
8th Grade Georgia Studies

Chapter 7 –The Antebellum Era

SS8H6 – The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Georgia.

a.  Explain key issues and events which led to the American Civil War: slavery, states rights, nullification, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the Georgia Platform, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott case, election of 1860, the debate over secession in Georgia and the role of Alexander Stephens.

SS8E1 – The student will give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced in Georgia in different time periods.

Section 1

A.  Define:

1.  Manifest Destiny 2. Annex 3. Skirmish

B.  For each of the headings in 7.1, explain the connection to the concept of Manifest Destiny. Be specific and include details such as people involved, locations, dates, etc.

1.  Texas 2. Mexican-American War 3. Oregon 4. California

C.  Complete “The West” worksheet

Section 2

A.  Define:

1.  Yeoman farmer 2. Abolition/abolitionists 3. Nullification

4. Missouri Compromise 5. Kansas-Nebraska Act 6. Popular sovereignty

7. Compromise of 1850 (include chart p. 224) 8. Free soiler 9. Sectionalism

B. Complete “5 S’s” chart. Be sure to fully describe and use appropriate terminology to show understanding of topics.

C. Explain how the economies of the North and South led to deepening divisions.

D. Explain the impact of tariffs on this time period. Be sure to include John C. Calhoun’s reaction and impact.

Section 3

A.  Define:

1.  Slave code 2. Drivers 3. Nat Turner 4. John Brown

5. Underground Railroad 6. Sojourner Truth 7. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 8. arsenal

B.  Explain the importance of churches in the lives of slaves.

Section 4

A.  Define:

1.  Know-Nothing party 2. Dr. Crawford Long 3. Camp meetings 4. Georgia Platform

5. Constitutional Union party 6. State’s Rights Party 7. Joseph E. Brown

B.  Create a t-chart comparing Whigs with Democrats

C.  We’ve spent a great deal of time focusing on the economic life, religious life, and education from the time of the Georgia colony to the antebellum period. Explain changes in all three of these areas during the antebellum period.

Section 5

A.  Define:

1.  Republican Party 2. Ordinance 3. Confederate States of America

B.  Complete “The Presidential Election of 1860” worksheet

C.  Describe the roles of the following people in the election of 1860 (include parties/platforms/states/positions)

1.  John C. Fremont

2.  Stephen A. Douglas

3.  John Breckinridge

4.  John Bell

5.  Abraham Lincoln

6.  Joseph E. Brown

7.  Alexander Stephens

8.  Robert Toombs

9.  Thomas Cobb

10.  Jefferson Davis

D.  Why were Southerners opposed to the election of Abraham Lincoln as president?

E.  Where and when did Georgia’s succession from the United States of America take place?

F.  List the states who seceded from the U.S.A. in chronological order.

G.  What was the name of the new nation formed and where was it formed?