SLUH Lacrosse Club Information 2016 Season
Mission Statement
The St. Louis University High School Lacrosse Club is dedicated to organizing, developing, and promoting the sport of lacrosse within the St. Louis University High School community. The Club is dedicated to developing the Jesuit values of sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play, character, leadership and scholastic achievement while fielding competitive lacrosse teams and preparing scholar athletes to achieve their full future potential.
The Club
SLUH Lacrosse is governed and financed by its members and St. Louis University High School. There is a governing Board composed of six elected officers, a faculty moderator and a coach’s representative. The Board meets through the school year and conducts the business of the Club in adherence with the Club’s by-laws. Operational expenses include (but are not limited to): Coaching staff and their expenses, Referee fees, Field maintenance, MSLA dues, Tournament & league fees, and Team equipment & uniforms.
Team Website
Our website is the main communication tool of the program and we ask players/parents to check it often during the off season and daily during the season for timely information on the program.
- There are 3 teams: Varsity, Junior Varsity, & Freshmen.
- Team placement is based on skill level and ability, and is entirely up to the coaches’ discretion. While it is extremely encouraging to see the strong numbers of players at SLUH, there also comes the reality of a selection process. With well over 100 kids interested in the program it will be necessary for the coaches to select the best kids to make up the teams.
- Freshmen may try-out for Varsity and Junior Varsity.
- The coaches are solely responsible for determining playing time and direction of play. Starting positions and playing time are not guaranteed to anyone.
- Varsity and JV practice on the SLUH football field while Freshmen practice on the Compton-Drew middle school field behind SLUH.
- Varsity practices begin at 4:30pm and JV & Freshmen practices begin at 3:30pm
- Try-outs/practices are mandatory and begin Februaryxx, 2016 for Varsity(work day), February xx, 2016 for JV & Freshmen.
- Varsity will play around ~18 games, JV will play ~15 games and Freshmen ~12 games. This does not include tournament or play-off games.
- It is the player’s responsibility to have transportation to and from games and practices.Driving directions to all away games will be provided on the website.
- There will be games and practices during Spring Break 2015 – absences will be considered unexcused. The exact dates of practices & games over the break will not be known until the league schedule is completed. We will get you that information as soon as it is available.
- If a player has to miss a practice or game it is imperative that the player let the coach know as far in advance as possible.
- Any player who misses any practice or game during the lacrosse season for an unexcused absence will be subject to extra conditioning during/after practice, and/or decreased playing time in games, and/or dismissal from the team. Please reference the SLUH Lacrosse Player expectation sheet.
Player Eligibility
•Students must be currently enrolled in SLUH and comply with SLUH Academic Probation and Eligibility to be eligible to play
Parent Involvement
- All parents are EXPECTED to participate in one or more committees
- All parents must readand comply with the SLUH Lacrosse Club Parent Expectation Form
- Dues will be announced at September xxth parent meeting.
- Freshmen will pay an extra $xx for a new SLUH customized equipment bag to use for all 4 years
- Varsity will pay an extra $xx for Team Fee to cover travel and other team costs
Dues Covers:
League fees, Tournament fees (Jamboree for Varsity, SLUH & Parkway Central Tournament for JV, CBC & Vianney Tournament for Freshmen), Coach Salaries, Field Equipment/Maintenance, Referee Costs, Team Equipment and Supplies, Trainer at Games.
- Varsity Uniforms
- Player needs to return at end of season:
- Home & Away game jerseys and Home & Away game shorts, practice jersey
- Player keeps:
- Practice shorts, sweatpants, shooting shirt
- JV Uniforms
- Player needs to return at end of season:
- Home & Away game jerseys and Home & Away game shorts, practice jersey
- Player keeps:
- Practice shorts, shooting shirt
- Freshmen Uniforms
- Player needs to return at end of season:
- Home & Away game jerseysand Home & Away game shorts, practice jersey
- Player keeps:
- Game shorts, shooting shirt, and customized equipment bag
- Dues and registration forms are due on or before December 1, 2015 to
SLUH Lacrosse
c/o Jorie O’Malley
522 Oaks Ct
St. Louis, MO 63119
- There will be a $25 late fee for any dues received after that date.
- No boy should be discouraged from playing due to the cost. Please contact Mike Flood, Treasurer at 314-644-4114to request financial assistance from the Club if needed.
- Any senior who is cut from Varsity will receive a complete refund of their dues as they can not play JV per MSLA rules.
- Any player who is unable to play due to injury/illness occurring after practices will begin will not receive any refund of dues.
- Any player dismissed from the program will not receive a refund of dues.