Northeastern Section of the ACS

Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors

Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc.,

158 Waterford Drive, MarlboroughMA,



Members and guests in Attendance: K. Browne, M. Chorghade, M. Filosa,T. Gilbert, P. Gordon, M. Hoffman, R. Lichter, A. Jewell, M. Mahaney, K. Mattes, J. McKew, P. Meltzer, D. Phillips, J. Phillips, J. Piper, R. Rajur, R. Scannell, L. Shao, M. Shultz, A. Singer, M. Singer, S. Su, R. Tanner and V. Walworth.

The meeting was called to order at 4:30pm with P. Gordon as the Chair

The minutes from December 2010 were approved as presented

Chair: P. Gordon

Science Coaches Program

  • P. Gordon has volunteered to be a Science Coach at Malden H.S. and the John Deer Bryant H.S. So far, one meeting with the staff and currently working on the program details.
  • Other Board members and NESACS members are encouraged to be a Science Coach and mentor a High School teacher.

Chair Elect: R. Tanner

The response for the January joint meeting with the NESACS and the CMSACS was more than had been anticipated requiring a waiting list and a notice to confirm reservations. Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc. has been very accommodating and an acknowledgement will be made to the staff at Sunovion who has organized this event. Many thanks to Liming Shao for managing all the local logistics. Sunovion will be giving a paperweight gift to all meeting attendees.

The February meeting will be at the Holiday Inn in Brookline, MA on Tuesday, February 22, 2011. The ACS President, Dr. Nancy Jackson, will be the speaker. The Board meeting will precede the evening meeting. If there is any urgent business early in February, the Executive Committee can meet or have a conference call to take any action that is necessary.

The NESACS October meeting will be Tuesday Oct 11th,2011. It has been determined that October 13th and October 20th are religious holidays. Refer to last month’s report for a listing of the NESACS meeting dates for 2011.

Secretary: M. Singer

BAGIM will be added to the regular meeting agenda.

ACS Fellows Nominating Committee will be added to the agenda.

Treasurer: J. Piper

See Treasurer’s report appended at the end of this report.

The Treasurer’s Dec 2010 report was approved as presented.

Good program revenue and Nucleus advertising revenue for 2010.

Archivist: M. Singer for M. Simon

Tim Frigo has accepted the appointment as NESACS Archivist

Trustees: P. Meltzer

See Trustee’s report appended at the end of this report.


Councilor reporting

No written report

Standing Committees

Budget Committee: J. Piper

The proposed 2011 budget is attached to the end of these reports.

The budget is for discussion and informational purposes in January.

  • Discussion on the Nucleus Budget and possibility of cutting 1 issue, possibly the summer issue.

The budget will be voted on and approved at the February Board meeting.

Local Arrangements: M. Burgess

Sunovion was kind enough to supply a driver for transporting some NESACS members in need of last minute transportation due to the weather.

Education: M. Schwartz

Norris/Richards Summer Scholars

  • The announcement soliciting applications for the 2011 Norris/Richards Summer Scholars has gone to The Nucleus, the webmaster, and will be emailed to as many chemistry departments within the section as we can manage. (Anyone with even a partial list of email information for chemistry departments, please contact Anna Singer.)

Theodore William Richards Award for Excellence in TeachingSecondary School Chemistry

  • A call for nominations has gone out. Nominations are due April 15, 2011. The award will be presented in May 2011 at “Education Night”.

Philip L. Levins Prize

  • A call for nominations will be published in an upcoming issue of The Nucleus. Nominations are due March 1, 2011. The prize will be presented in May 2011 at “Education Night”.

Undergraduate Day

  • We are still searching for an organizer/location for 2011 Undergraduate Day. (Volunteers are welcome!)


  • Will be held on Saturday, April 30th, at NortheasternUniversity. YCC is organizing.

Education Night (May)

  • Will be held at TuftsUniversity (same location as the Norris Award dinner).
  • We will have a panel discussion on the topic of alternative energy sources (in keeping with the 2nd Quarter IYC topic) with panelists from both academia and industry.

Board of Publications: V. Walworth

The Board of Publications has reconfigured with the following responsibilities, effective at the end of February, 2011:

  • Chair, Mary Mahaney
  • Secretary: Vivian Walworth
  • Web coordinator: Mindy Levine

We are proceeding with implementation of the greening of the Nucleus. We will invite each NESACS member to choose between postal delivery of the Nucleus and e-mail delivery. NESACS Secretary Anna Singer and Business Manager Karen Piper will coordinate the revision of mailing lists. We expect to initiate the changes by the publication of the May issue. Conservation of paper and reduction of mailing expense should be significant.

We have explored with National ACS the option of offering paid web page sponsorship to companies that have specialized page-related interests. They have no objection and recommend that we review our NESACS by-laws to determine if an explicit provision would be appropriate.

Nucleus Editor: M. Filosa

Discussion on making the Summer issue an electronic issue (e-issue).

  • Advantage to the membership that they would get their copy of the Nucleus earlier.
  • Not sure how best to permanently archive e-issues of the Nucleus.
  • The section would save ~$400 for every 1000 issues of the Nucleus that would not need to be printed / mailed.

Web Report:M. Levine

We are currently discussing plans to re-vamp and simplify the website. These discussions will continue in the next few months as we try to pin down precisely the design we are looking for.

Additionally, we continue to explore the possibility of obtaining sponsors for the website or for various pages on the website. These discussions are being conducted in consultation with National ACS and with the current ad manager, Vince Gale of MBO Services.

Constitution & By-laws: C. Costello

No written report

Membership: M. Chen

71 new-member addressed envelopes were received on January 7th from the Business Office of the Nucleus, of which there were 48 new members and 23 transfers from other section to Northeastern Section. They will be invited to our February Dinner Meeting and if possible, a meeting flyer will be included.

Nominations: J. McKew

2011 slate of candidates is currently being worked on.

Professional Relations: M. Chorghade

Major IYC event being held in India.

New career services and initiatives are being offered electronically and virtually.

Special Committees

Continuing Education: A. Viola

No written report

Fundraising: OPEN

No written report

Government Relations: D. Lewis

No written report

Esselen Award: A. Obermeyer

No written report

Awards: D. Phillips

No written report

Med Chem. Group: R. Rajur

No written report

NCW: C. Jaworek-Lopes

The Phyllis A. Brauner Memorial Lectures given by Dr. Bassam Shakhashiri will be held at the MoS on:

  • October 23, 2011 (Cahner’s Theater already reserved)
  • October 28, 2012
  • October 27, 2013

Norris Award: M. Schultz and K. Browne

Kathi Browne is taking over as Chair of the Norris Award Committee

Request for nominations has been sent out.

Actively looking for recommendations on a host site for the Award meeting.

NERM: M. Hoffman

No NERM 2011

Could not relocate the meeting after the selected venue had to cancel.

NERM 2012 will be in Rochester in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Rochester section.

Project Seed: P. Mabrouk

No written report

Public Relations: L. Johnson

No written report

Richard’s Award: R. Gordon

No written report

Speakers’ Bureau: vacant

No written report

Summerthing: P. Gordon

Has an opportunity to purchase bleacher seats for Sunday September 4th at FenwayPark for a Red Sox game vs. the Texas Rangers. Tickets will be $28.00 each.

  • Can the Trustee’s or the section front the money?
  • The Treasurer thought something could be worked out.
  • Recommendation to purchase 100 tickets.

The section will also set a date for Tanglewood. R. Lichter to coordinate.

Women’s Chemist Committee: P. Mabrouk

No written report

YCC: A. Jewell

The Career Day will be on Friday, April 29th at EmmanuelCollege. The event is being coordinated by the YCC career chair, Sapna Sharma, with the help of Dr. Patrick Gordon and others at Emmanuel.

The Student Research Conference will be on Saturday, April 30th at NortheasternUniversity. The event is being coordinated by the YCC secretary, Heidi Teng. The chemistry department chair at Northeastern, Dr. Graham Jones, has agreed to sponsor the event. My understanding is that the sponsorship will include covering the cost of the space and some food.

YCC / GDCh 2011 exchange: M. Strem / A. Jewell

The 2011 delegation has been selected.

IYC: M. Hoffman

The following IYC-related events are now scheduled:

1)Joint meeting of NESACS and the Central Massachusetts Local Section to celebrate the start of IYC – Thursday, January 13, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Marlborough, MA.

2)Cape Cod IYC Science Café sponsored by NESACS, the Town of Barnstable, the Cape Cod Commission, and PID Analyzers, LLC – Wednesday, January 26, Hyannis Golf Club, Hyannis, MA.

3)Meeting of NESACS with Nancy Jackson (Sandia National Laboratories), ACS President, speaking on global chemical safety and security – Tuesday, February 22, Holiday Inn, Brookline, MA.

4)Meeting of NESACS with Peter Mahaffy (The King's University College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), Chair of IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education, speaking on IYC, its goals, some key global activities, and the needs of international education – Thursday, March 10, BostonUniversity, Boston, MA.

5)Seminar by Peter Mahaffy on the visualization of climate change as part of the IYC environmental theme – Friday, March 11, BostonUniversity, Boston, MA.

The vision of the ACS Committee on Community Activitiesfor IYC is summarized on the following:

BAGIM: K. Mattes

BAGIM stands for the Boston Area Group for Informatics and Modeling

Goal –forum for industrial informatics, modeling and computational chemists

Goal is to have 1 meeting per quarter

Glad to be working with NESACS and express appreciation to the NESACS treasurer for supporting BAGIM activities.

Nest BAGIM meeting will be May 12th at the Harvard Club.

Old Business:

D. Phillips: - Plans are still being made to honor Marilou Cashman at an upcoming section meeting.

New Business:

Ruth Tanner: - How best to contact new members after the membership Welcome letter and initial contact. How best to get new members more interested in NESACS. Can YCC get the new member information

Patrick Gordon – Need to re-establish the Long Range Planning Committee.

The Past Chair’s Pin was presented to John McKew with the gratitude and appreciation of the Board for his service to NESACS

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35pm

Respectfully Submitted

Michael Singer

Secretary - NESACS

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