Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 191


Minutes of meeting held at St Mary’s Church Annexe, Vicars Terrace,

Allerton Bywater

Thursday 9th July2015 at 7pm.


Councillor S Murray (Chairman)

Councillor K Asprey

Councillor J Coe

Councillor G Vickers

Councillor L Tomlinson

Councillor J Trayer

Councillor M Townsend

Councillor M Weaver

1. Apologies for Absence

Councillor A Jabin (Work Commitments)

Councillor J Taylor

2. Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 11th June2015 (190)

Minutes of meeting 11th June 2015 (190), these were accepted as being a true record. Proposed by Councillor M Townsend, seconded by Councillor G Vickersand accepted by council.

3. Matters arising from these minutes

  • Undertaker Signage – It was noted that this has been reported to enforcement at Leeds City Council.
  • Cinder Lane Household Waste Site – Discussions still ongoing.
  • Lawnmower – This has now been delivered and is in use.
  • Snicket (Doctors Lane) – Leeds City Council have now cleared the area.
  • Disused building site (Vicars Terrace) – As it could be up to two years before building work commences it was noted that work should be done to tidy up the area as soon as possible.
  • St Mary’s Church Donation – Councillor L Tomlinson to chase up the engineer with regards to the bulb replacement and emergency lights.
  • Dog Fouling – Councillors K Asprey and M Weaver attended a Ward Councillors meeting and it was agreed that Leeds City Council would look at the suggestions put forward.
  • Modification Order Application – Clerk has received notification that this has now been withdrawn.

4. Declaration of disclosable pecuniary and other interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members' Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members' Code of Conduct.

5. Finance Report

i. Balance to date

Petty Cash £ 13.75

Current account £ 52813.87

Miners Memorial a/c £ 3356.57

14 day account£ .31

Total£ 56184.50

ii. Reconciliation of accounts

Completed by Councillor K Asprey.

iii. Audit of stamp book and petty cash

Completed by Councillor K Asprey.

iv. Consider any requests for donations and approval

No requests received

v.Payments for approval

All payments for approval were approved by Councillorsas per attached list.

vi. Budget Update

Completed by Councillor K Asprey, a slight overspend was noted but nothing to be concerned about.

vii. Parish Council Insurance

The small fleet motor (tractor) insurance renewal was unanimously agreed.

7. Reports from:

Council Surgery

Councillor K Asprey advised that two residents had reported damage to cars parked in Highfield Grove caused by the number of vehicles parking in the area.

Drop kerbs have been requested to ease parking problems and Councillor James Lewis agreed to look into this on behalf of the residents.

A complaint was also received regarding an overgrown hedge on Station Road and it was noted that this has now been cut back.


No Update

Planning Sub Group

No Update

Allerton in Bloom

Councillor K Asprey gave a budget update for Allerton in Bloom.

It was noted that £100.00 sponsorship was still to be collected for the planter at the end of Blands from Allison Building Supplies (Paul Crossland).

Councillor G Vickers advised that she was speaking to the school in order to talk to the children as part of the Village in Bloom judging process.

7. Planning applications/planning matters

1. 15/03788/FU Single storey rear extension, attached garage and store to side/rear at 11 Darby Way, Allerton Bywater. No Objections

8. To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting

Not Minuted.

9. Walkways, Recreation and Small Schemes within village

Councillor K Asprey advised that Path 24 (Boat Public House to Castleford) had been cleared and widened by the Parish Council contractor and that the contractors invoice had been sent to Leeds City Council as per the terms of the agreement.

10. Police Matters

No Update

11. Highway Matters

Councillor K Asprey advised that at a Leeds City Council meeting at Temple Newsam House it was advised that money had been allocated for litter bins in the ward so he had contacted them and advised that Allerton Bywater is short of three litter bins due to damage and theft.

It is hoped that the Parish Council will be able to obtain two new litter bins from Leeds City Council and also agreed to purchase a third bin and it was agreed that these would be sited on Leeds Road opposite the Edward Club, Park Lane at the entrance to the Lines and Blands play area bus stop.

12. Correspondence

Councillor K Asprey read out an email received from John Bleakley – Flood Risk Management Group Engineer and advised that he had sent a reply expressing concern that the issue of flooding needs to be treated with more urgency to avoid another flooding problem this year and questioning the situation with the underground pipework.

13. Matters for discussion

It was noted that Leeds City Council no longer carry out routine maintenance of the gullies and will only clear them if they are reported to them.

It was reported that a number of complaints had been received from the Millennium Community Development regarding Keepmoat breaking planning conditions and that this is now being monitored by Leeds City Council.

A question was raised regarding fencing that has been removed near the old railway bridge on Park Lane by Keepmoat this is to be monitored.

Councillor L Tomlinson advised that she had received the prospectiveof benefice last week and spoke about the implications of this.

14. Date of Next Meeting – 13th August 2015 at 7pm

Signature………………………………………………….. Date……………………….