De merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser Januar 2016

Casebaseret eksamen


Fag: Engelsk

Niveau C


All information needed for this case is available at:


Task 1 Company presentation of JYSK

Task 2 Introduction of the dress code policy at Jysk

Task 3 Introduce the campaign: “Stand Up To Cancer” for the JYSK management

Task 4 Advertisement

Task 5 An application

Task 6 Individual project


JYSK is an international retail chain that sells 'everything for the home'. The chain is owned by the founder Lars Larsen, who throughout Denmark is known as the country's leading merchant who always has a 'good deal'.

In 1979 Lars Larsen opened his first store in Aarhus. The merchant - as Lars Larsen is called - has always had big ambitions, but had not imagined how quickly the company would grow. With success, he opened several stores across the country under the name 'JYSK Sengetøjslager' which stores were called until 2001. In 1984 he opened his first store outside the country - in Germany.

Today JYSK is represented with over 2,200 stores in the following 37 countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Iceland, Canada, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Romania, France, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, China, Serbia, Armenia, Indonesia and Montenegro.

The group's annual turnover is 20.7 billion. Growth is stable and controlled, and its staff of nearly 19,000 people.

The word 'JYSK' has always been part of the company name. 'JYSK' is often associated with austerity, diligence and honesty - three values ​​that Larsen himself has always identified with. JYSK stands for reliability, and a deal is a deal.

Task 1 Company presentation of JYSK

Five students from a business college in London are visiting the local business college

in your city. The students’ teacher has arranged a visit to JYSK. Your manager has

booked a conference room and has asked you to present JYSK for the students and their


What to do:

·  Please make a presentation of JYSK in which you work. You are to make a PowerPoint presentation in English that tells about JYSK, their history, their concept, vision, education, communication, working conditions etc.

You can find inspiration for your presentation here:

At the exam:

Show your presentation to your teacher and censor as if you are standing in front of a class at Rybners Business School and be prepared to answer questions from the pupils..!!

Task 2 Introduction of the dress code policy at Jysk

Read the articles below “Thugs and druggies – what interviewers think when they see a

tattoo”, and be prepared to discuss, whether the dress code policy at Jysk is consistent with

the attitude towards tattoo’s in England, and whether today’s youth has the same attitude

as the people in the article?


At the exam:

Give a short resume of the article, and then be prepared to discuss the issues of the article.

Task 3 Introduce the campaign: “Stand Up To Cancer” for the JYSK management

Through your job as a sales trainee at JYSK in Esbjerg, you know that JYSK is going to open a new store in London. You participated in the Danish version of the Stand up for Cancer campaign last year (Knæk Cancer kampagnen), and believe that a similar campaign in England would be a good opportunity to introduce JYSK as a company on the English market and London in particular. Therefore you decide to contact the main office in Aarhus in order to present your idea. Before your meeting in Aarhus you should prepare the following:

·  Make a short presentation of a Stand Up To Cancer campaign. Explain what it is.

·  Then present your own idea for an event that you believe will create successful media coverage in England. Choose an international celebrity for your event.

·  You also need to consider how JYSK will benefit from such an event.

·  Consider the cultural differences between the Danish and the British people.

·  Furthermore, you need to be prepared to discuss why companies choose to support organizations as the Danish or British cancer campaigns.

Furthermore, you need to be prepared to discuss why companies choose to support organizations as the Danish or British cancer campaigns.

At the exam:

Show your presentation and considerations in a Power Point to your teacher and censor.

Task 4 Advertisement

JYSK is going to arrange an open house event on Sunday 30 October this year in the store in Esbjerg. In that connection you have been asked to make a poster to advertise the event. The poster is to be printed in a newspaper.

What to do:

You have been asked to prepare a poster that advertises the above event. The poster should include the following information.

·  JYSK logo

·  The name of the event

·  Date and time

·  Pictures

At the exam:

Present your poster using a PowerPoint and analyse it using the AIDA model.

Task 5 An application

You have come to the end of your trainee programme in JYSK and you quite like it in the UK. You decide that you want to “stick around” and write an application for a sales job in a JYSK store in London.

Your application must include:

·  A short presentation of you.

·  Your motivation for applying.

·  What JYSK London can do for your career?

·  A short review of your accomplishments as a trainee in JYSK.

At the exam:

·  Present your application

·  Be ready to discuss job applications and job interviews with your teacher and censor.

Task 6: Your individual project

You have told your manager that when you were studying at business school, you made an individual project. He is very interested in hearing about your project. Therefore you have agreed to present it to him.

What to do:

·  Please make a presentation of your individual project. Be prepared to answer questions.

At the exam:

To present your individual project you may use a PowerPoint presentation.

Side 4