Unit 1 Topic: All TogetherNow

Unit 1 Question: How do we live, work, and playtogether?

Unit / Story and genre / phonological awareness / Letter / Sight Words / compre- hension skill / amazing words / QUESTION / Writing genre and conven- tions / grammar / vocabulary / content knowledge
1.1 / The Little SchoolBus
- AnimalFantasy / Rhyming Words / A, B, C, D,E / I,am / Character / first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth / Howdochildrenget toschool? / Song, Say ournames / Nouns / bus, car, van, bike / Gettingtoschool together
1.2 / We Are SoProud!
-RealisticFiction / Syllables, Sound Discrimination / F, G,H,
I, J, K, L, M,N / I,am / Setting, Review Character / proud, preparation, cooperation, creation, float, guide / Howdoschoolchildren work and play together? / Invitation,Write our names / Nouns / red, white,blue / Workingandplaying together at school
1.3 / PlaidypusLost - Realistic Fiction / Initial Sounds, Initial Sound Discrimination / O, P, Q, R, S / the, little / Sequence, Review Setting / platypus, around, lost, found,market,groceries / Howdofamiliescooperate? / Poem, What we looklike / Adjectives / square,circle,triangle, rectangle / Families Living, Working and Playing Together
1.4 / Miss BindergartenTakes a Field Trip - Animal Fantasy / Initial Sounds / T, U,V,
W, X, Y, Z / the, little / ClassifyandCategorize, Review Setting / bakery, fire station, park, post office, library, chaperone / How do people inacommunitycooperate? / Instructions, What we cando / Verbs / library, park, post office, school / Peopleworkingtogether in a community
1.5 / Smash! Crash!-Fantasy / Initial and Final/m/ / M / a,to / Character, Review Sequence / signals, dud, proper, pirates, perfect, fabulous / What do you like to do with yourfriends? / Captions, Nouns for peopleandAnimals / Nouns / in, out,up, down / What friends do together
1.6 / Dig DigDigging- Concept / Initial and Final/t/ / T,
reviewM / a,to / ClassifyandCategorize, Review Setting / scooping, squelching,spinning,swooshing, gobbling, rumbling / How do machineshelp peoplework? / Story, Nouns for placesandthings / Nouns / big. little, tall, short / Peopleandmachines working together

Unit 2 Topic: Look atUs!


Unit / Story and genre / phonological awareness / Letter / Sight Words / compre- hension skill / amazing words / QUESTION / Writing genre and conven- tions / grammar / vocabulary / content knowledge
2.1 / Flowers - Nonfiction / Initial and Medial/a/ / A,
reviewT / have,is / CompareandContrast, review Classify and Categorize / seeds, buds, bloom, fruits, stem,petals / How are flowersunique? / Label, Nouns for more than one / Nouns / yellow, purple, orange / LookingAt Flowers
2.2 / Nature Spy - Nonfiction / Initial and Final/s/ / S,
Review A / have,is / Setting, Review Sequence / discover, spy, pod, nature, acorn,pattern / What can we learn about naturewhenwelookclosely? / List, Proper Nouns / Nouns / flower,tree, leaf,grass / Lookingat Nature
2.3 / Animal Babies in Grasslands
Text / Initial and Final/p/ / P,
Review S / we,my,like / Main Idea, Review CompareandContrast / calf, cub, joey, grassland,pup, foal / What special animals live in the grasslands? / Notes, Adjectives for colors and shapes / Adjectives / puppy, kitten, chick, calf / Looking at AnimalsintheGrasslands
2.4 / Bear SnoresOn
- AnimalFantasy / Initial and Final/k/ / C,
ReviewP / we,my,like / Realism and Fantasy, ReviewSetting / sleep, cave, storm, winter, woods,blustery / What unique thing does a bear do in the winter? / Poem, Adjectives for Sizes and numbers / Adjectives / spring, summer, fall,winter / Bears inWinter
2.5 / A Bed for theWinter
Text / Initial and Medial/i/ / I,
Review C / he,for / Sequence, Review ClassifyandCategorize / nest, stump, hive, meadow, tree trunk,den / What kind of homedoesananimalneed? / Caption, Adjectives foropposites / Adjectives / first, second, next, last / Animal Homes
2.6 / Jack and the Beanstalk
-FairyTale / Initial, Medial and FinalSounds / Review I, C / he,for / RealismandFantasy, Review Sequence / beanstalk, ogre, naughty, lad, magic,lend / How are real and make- believeplantsalike and different? / Story, Adjectives / Adjectives / left,right / Real and Make BelievePlants

Unit 3 Topic: Changes All Around Us Unit 3 Question: How do changes affect us?

Unit / Story and genre / phonological awareness / Letter / Sight Words / compre- hension skill / amazing words / QUESTION / Writing genre and conven- tions / grammar / vocabulary / content knowledge
3.1 / Little Panda - Nonfiction / Initial and Final /b/ and/n/ / N,B,
reviewI / me, with,she / CompareandContrast, review Main Idea / weigh, measure, healthy, curious, bamboo,explore / How does a pandachangeinits first year of life? / Summary, Verbs / Verbs / black, green, brown / How a Baby PandaChanges
3.2 / Little Quack - Animal Fantasy / Initial/r/ / R,
Review B,N / me, with,she / Plot,ReviewRealismand Fantasy / duckling,paddle,proud, pond, plunged,brave / What new things can you do as you get older? / Invitation, Verbs for NowandthePast / Verbs / walk, run, fly, swim / How We Change as We Grow
3.3 / George WashingtonVisits - Historical Fiction / Initial and Final /d/, Initial/k./ / D,K,
Review R / see, look / Cause and Effect, Review Compare and Contrast / celebration, barn, arch, sprinted, blacksmith, soldier / How is life today different from life hundreds of years ago? / Persuasive Statement, Verbs that add-s / Verbs / over, under,on, around / How People Lived LongAgo
3.4 / Farfallina andMarcel
- AnimalFantasy / Initial and Final /f/ / F,
Review D,K / see, look / Plot,Review Character / goose,caterpillar, reflection, gosling, butterfly,cocoon / Whathappenswhen animals change? / Caption, Verbs for Now and the Future / Verbs / happy,sad,excited, surprised / HowAnimalsChange
3.5 / Then and Now - Nonfiction / Initial and Medial/o/ / O,
Review F / they, you,of / Draw Conclusions, review CompareandContrast / gears, webcams, phonographs, headphones, handwritten, newspapers / How are things we use today different from thingsusedlongago? / List,Meaningful WordGroups / Sentences / new, old, fast, slow / HowThingsWeUse Have Changed
3.6 / The Lion and the Mouse - Classic Fable / Initial and Medial/o/ / O / they, you,of / Main Idea, Review Plot / jungle, nibbling, trembling, beast, snarled, entangled / What causes us to change the way wefeel? / Poem, Sentences / Sentences / hard, soft, rough,smooth / How Feelings Change

Unit 4 Topic: Let’s GoExploring

Unit 4 Question: Where will our adventures takeus?

Unit / Story and genre / phonological awareness / Letter / Sight Words / compre- hension skill / amazing words / QUESTION / Writing genre and conven- tions / grammar / vocabulary / content knowledge
4.1 / Rooster’s Off to See the World - Animal Fantasy / Initial/h/ / H,
Review O / are, that, do / Sequence, Review CompareandContrast / world, trip, journey, lonely,horizon, homesick / What can we learn from our adventures? / Directions, NamingParts / Sentences / before, after, beginning,end / LearningFrom Adventures,
4.2 / MyLuckyDay - Animal Fantasy / Initial and final/l/ / L,
Review H / are, that, do / Cause and Effect, Review Plot / piglet, lucky, cook, fox, filthy, scrubber / What is a lucky adventure? / Poem, Action Parts / Sentences / fuzzy, bumpy, sharp,furry / Lucky Adventures
4.3 / One Little Mouse- Animal Fantasy / Blends with l, r, t,p / Blends withl,r,t, p, Review L / one, two, three, four, five / Sequence, Review Draw Conclusions / woodland,vale,comfortable, nest, hollow, shadows / What adventurescananimalshave? / Description, Complete Sentences / Sentences / heart, star, oval,diamond / Animal Adventures
4.4 / Goldilocks and the Three Bears - FairyTale / Initial and final/g/ / G,
Review blends / one, two, three, four, five / Character, ReviewSetting / bears, cottage, middle-sized, porridge, big, small / How can an adventure causetrouble? / List, Telling Sentences / Sentences / Compound words: bedroom, tiptoe / How Adventures can Cause Trouble
4.5 / If You CouldGotoAntarctica
Text / Initial and Medial/e/ / E,
Review G / here, go, from / Classify and Categorize, ReviewMain Idea / Antarctica, icebergs, seals, continent, penguins, whales / What would it be like to have an Antarctic adventure? / Informal Letter, Capital Letters and Periods / Capital Letters andPeriods / North, South, East,West / Antarctic Adventures
4.6 / Abuela-Fantasy / Initial and medial/e/ / ReviewE,G / here, go, from / Setting, Review Realism and Fantasy / abuela, flock, airport, adventure,city,harbor / What kind of adventures can you haveinthecity? / List,PronounsI andme / Pronouns / month, day, week / City Adventures

Unit 5 Topic: GoingPlaces

Unit 5 Question: How do people and things get from here to there?

Unit / Story and genre / phonological awareness / Letter / Sight Words / compre- hension skill / amazing words / QUESTION / Writing genre and conven- tions / grammar / vocabulary / content knowledge
5.1 / Max Takes the Train
- AnimalFantasy / Initial /j/ Initial/w/ / J,W,
ReviewE / yellow,blue, green / RealismandFantasy, Review Plot / plane, subway, ferryboat, jetway,tunnel,sidecar / What are different ways of going places? / Caption, Questions / Sentences / airplane, truck, boat,train / Different Kinds of Transportation
5.2 / Mayday! Mayday!- InformationalText / Final/ks/ / X,
Review J,W / yellow,blue, green / Cause and Effect, Review Sequence / rescue, yacht, mechanic, pilot, sailor, shimmering / What kinds of transportation help us in an emergency? / Rhyme, Question MarksandUppercase Letters / Question Marks and Capital Letters / top, bottom, front, back / Emergency Transportation
5.3 / Trucks Roll! - Nonfiction / Initial and Medial/u/ / U,
Review X / what, said, was / Compare and Contrast, Review Draw Conclusions / trailers, haul, truckers, cabs, steeringwheel,headlight / What kinds of transportation help peopledo theirjobs? / Poem, Prepositions / Prepositions / pilot, truck driver, conductor, astronaut / Transportation that Helps Us Work
5.4 / The Little Engine thatCould
-Fantasy / Initial and Medial/u/ / U,
Review X, J,W / what, said, was / Plot,ReviewCharacter / engine,passenger,mountain, tracks, roundhouse, valley / What kind of work do trains do? / Formal Letter,Nouns / Nouns / Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday,Saturday / Trains
5.5 / On the Move! - InformationalText / Initial and Final /v/ and/z/ / V,Z,
ReviewU / where, come / Main Idea, ReviewCause and Effect / travel, llama, submarine, kayak,dogsled,double-decker bus / Howdopeoplein different parts of the world travel? / Invitation, Nouns in Sentences / Nouns / Compound Words:dogsled,raincoat, mailbox / Transportation Used Around theWorld
5.6 / This is the Way WeGo to School - Information alFiction / Initial /y/ and/kw/ / Y,Qu,
ReviewV,Z / where, come / Draw Conclusions, Review Main Idea:Theme / cable car, horse- and-buggy,Metroline, trolley, skis, vaporetto / Howdochildrenaround the world get to school? / How-to Report, Verbs / Verbs / ride, jump, hop, skip,climb / Transportation Used to Get toSchool

Unit 6 Topic: Putting It Together

Unit 6 Question: What are different ways of building?

Unit / Story and genre / phonological awareness / Letter / Sight Words / compre- hension skill / amazing words / QUESTION / Writing genre and conven- tions / grammar / vocabulary / content knowledge
6.1 / Building with Dad - Informational Fiction / Initial and Medial/a/and/i/ / A, I,
Review Y andQ / do, little, with, what / CompareandContrast, Review Draw Conclusions / groundbreaking, foundation, waterproof, trenches, welding,gleaming / How is a school built? / List,PronounsI andme / Pronouns / Compound words: playground, bookshelf, classroom / Buildinga School
6.2 / Old MacDonald had a Woodshop
- AnimalFantasy / Initial and Medial/o/ / O,
Review A,I / is,go, that, come / Character, Review Plot / saw, hammer, file, drill, screwdriver, chisel / What tools do you need to buildthings? / Song, Prepositional Phrases / Prepositions / train station, policestation,fire station, gas station / Building with Tools
6.3 / Building Beavers - Informational Text / Initial and Medial/e/ / E, Review Short Vowels and Consonant s / the, was,to,like, from / Main Idea, ReviewCause and Effect / beaver,paddle,stream, lodge, river, lake / Howdobeaversbuild their homes? / Rhyme, Telling Sentences / Sentences / dig, carry, eat, sleep / Beavers BuildingHomes
6.4 / Alistair and Kip’s Great Adventure
- AnimalFantasy / Initial and Medial/u/ / U,
Review E / for, of, my,we, yellow / Plot,ReviewDraw Conclusions / gathered, drifting, island, distant,voyage,aboard / What can friends build together? / Rhyme, Questions / Sentences / hospital,bank, grocery store, laundromat / Friends Building Together
6.5 / The House that Tony Lives In - Informational Fiction / Initial, Medial and FinalSounds / Decode Words / have, they, four, two, blue / Setting, Review Realism and Fantasy / architect, plumbers, landscapers, electricians, painters,movers / Who helps to build ahouse? / Poem, Exclamations / Exclamations / frightened, worried,proud,angry / BuildingaHouse
6.6 / Ants and Their Nests - Nonfiction / Initial, Medial and FinalSounds / Decode Words / you, see, said, look, three / Draw Conclusions, Review CompareandContrast / colony, chambers, twigs, underground, silk,pebbles / Howdoantsbuild their nests? / Report, Complete Sentences / Sentences / ant, bee, fly, spider / Ants Building Homes