The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission meeting on Thursday, August 7, 2014. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati, Commissioners William D. Burke, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Commissioner Kenneth E. Laytin was absent.

Approve Minutes of July 10, 2014 meeting: Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

AOPA Fly-in, update: According to AOPA over 500 aircraft attended the event and they served over 2000 lunches. They have hailed it as their busiest and best event so far. Chairman Fosdick thanked the entire staff and all of the volunteers for the events success and indicated that it was another example of why we have a great airport. He additionally thanked Chris Hyldburg, Alpha One Flight Services, and company for their excellent job facilitating the aircraft movement and parking aspect of the event.

DuBois & King, Inc.

EA/EIR – Consultant Jeff Adler indicated that he had Conference Call with Manager Maher, MassDOT Aeronautics, (MAC) and the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) regarding the final permitting and will continue to have Conference Calls until the permits are issued. Katie Servis, MAC, will follow up with Lisa Rhodes, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), to establish when their Comment Letter will be available.

Beaton Bog Land Acquisition– Attorney Delaney provided the revisedwording for the Fall 2014 Annual Town Meeting article for submission to the Town.

Sign requests, A-1 and Pilgrim: Manager Maher has inquired with the Mass DOT Aeronautics regarding a state assisted project relative to the Airport Sign Programand they would like to review the airport’s Request for Proposal (RFP) to determine if it meets their requirements for a state project. Manager Maher advised that Pilgrim Aviation was requesting a runway side sign on their building and Alpha 1 Flight Services (A-1) was requesting a directional sign in the Gate 3 area. The Commission discussed the directional sign request first and Manager Maher recommended that in accordance with the airports’Sign Master Plan (SMP)the airport is responsible for erecting all directional signs.The Commission discussed traffic concerns not just to A-1 but to Yankee Aviation and Ryan Rotors also. Manager Maher recommends that the airport erect the directional sign and that all the FBO’s operating from gate 3 be included to avoid numerous signs in the area. The Commission concurred with Manager Maher’s assertion that the directional sign was bound by the SMP and that he would address the situation in accordance with the SMP. Pilgrim Aviation requested approval for a 4’x 8’ sign on their building facing the runway. Manager Maher indicated that any reference to operational services not conducted at that location should be removed. Mark Jacobs, head flight instructor, indicated their willingness to remove the non-compliant operational items from the sign. He will submit the new proposal to Manager Maher for approval. Commissioner Smith felt that it was the Commissions intent that the Manager would implement the policy. Chairman Fosdick felt that since it is still a gray area the Commission would be involved initially and then responsibility for compliance would shift to the manager.

Rich Stefani, The Maples LLC, proposed building S. Meadow Rd: Manager Maher indicated that he had received confirmation of acceptance for the location at Gate 3 from Mr. Carrera therefore Mr. Stefani would have to take the alternate site on the Carver side. Manager Maher recommends seeing the site plan prior to final approval to ensure siting considerations are optimized.

Marsh Carter, Proposed hangar S-4, update: Construction is progressing.

Richard Carrera, Proposed building, S. Meadow Rd.: Mr. Ellis is preparing a site plan for final consideration for their commercial non-aviation building. A full survey will be completed now that the building has been determined to fit in the area at Gate 3.

FAA obstruction survey, impacts on IFR operations, update: Mrs. Jeannie Phillips, Airport Coordinator, advised that quotes were being solicited for the removal of the trees in the obstruction area.

Zip line, update – Mrs. Phillips indicated that the Airport’s objections have been noted with the town and that the FAA has made a determination of no hazard as long as the tower doesn’t exceed 38 foot.

Church, update – The FAA has made a determination that the steeple cannot exceed 34 feet. The Church has hired an independent engineer to fight the height. The airport has gone on record in support of 57 feet for the steeple since the runway extension will have trees in the obstruction area that are 60 feet tall.

Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review: Manager Maher indicated that the AOPA eventgenerated some noise complaints from areas not normally affected.

Conference Room upgrade: The next major items to be addressed are the roof and windows.

Airport Hangar siting criteria: Manager Maher received comments from various people and one aspect of the approval process that was recommended was allowing 60 days to file for a zoning permit or risk the offer being rescinded. Commissioner Smith would like the Commission to spend some time on the hangar siting policy. Chairman Fosdick suggested a workshop in the future. Commissioner Smith also suggested that the Sign Master Plan name be changed to Sign Policy Statement and added to the airport website under airport policies.

Admin. Building project: Mass DOTAeronautics has agreed to allow the 2nd tier airports to be involved with the plans and designs. Chairman Fosdick welcomed the change and intends to get involved to help steer it in the right direction for our airport because the Commission has concerns about the design of the building. Chairman Fosdick advised that he and Manager Maher were meeting with Mass DOTAeronautics on Monday to discuss stop ways for the runway extension but hoped to have an opportunity to discuss the building also. Chairman Fosdick indicated that it’s important to include/add a restaurant to the admin.building projectand find alternative funding.

Other Business:

Richard Murphy T-Hangar Sale – Mr. Murphy requested that the Commission waive their right of first refusal so that he could sell his T-Hangar to Mr. DiFrancesco for $14,500. Commissioner Burke made a motion to waive the Commissions right of first refusal subject to taxes and utilities being paid to date. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

George Turner, lease amendment/access clarification – Mr. Turner’s attorney requested an amendment to the lease granting permission to access the site from South Meadow Roadand to change the plan to an actual survey.Attorney Gilmore approved the changes. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the amendment. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion.Vote was unanimous.

Airport Commission Meeting time schedule for future meeting – Traditionally the meetings have been at 7:30 and last month the Commission met at 6:30 and it was suggested that the meeting be permanently changed to 6:30 P.M. by Commissioner Smith. The Commission was polled andthey all agreed that7:00 P.M. was more suitable. Commissioner Burke made a motion to change the Commission meeting start time to 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) - Starting on Saturday and for the next two weeks the airport is in the TFR so Manager Maher will close runway 33 for the duration, change the traffic pattern to runway 24 to right hand traffic, and post notices at all gates and issue the appropriate notam’s.

Vice Chairman Crociati requested permission to have the QB Clambake on September 13th at Chairman Fosdick’s hangar. Commissioner Worcester made the motion to approve the event. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.


Kenneth E. Fosdick
