2015 YITONG CONSULTATION Data and Reports Subscription Receipt

Company / Post code / (Official Seal)
Department / Contacts / Positon
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Website
Total Amount / Date
Data Part
Passenger Vehicles (PVs) Data
1.PVs parc data □ / 2.PVs production platforms and correlated matching database □
3.Intelligent enquiry system for PVs’ licensed data□ / 4.PVs customs import&export data □
5.PVs companies’ inventory and its depth data □ / 6.Market research&investigation and special studies □
7.Matching market research on tire tread patterns□ / 8.Domestic/imported PVs’(cars,MPV,SUV) prices monitoring system □
9.Minibuses’ prices monitoring system □ / 10.PVs dealers’ distribution enquiry system □
11.Other data services □
Buses&Coaches Data
1.Buses&coaches parc data □ / 2.Intelligent enquiry system for buses&coaches’ licensed data □
3.Busescoaches customs importexport data □ / 4.Light buses sales data classified by brands □
5.Busescoaches bidding information system □ / 6.Market research&investigation and special studies □
7.Other data services □
Trucks Data
1.Trucks parc data □ / 2.Intelligent enquiry system for trucks’ licensed data □
3.Heavy-duty trucks enterprises’ invoicing data □ / 4.Heavy-duty trucks sales data classified by models □
5.Light-duty trucks sales data by brands □ / 6.Trucks customs import&export data □
7.Trucks models’ specifications database □ / 8.Market researchinvestigation and special studies □
9.Other data services □
Motor Engines&Auto Parts Data
1.Motor engines sales and production
data classified by series □ / 2.Motor engines sales data of their matching complete vehicles producing enterprises □
3.Motor engines customs export data □ / 4.Auto partscomponents customs export data □
5.Other data services □
Engineering machinery data
1.Construction machinery industry
customs export data □ / 2.Other data services □
Reports Part
Please fill in the serial number of the reports you need:

Please tick the receipt (√) at the blank (□). If you want to subscribe the reports, please do write down their serial numbers. A clear writing is needed to complete this receipt. After that, fax it to our company and our official invoice will be sent to you after the money is received.

※Subscription Process: Please post or fax the receipt to our company, remit the money and fax the remittance slip to our company. We will provide you with our official invoice and the corresponding services.

Bank Transfer: Postal Remittance:

Account Name:辽宁益通机械汽车信息有限公司 Address:8th floor, Liaoning Jingmao

Bank of Deposit:Huanggu District Subsidiary, Mansion, No.32 Chongshan

Shenyang Branch, Bank of China East Road, Huanggu District,

Account:314256329840 Shenyang, Liaoning

E-mail: Post Code:110033

Tel:024-86615728 86615729 Receiver:辽宁益通机械汽车信息有限公司
