Rother District Council Agenda Item:
Committee - Planning
Date - 04 November 2004
Report of the - Director of Services
Subject - Appeals
Recommendation: It be RESOLVED that the report of the Director of Services’ be noted.
This report supports the Key Aim of Protecting and Enhancing the Built and Natural Environment.
(A) Appeals Allowed (Summary of decision)
RR/2003/2551/P Erection of 2 new dwellings. Levetts Lane, Bodiam – Rother Homes
The main issues were the effect on road safety and the free flow of traffic in Levetts Lane. The carriageway width was about 5 metres, wide enough for a larger vehicle to pass a parked car. It was considered that given the amount of on and off road parking space available there would not be any lack of kerbside space or any undue congestion resulting from the use of it. It was noted that space for 5 parked cars, in addition to parking for the proposed dwellings, would be provided at the western end of the site. Conditions were imposed.
RR/2003/2561/P Erection of one 3 bedroomed dwelling and two 1 bedroomed flats. 15 Coronation Gardens, Hurst Green – Rother Homes
The main issues were: the effect on the provision of amenity open space; and, the effect on the living conditions of the occupiers of Coronation Gardens of the reduction in off-street parking/garaging provision. It was considered the value of site as an incidental amenity area to be limited. Any benefit of retaining it did not outweigh its potential use for additional housing. The proposed building was well designed and, with some modest landscaping on the frontage, would be reasonable compensation for the loss of the small open space. It was concluded that the loss of 6 garages resulting from the development would not give rise to any significant problems for the living conditions of the residents of the estate through a lack of off-road parking provision leading to undue congestion. Conditions were imposed.
RR/2003/3300/P Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 7 cottages with garages, parking, landscaping and associated works including alterations to an existing access. Former Royal Oak, Main Road, Beckley – Central & Provincial Ltd.
The main issue was the effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding area located within the AONB. It was considered that the proposal was an attractive and well thought out scheme. The dwellings were of a scale and style that would fit in well with the general pattern of development in other parts of Beckley and their traditional and restrained design compared favourably with the quality of their closest neighbours. The appeal proposal was considered an attractive and well thought out scheme. The proposed dwellings were of a scale and style that would fit in well with the general pattern of development in other parts of Beckley and their traditional and restrained design compared favourably with the quality of their closest neighbours. These are, in the main, individual houses built in the mid-twentieth century without any particular cohesive form or traditional rural character. They are detached or semi-detached houses that could easily be found in a sub-urban situation as on the outskirts of a village. The appeal scheme was more typical of cottages found in rural areas and would retain the majority of the open green to the front of the site whilst still retaining a building facing east down Main Street to provide a focal at this prominent junction.
(B) Appeals Dismissed (Summary of decision)
RR/2003/2773/P Erection of fence (retrospective application). 10 Carfax Close, Bexhill – Jane Cowley
The main issue was the effect of the fence on the character and appearance of the area. The appellant desired some degree of privacy at the rear and side of her property. However, it was considered that a 2 metre high screen fence was not the appropriate means to achieve it, when the rear of the property was so prominently displayed on the street scene. The fence was considered to be obtrusive and detrimental to the appearance and character of the locality.
RR/2003/2166/P Use of the surplus highway as an overflow car park including formation of new vehicular access. Ellerslie Lane and Turkey Road – junction of, Bexhill – Highwoods Golf Club Ltd
The main issues were: the effect on the character and appearance of the area; and, the effect on the living conditions of neighbouring residential occupiers by reason of obstruction to outlook and noise and disturbance. It was considered that the site, which forms part of a broadly triangular area of open grass, was a significant asset, providing something of a spacious “village green” character, a distinct gain over a rather dull road junction dominated by standard sightlines. The planting of a new beech hedge around the appeal site, would in time, have placed a visual barrier between the appeal site and its present surroundings and screened the parked cars. It was considered that to isolate this large portion of the existing open area from its surroundings would undermine the cohesive character of the area as a whole. It was considered that the proposal would not be detrimental to the living conditions of the neighbouring residential occupiers.
(C) Appeals Lodged
RR/2004/1672/P Lower and widen step to Castle Street door and erection of handrails, installation of external light. Erection of awning over shop window on High Street. 9 High Street -Winchelsea Little Shop & Winchelsea Community Office – Castle Street, Winchelsea – Winchelsea Little Shop Association Ltd
RR/2004/1674/L Lower and widen step to Castle Street door and erection of handrails, installation of external light. Erection of awning over shop window on High Street. 9 High Street -Winchelsea Little Shop & Winchelsea Community Office – Castle Street, Winchelsea – Winchelsea Little Shop Association Ltd
RR/2004/1330/P Erection of primary health care facilities with pharmacy and 29 no. sheltered apartments with guest suite and communal facilities together with lower ground floor parking including formation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses. Grand Hotel – site of, Sea Road, Bexhill – General Practice Investment
RR/2004/2414/P Revised plans for demolition of garage, erection of pair of semi-detached houses with access drive to double garage and parking. Somerton, St Mary’s Lane, Ticehurst – Traditional Homes (Sussex) Ltd
RR/2004/1603/P Demolition of garage, construction of access road and new vehicular access, erection of 2 maisonettes, 4 houses and 1 double garage and provision of eight parking spaces. Somerton, St Mary’s Lane, Ticehurst – Traditional Homes (Sussex) Ltd
RR/2004/1121/P Outline: Erection of a new dwelling and garage with new vehicular and pedestrian access. 252 Turkey Road – site adjoining, Bexhill – Mr S Cottam
RR/2004/1516/P Removal of agricultural occupancy condition 2 imposed on A/65/182 and condition 1 imposed on A/66/813. Hobby Hobbs Farm, Staplecross, Ewhurst – Mr & Mrs Ferguson
RR/2004/1618/P Revised plans for change of use and conversion of redundant agricultural building into holiday accommodation. Almonry Farm – former milking parlour, North Trade Road, Battle – Mr & Mrs R Soan
RR/2004/1657/P Outline: Erection of chalet bungalow. 137 De La Warr Road – rear of, Bexhill – Mr D Symes
RR/2004/1631/P Outline: Demolition of existing barn and sheds and erection of single house and garage with new vehicular and pedestrian access. Village Hall – land in front of, Pett Road, Pett – Mr & Mrs Cross
RR/2004/933/P Partial demolition of public house, alterations to and part conversion and change of use of public house to provide semi detached dwelling and development of adjoining site to provide 3 terraced houses, 2 semi detached houses and 1 detached house with garages and alteration to existing. The George Inn, High Street, Robertsbridge, Salehurst – Robertsbridge Trading Ltd
RR/2004/1700/P Construction of arbour and bridge to access island in centre of pond (retrospective application). Red Pale, Farthing Lane, Bodle Street Green, Ashburnham – Mrs S Roberts
RR/2004/1315/P Erection of lean-to extension and door canopy additions to agricultural building (retrospective application). Roughfield Far, London Road, Hurst Green – Mrs S McConnochie
RR/2004/1455/P Outline: Erection of two storey block containing two 2 bedroom apartments and two 1 bedroom apartments with alteration to an existing access. 15 Barnhorn Road, Bexhill – Mr V Lake
RR/2004/1500/P Revised plans for erection of a 2 bedroom oak-framed barn style house within grounds of existing property including alteration to an existing access. 6A Wealden Way, Bexhill – Mrs P D Gearing
RR/2004/1446/P Change of use of land from agricultural to residential childs play area. Westhome, Willingford Lane, Burwash – Mr S Moody
RR/2004/2316/P Redevelopment of site to provide 16 dwellings with construction of new road, alterations to an existing access, formation of 13 garages and 14 parking spaces. Former Council Depot, St Mary’s Lane, Ticehurst – Millwood Designer Homes Kent Ltd
RR/2004/2147/P Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 7 new dwellings. Cartref, The Street, Sedlescombe – Oakley New Homes
(D) Forthcoming Hearings
Tuesday 16 November 2004 at 10:00 am at the Town Hall, Bexhill
RR/2002/604/P Change of use & conversion of former oast and cooling room to dwelling with holiday let cottage / annexe. Snaylham Farm, Broad Street, Icklesham – Mr & Mrs Longly
Tuesday 23 November 2004 at 10:00 am at the Town Hall, Bexhill
RR/2004/31/P Relocation of animal shelter and feed store and brick paved access drive (retrospective application). Rockhouse Bank Farm, Normans Bay, Bexhill - Mr P Snowball
ENF/BEX/2003/618 Erection of a building and paved drive. Rockhouse Bank Farm, Normans Bay, Bexhill – Mr P Snowball and Mrs J Snowball
Wednesday 24 November 2004 at 10:00 am at the Town Hall, Bexhill
RR/2003/2835/P Use of land for paintball games and use of existing field shelter as base camp. Adams Fruit Farm, Ivyhouse Lane, Guestling – Mr B C Adams
Tuesday 7 December 2004 at 10:00 am at the Town Hall, Bexhill
RR/2003/3236/P Erection of first floor extension, removal of UPVC windows and doors and replace with timber. Conservatory rebuilt in timber and glass. 41 North Trade Road, Almonry Oast House, Battle – Mr & Mrs R Soan
RR/2004/1615/P Revised plans for erection of first floor extension, removal of UPVC windows and doors and replace with timber, demolition of existing conservatory. 41 North Trade Road, Almonry Oast House, Battle – Mr & Mrs R Soan
RR/2004/1618/P Revised plans for change of use and conversion of redundant agricultural building into holiday accommodation. Almonry Farm – former milking parlour, North Trade Road, Battle – Mr & Mrs R Soan
(E) Forthcoming Inquiries
Tuesday 9 November 2004 at 10:00 am at Pebsham Community Centre, Seabourne Road, Bexhill
RR/2003/1731/P Removal of condition 2 imposed on RR/2001/1/P to allow continued use on a permanent basis of former agricultural buildings for Class B1 use. Pebsham Farm, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill – Mr M Worssam
RR/2003/2969/P Continued use of the former agricultural buildings for Class B1 purposes for a further two year period. Pebsham Farm, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill – Mr M Worssam
RR/2004/0943/P Use of former agricultural buildings, occupied as Class B1 units for a temporary period under consent RR/2001/1/P, for continued use for Class B1 purposes. Pebsham Farm, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill – Mr M Worssam
Anthony Leonard
Director of Services