JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis Outline
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Born in Massachusetts on May 29, ______
- 2nd of 9 children into a very ______family
- Irish, Roman ______
- Nearly died of ______fever as a 3 year old
- Later diagnosed with Addison’s ______
- Overcame prejudice in Boston against Catholics to graduate from ______in 1940
- Joined the ______after graduating
- In 1943, his PT boat was ______by a Japanese destroyer
- Despite injuries, managed to get his men to ______
- Brother Joe______in Europe
- In the White House
- Partially because of the loss of his brother, ______(as he liked to be called) decided to run for______
- Mass. ______in the House of Reps. from 1947-1950, then the US ______in 1952 until 1960
- Narrow victory over Richard Nixon in the 1960 election- became the ______Roman Catholic President
- Historic inaugural address- ‘Ask not what your ______can do for you, ask what you can do for your country…”
- With his wife, ______, and 2 small children, lent an aura of youth and ______to the White House
- A New Frontier
- By 1961, Americans felt that the US was falling farther and farther ______in the race to ______
- Sputnik launch in ______
- Early 1961, USSR put the first ______in space, Yuri Gagarin
- May of 1961 Kennedy appears before Congress to ask for ______and commits the US to send a man to the ______.
- “…this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the ______is out, of landing a man on the ______and returning him safely to the earth…“
- Feb. 20, 1962- John ______Jr. becomes the first American in space
- ______orbited the earth 3 times before returning
- Kennedy’s promise would be remembered, and eventually fulfilled in ______
- The Bay of Pigs
Vocabulary: Compensation- payment
- In 1959, Communist leader Fidel ______over threw the US backed military dictator Fulgencio______
- Established the first ______state in the Western Hemisphere
- Strong economic and political ______between Castro and the USSR made the US ______- pressured Castro to cut ties with the Soviets
- Early 1960, Castro ______US companies without compensation
- Prompted the US ______that still exists today
- Training
- The Eisenhower administration had ordered the training of Cuban exiles in ______for a covert mission to overthrow Castro’s government and establish a regime more ______to the US
- Kennedy authorized the______shortly after his inauguration
- Determined to ______US involvement- planned invasion point for swampy ______known as the Bay of Pigs
- Invasion force of ______supported by 2 air strikes
- Success depended on Cuban ______joining the invasion force
- Mistakes
- April 15, 1961- B-26 bombs went to bomb Cuban airfields- ______their targets
- When the news got out and US ______was known, Kennedy ______the second strike
- The Invasion launched on April 17 and Cuban forces were ______for them
- Bad weather and late reinforcements led to ______
- 1200 ______, over 100 were killed.
- Aftermath of Bay of Pigs
- ______for America
- Massive ______paid for the prisoners- supplies valuing around ______million
- Left a ______on Kennedy’s presidency that he was determined to compensate for
- Led to further attempts to ______Cuba’s government
- Even some plans to assassinate ______
- The Cuban Missile Crisis
- October ______
- US spy planes photographed the construction of Soviet ______missile silos being constructed in ______
- In response, Kennedy issued a naval ______of Cuba to prevent the Soviets from placing further weaponry there
- US demanded the ______and destruction of Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba, but the nation was unsure how the USSR would______
- Realizing what was at stake, both leaders were willing to ______
- Officially, Soviets ______their missiles in exchange for a US promise not to ______Cuba
- Off the record, the Soviets also required the US remove their nuclear missiles from ______
- Aftermath of the Missile Crisis
- Afterward, several key decisions lessened ______between the US and USSR
- Although the ______was still on, Kennedy encouraged the nation to reconsider our ______of the Cold War and the stereotypes we had created
- 1963- a “______” direct telephone link between the White House and the______was established
- July 1963- Limited Nuclear Test Ban ______was signed
- June of 1963
- "For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all ______this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal. “- Kennedy
- Tragedy
- November 22, ______- Kennedy was on the ______trail when he arrived in Dallas, Texas around noon
- As his motorcade rounded the corner, several ______rang out
- Little could be done for the President and he was declared ______within the hour
- Later revealed that the shooter was Lee Harvey ______
- His motives will always remain somewhat of a ______, but he was psychologically ______and enamored with left wing politics.
- Lyndon B. ______is sworn in as the next President of the United States