Research Scholarship Application
The applicant must be a member of Ohio NAPNAP. The PNP applying for this scholarship must be willing to write an article for the Ohio NAPNAP Newsletter and/or present a poster at one of the Ohio NAPNAP Chapter conferences. If granted the scholarship, the applicant will be given $500 towards researchexpenses.
The applicant must provide to the Award’s Chair a copy of the research proposal. Priority will be given to research proposals that meet one or more of the categories identified as a priority on the National NAPNAP Research Agenda. A list of the research priorities are provided at the end of this application. At the completion of the research project, the winner will submit to the Ohio Award’s Chair a copy of the research findings and how this information will be disseminated to other nurse practitioners and health care professionals.
The application should be submitted to the Awards Committee for consideration. The scholarship will be granted with the approval of the Ohio Chapter NAPNAP Board.
The applicant must be a current member of Ohio and National NAPNAP and currently practicing as a PNP.
Date of submission: ___JANUARY 5, 2014__
Applicant name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State:______Zip:______
Telephone: (Home) ______(Work)______Email: ______
Employer: ______
Research: ______
Anticipated Expenses: ______
Must submit by ______:
Stephanie Smith
Award’s Chair, Ohio Chapter NAPNAP
One Children’s Plaza
Department of Neurosurgery
Dayton Ohio 45404-1815
May also be submitted via email:
NAPNAP Research Agenda
Priority 1:Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
This priority area includes studies that address developing and testing new screeningstrategies, measuring outcomes related to education and anticipatory guidance, andstudying interventions to enhance adoption of and adherence to health promotion anddisease prevention practices.
Priority 2:Self-management of Acute and Chronic Conditions
This priority area includes studies that address self-management of acute and chronic conditions for infants, children, and adolescents individually and in the context of their families, healthcare settings, schools, and communities.
Priority 3: Mental Health for Children and Families
This priority area includes studies that address developmental, behavioral, cognitive,emotional and psychosocial challenges experienced by infants, children, and adolescentsindividually and in the context of their families, healthcare settings, schools andcommunities.
Priority 4: Safety
This priority area includes studies that address the safety of a child’s home and
community as well as safety in the health care setting.
Priority 5: Children and Families Dealing with Acute or Critical Health Issues
This priority area includes studies that address assessment and management of childrenexperiencing acute or critical health issues due to an acute event or illness or chronicillness.
Priority 6: Obesity
This priority area includes studies that address increased understanding of factors thatincrease the risk of childhood obesity as well as strategies to reduce the incidence andcomplications associated with childhood obesity.
Priority 7: Role and Practice Issues
This priority area includes studies that address the impact and related issues of the
evolving PNP role, including barriers to practice and role implementation, reimbursementissues, impact of technology, and scope of practice issues.
Priority 8: Organizational, Systems, and Environmental Issues
This priority area includes studies that identify and test interventions aimed at eliminatinghealth disparities affecting children and families across cultural, geographic and economic boundaries.
Priority 9: Quality of Care
This priority area includes studies that address safety and patient and family outcomesacross a variety of care health care models and settings.