Edition: August 2010Specification: Part R61 Installation and Integration of ITS Equipment
- General
- Quality Requirements
- Electrical and Telecommunications Requirements
- System Integration
- Installation Requirements
- Site Maintenance Access
- Testing and Commissioning
- Design of Support Structures
- Fabrication and Installation of Support Structures
- Hold Points
- Verification Requirements and Records
Attachment R61A:ITS Equipment Numbering
This Part specifies the requirements for the installation and integration ofEquipment for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). It must be read in conjunction with the following Parts, as applicable to this Contract:
(a)PartR60:Supply of ITS Equipment
(b)PartR62:Mains Power
(c)PartR63:Telecommunications Network
(d)PartR64:Electrical Switchboards
(e)PartR65:ITS Enclosures
(f)PartR66:Variable and Changeable Message Signs;
(g)PartR67:Imaging Equipment;
(h)PartR68:Field Processors;
(i)PartR69:Vehicle Detection Systems;
(j)PartR70:Telecommunications Cabling; and
(k)PartR71:Help Telephones.
Documents referenced in this Part are listed below:
AS 1100 / Technical DrawingAS 1170.2 / Wind Loads
AS 1428 / Design for Access and Mobility
AS 1657 / Fixed platforms, walkways,stairways and ladders — Design,construction and installation
AS 174.2 / Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices - Traffic Control Devices for General Use
AS1742.15 / Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices - Direction Signs, Information Signs and Route Numbering
AS 2312 / Guide to the Protection of Structural Steel against Corrosion by the use of Protective Coatings
AS2700 / Colour Standards for General Purposes
AS3000 / Electrical Installations
AS 3008 / Electrical installations - Selection of cables - Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV - Typical Australian installation conditions
AS 5100 / Bridge Design
AS 9001 / Quality Management Systems – Requirements
The following abbreviations may be used in this Contract:
BASS / Blankable Advisory Speed Signs (advisory speed signs that have the display blanked out if the prevailing speed limit is lower than the advisory speed for a given location)CMS / Changeable Message Signs (signs which may display preselected messages)
VMS / Variable Message Signs (signs which may display any message)
VSLS / Variable Speed Limit Signs (regulatory signs capable of displaying a range of predetermined speed limits for a section of road)
FP / Field Processor
TMSO / Traffic Management System Outstation
DSL / Digital Subscriber Line
TMC / DPTITraffic Management Centre
RF / Radio Frequency
PSTN / Public Switched Telephone Network
SIAT / System Integration Acceptance Test
SAT / Site Acceptance Test
FAT / Factory Acceptance Test
ELV / Extra-low voltage: Not exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c.*
LV / Low voltage: Exceeding extra-low voltage, but not exceeding1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c.*
HV / High voltage: Exceeding low voltage.*
* From AS3000
Refer to PartR60 for definitions.
Where the Contractor is responsible for determining any location, layout or site selection for any of the Equipment, the Contractor must provide fully detailed location / layout documentation. Where appropriate, the documentation must show general layout, reduced levels, Equipment position, coordinates or offsets, speed zones, conduit and pit locations, mounting structure positionsand any protective barriers. If appropriate, details of Equipment brackets and support connections must also be provided. Any drawings provided pursuant to this clause must be prepared in accordance with the Principal’s drafting standards and guidelines, available from:
If not submitted beforehand, the documentation required by this Clause must be submitted at least 28days prior to the commencement of site work.
Provision of this documentation shall constitute aHOLD POINT.
All installations must be in accordance with PartR62 “Mains Power”and AS 3000.
Work on any part of the system must only be carried out by a person who is suitably qualified and licensed.Prior to the commencement of this work, the Contractor must provide evidence of the appropriate licence(s).
Provision of this evidenceshall constitute aHOLD POINT.
3.2Cables, Conduits and Pits
Conduits and Pits must comply with PartR53 "Installation of Conduits and Pits". Electrical cables must comply with AS 3008and telecommunications cables must comply with PartR70 “Telecommunications Cabling”.
Unless specified otherwise, the Contractor must install all conduits, pits and cables necessary for the provision of communications and power to the Equipment. The location of conduits and pits shown on Drawings may be approximate only. Prior to installation, the Contractor clearly mark the proposed position of conduits and pits(including sizes and types) on the surface.Following the marking out and prior to the commencement of excavation, a HOLD POINTmust apply.
A pit must be installed adjacent to each item of Equipment. Outstations must have separate power and communications pits. Single devices may share a common power and communications pit providing segregation requirements are met.
Subject to obtaining prior written approval, the Contractor may install conduits directly between adjacent Equipment sites if the Equipment sites are separated by less than the distance from the equipment to the backbone; for example, a CCTV camera located adjacent to an outstation.
All cables must be continuous and without joints except at termination points or where the cable size is required to be reduced. Joints must be accessible and not located within conduits. The Contractor must:
(a)check conduits for damage and presence of foreign material;
(b)clean the conduits as required before drawing cables through them;
(c)not place excessive strain on any individual core, individual cable or cables during the drawing in process;
(d)replace any cable damaged during installation;
(e)label all cables and terminations with permanent markings, which must not be hand written; and
(f)maintain adequate segregation between LV, ELV and data cables.
(g)Leave adequate spare cable in loops in pits, to enable cost efficient and timely repair in the event that the cable is damaged or severed.
The Contractor must supply and install a submersible line fuse holder in anelectrical service pit located between the service point and the outstation/distribution board. The electrical service pit must be located as near as practicable to the service point.
The Contractor must provide an earth stake in a pit adjacent to each Outstation and distribution board. The earth stakemust protrude into the service pit by a minimum of 150mm. Where specified, earth stakes in pits must also be provided adjacent to other Equipment. Copper clad, copper plated earth stakes or solid copper strips must be used as a minimum.
Where Equipment is powered sequentially, each Outstation/switchboard must:
(a)be protected by a fuse/circuit breaker; and
(b)contain a sub main fuse/circuit breaker. Where possible, these fuses/circuit breakers must be ‘cascaded’ in rating such that a fault in a submain will only result in the fusing/tripping of the sub main fuse/circuit breaker.
The design of the power reticulation to each device must include a method of protection and/or isolation so that;
(a)in the event of a device being damaged or suffering an internal or cabling fault which activates (ie blows) a supply fuse, that the fuse blown only removes power to that device, and not others; and.
(b)In the event that a device needs to be isolated, the supply for that device can be easily and safely isolated at the device, and also at the pit from which the device is powered
Acceptable methods of achieving the above are the installation of a fuse/circuit breaker at the device, and also installation of an inline submersible fuse installed in the pit from which the power supply for that device is derived.
3.4Wireless Communications
If wireless technology has been specified to avoid the need for conduits and pits, the wireless communications and communications Equipmentmust comply with the applicable Australian and ACMA Standards.
Wireless communications to devicesmust be from the closest TMSO. Communications interface Equipment and antennae must be installed at the TMSO to facilitate communications between the TMSO processor and the device. Wireless communications must not be affected by normal maintenance activities. Antennas must not be co-located on see saw poles with other equipment.
Corresponding communications interface Equipmentmust be installed at the devicesite. This Equipmentmust be suitably interfaced to the devicecontroller.
This Clause only applies where STREAMS compatibility[D1] is specified.
4.1STREAMS Compatibility
The Contractor must provide evidence of STREAMS compatibility, which may include having satisfactorily passed STREAMS acceptance testing (SAT). If the Contractor proposes to use Equipment not already defined as STREAMS compatible, the Contractor must arrange for STREAMS compatibility to be proven.
Evidence of STREAMS compatibility shall constitute aHOLD POINT.
Each item of Equipment and/or associated system must allow automatic operation via STREAMS and local manual operation independent of STREAMS. Unless otherwise specified, communication with STREAMS must be by one of the following means (in the following order of preference):
(a)Direct Ethernet or serial connection to a Field Processor (FP);
(b)Remote Ethernet or serial (for example, using a serial/fibre media converter) connection to an FP located elsewhere and / or workstation on the Principal’s Telecommunications Network.; or
(c)connection to the Principal’s TMC.
4.3Messaging Requirements
Equipment that primarily provides data to STREAMS, for example vehicle detectors, must provide event-driven messages to minimise or avoid polling between the Equipment and Field Processor/ STREAMS. Equipment that requires frequent polling must communicate at a sufficient data rate for all the available data to be exchanged within a 2 second interval.
Event-driven messages must contain a time stamp marking the time the event occurred. Where communications from Equipment are mostly event-driven, a heartbeat (or status) message must be emitted by the Equipment at least every minute.
Prior to installation, the Contractor must ensure that all records demonstrating compliance with PartR60 “Supply of ITS Equipment” and other relevant Parts for the supply of the Equipment have been provided.
Provision of this documentation shall constitute aHOLD POINT.
5.2Location and Layout
The general layout and installation of the Equipment must:
(a)comply with the requirements of Clause 6 “Site Maintenance Access”;
(b)be designed and installed to provide rapid, easy and safe access for maintenance purposes; and
(c)minimise, and wherever practicable eliminate, the need for traffic control during maintenance activities.
Where the Equipment has components located on opposite sides of the carriageway, any physical connection must be immune to any future road widening envisaged in the Contract.
Unless otherwise specified, where Equipment is mounted above the carriageway, the vertical clearance from the bottom of the support structure and/or the Equipment enclosure to the road surface must be a minimum 6.0 metres.
5.3Wiring Enclosures
Each ITS device site must be provided with conduit infrastructure necessary for the complete operation of the device. Conduit infrastructure includes cable access from the backbone conduit network to the ITS field cabinet and/or field device. Cable infrastructure must be installed in accordance with PartR70 “Telecommunications Cabling”. After installation of cables, the associated conduits and/or glands must be sealed to prevent vermin entry.
Cables for pole mounted devices must connect to the device by entering the pole underground at its base, and exiting the pole either directly into the device enclosure (eg directly into a pole mounted equipment box), or exiting to the device at a height which prevents access to the conduit while standing at ground level.
5.4Equipment Enclosures
Ground mounted Equipment enclosures must be installed on a concrete plinth. The gap between the plinth and enclosure must be vermin-proof and prevent corrosion of the enclosure or its fixings. Enclosures must be installed such that when all doors are fixed in the open position, visibility of the approaching traffic flow is maximised for maintenance personnel working in the enclosure. The plinth must be large enough to allow for service personnel to walk on the plinth around the device while all doors and access areas are open.
Equipment enclosures must be positioned to minimise direct solar radiation and must not be painted a dark colour.
5.5Vehicle Barriers
Where road-side barrier treatments exist or are required adjacent to the Equipment site, the barriersmust be in accordance with AS3845. Where vehicle barriers are to be provided on a road which is trafficked at the time of installation, the barriers (or temporary barriers) must be installed prior to commencing civil works for the Equipment mounting foundations.
6.1Vehicular Access
Permanent vehicle access points must be provided within 50m of each Equipment site to allow maintenance vehicles to enter and exit the Equipment site from the carriageway safely. The design of access points must:
(a)discourage unauthorised vehicles from accessing the site unless the site also contains a help phone or other public facility;
(b)allow a safe distance for indication and deceleration of a maintenance vehicle in order to safely enter the site, and a safe distance and adequate clear vision of the road to accelerate and merge onto the road when leaving the site;
(c)provide protection to the service vehicle and staff, eg via allowing the vehicle to park a safe distance from the road, or via a safety barrier;
(d)ensure maintenance vehicles can enter and park in the site without protruding into trafficable carriageway lanes (including emergency lanes); and
(e)not require traffic control during maintenance works.
The Contractor must provide a suitable set-up area for the maintenance vehicle which:
(a)is close enough for safe operation of maintenance activities;
(b)allows the vehicle to be parked within 3m of the Equipment;
(c)has the entrance / exit, access track and set-up area suitable for all-weather access for a maintenance vehicle pertinent to the maintenance activity, ie bitumen or concreted with adequate drainage;
(d)is laid out so that the maintenance van has sufficient parking space so that it does not park over any pits in the set-up area when parked adjacent to the equipment; and
(e)has any pits in the set-up area constructed to be trafficable (ie designed to be safety driven over by a maintenance vehicle without damage) and not installed in a manner which allows water to pool on or near the pit.
6.2Non-Vehicular Access
This Sub-clause applies where vehicular access is not practicable.
Permanent personnel access points from the carriageway to the Equipment site must be provided within 5m of each item of Equipment. Access points must:
(a)be arranged to prevent vehicles from entering the site;
(b)be secured to prevent unauthorised access; and
(c)avoid the need for traffic control during maintenance works.
A parking area suitable for maintenance vehicles must be provided immediately adjacent to the access point. The parking area must:
(a)allow personnel to alight from both sides of the vehicle concurrently and access the site without entering trafficable carriageway lanes (including emergency lanes); and
(b)provide a minimum sight-distance of upstream carriageway (from within the vehicle) equal to the distance required to allow the vehicle to accelerate to 80% of the carriageway’s design speed.
(c)be laid out so that the maintenance van has sufficient parking space so that it does not park over any pits in the parking area
6.3Maintenance Area for Equipment Sites
An access path must be provided to each Equipment site for the movement of maintenance personnel between the carriageway access point and the Equipment. The access path and the area around the Equipment site must:
(a)be evenly graded so as not to exceed 1:3 gradient;
(b)suitable for safe, all-weather access;and
(c)be fitted with safety barriers around the site if working on or near the site would be hazardous without the barriers.
Concrete steps may be provided to optimise path alignment. Where steps are provided, these must be in accordance with the relevant standards and codes. A minimum 100mm thick, rectangular concrete pad must be provided for a minimum 1200mm width around all Equipment enclosures and/or mounting plinths at the site. The access path and the area around the Equipment site must be free of tripping and falling hazards.
The Contractor must verify compliance with the requirements of the Contract by performing:
(a)factory acceptance testing of individual items of equipment and of system integration (FAT);
(b)site acceptance tests (SAT); and
(c)system integration acceptance tests (SIAT).
The Contractor must identify and provide all Equipment, materials and other works necessary to perform the tests. Any damage incurred as a result of undertaking tests must be rectified by the Contractor. Where the manufacturer of test Equipment indicates that the test Equipmentrequirescalibration, the Contractor must provide a current NATA certified certificate of calibration.
All test documentation must indicate clearly the date the test was conducted and identify the responsible personnel.The test reportsmustbe submitted within 7 days of completion of the testing.
7.2Testing and Commissioning Plans
At least 14 days prior to the commencement of testing, the Contractor must provide FAT,SAT and SIAT plans which provide details of the necessary tests, record sheets and procedures for the Equipment. Test plans and record sheets must be suitable for recording compliance with the respective technical requirements of the Contract. The plansmust address as a minimum:
(a)IP connectivity;
(b)electrical tests;
(c)required latency and bandwidth;
(d)test Equipment and/or system operation;
(e)compliance with the respective functional and operational requirements; and
(f)maintenance tests, if maintenance forms part of this Contract.
Provision of the plan(s)shall constitute a HOLD POINT.
Test plans must take into consideration different traffic volumes and weather conditions where these may be reasonably expected to impact on the performance and/or accuracy of the device and/or system.