Title of Article Written inTimes New Roman 14

(Maximum 12 Words in English or 15 Words in Bahasa Indonesia)

First Author Name1, Second Author Name2, Third Author Name3 (Times New Roman 12)

1First Author affiliation

Corresponding author’s email :

4First Author affiliation

Corresponding author’s email :

3First Author affiliation

Corresponding author’s email :

(Times New Roman10)


Abstract should be written in English or Bahasa . Abstract should be written with simple and explicit to describe the article. The abstract should inform to the reader of the background, purpose, methods, finding, and the connclusion. Abstract should be written maximum 250 worlds, in Times New Roman 11.

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, (maximum 5 key words Times New Roman 10)


Abstract should be written in English or Bahasa . Abstract should be written with simple and explicit to describe the article. The abstract should inform to the reader of the background, purpose, methods, finding, and the connclusion. Abstract should be written maximum 250 worlds, in Times New Roman 11.

Kata kunci:katakunci 1, kata kunci 2 dst (maximum 5 key words)


Pendahuluan/ Introduction

In this section, author(s) should describe the background of article with simple and explicit description. The description should explain important contribution of the study to the body ofIntroduction should fully equipped with article purpose. Introduction should be written in Times New Roman 12.

KajianPustaka/ Literature Review

Literature review should be written in separate section. The main purpose of the literature review to discuss the main idea of past research, and then make a difference issue with them article. This section MUST include at least ONE article published in UMBARA Indonesian Journal of Anthropology

Metode/ Methods

In this section, author should explain the detail method and technique to choose the sample of research, to collect and to analyze the data. Methods should be written in Times New Roman 12.

HasildanPembahasan/ Result and Discussion

Author should explain the main findings of the research and the argument based on the findings. This section should be written in Times New Roman 12.

Simpulan/ Conclusion

In this section author should make an interpretation from result and discussion to advised and mention recommendation or suggestion. This section should be written in Times New Roman 12

Daftar Pustaka/ References

Only cited work should be written as reference and following the APS Style in Times New Roman 11. Referencing technique using Mendeley is highly recommended. Reference MUST include at least ONE article published in UMBARA

Foucault,Michel.(1977).DisciplineandPunish:TheBirthofThePrison,NewYork : Pantheon Books.

____.(1980).Power/Knowledge. NewYork: Pantheon Books.

Frynas, J.G.(2009).BeyondCorporateSocialResponsibility:OilMultinationalsandSocialChanges.NewYork : Cambridge University Press.

Ife, JimFrankTesoriero. 2008.Community Development:Alternatif Pengembangan Masyarakat Di EraGlobalisasi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

James, Wendi. (1999)."Empowering Ambiguities."In Cheater,Angela. (edt).(1999).TheAnthropologyofPower:EmpowermentandDisempowermentinChangingStructures. London and NewYork :Routledge.Pp. 13-27.

Leimona, B. dan Fauzi,A. (2008).CSRForBetterLife:CSRdanPelestarianLingkungan,MengelolaDampak:PositifdanNegatif. Jakarta: Indonesia BusinessLinks.