTA in the US/Mexico

·  Who doesn’t like NAFTA/why?

·  Describe problems associated with Maquilas and Colonias

·  Main Maquilla cities along the border between Mexico and the US/Why are they located there?

·  Trade Alliance – how is NAFTA an example? What are other examples in the world?


·  Reason to build a canal here

·  Purpose of canal (ESPN)

·  Design of the present canal: how does it work?

·  Major obstacles today in modernization efforts (ESPN)

·  Diseases encountered


·  Define Columbian Exchange

·  Foods that diffused from the Americas and their significance for Africa, Europe, Asia

·  Significance of sugarcane to region (think ESPN)

·  Significance of the diffusion from the Old World of horses, iron tools, slaves for the Americas.

·  What is the irony of the diffusion of the potato from the Americas to Europe?

·  Why were spices sought by Europeans back in the ‘old days’?

·  Why/how did native populations die out after European contact (3)

·  Major impacts of Col. Exchange

·  Ways Africans changed Caribbean culture


·  # 1 region for growing cacao today.

·  Compare the rate of consumption of chocolate to production of cacao

·  Empire that took chocolate to Europe

·  What region consumes the most chocolate?

·  What is the irony of the West African cacao farmer?

·  Where are the new markets for consumption and why there?

·  Where did cacao originate and where is it grown now?

·  Why is cacao hard to grow?
