PLC Members:
Grade:10 Persuasion / Subject: English
Weeks 1-2 / Weeks 3-4 / Weeks 5-6 / Weeks 7-8 / Weeks 9-10
Essential Standards / R 1.2 Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words and interpret the connotative power of words
R 2.3 Generate relevant questions about readings that can be researched
LC 1.2 Understand sentence construction (e.g., parallel structure, subordination, proper placement of modifiers) and proper English usage (e.g., consistency of verb tenses).
W 1.4 Develop the main ideas within the body of the composition through supporting evidence (e.g., scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, definitions).
W 2.4 Write persuasive compositions / R 1.2 continued
R 2.3 continued
R2.8 Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument or defense of a claim by critiquing the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author’s intent affects the structure and tone of the text.
LC 1.2 continued
W 1.4 continued
W 1.9 Revise writing to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling perspective, the precision of word choice, and the tone by taking into consideration the audience, purpose, and formality of the context.
W 2.4 continued / R 1.2 continued
R 2.3 continued
R 2.8 continued
LC 1.2 continued
LC 1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of proper English usage and control of grammar, paragraph and sentence structure, diction, and syntax
W 1.4 continued
W 1.9 continued
W 2.4 continued / R 1.2 continued
R 2.3 continued
R 2.8 continued
LC 1.2 continued
LC 1.3 continued
W 1.4 continued
W 1.9 continued
W 2.4 continued / R 1.2 continued
R 2.3 continued
R 2.8 continued
LC 1.2 continued
LC 1.3 continued
W 1.4 continued
W 1.9 continued
W 2.4 continued
Topics/Themes / -Generating Research Questions
-Persuasive Writing / -Components of a Good Argument
-Evaluating Credibility
-Persuasive Writing / -Evaluating Credibility
-Logical Fallacies
-Persuasive Writing / -Persuasive Writing
-Persuasion Review / -Persuasive Writing
-Persuasion Review
Formative Assessments / -Political Cartoon Analysis and Questions
(Old Assessments)
-Timed Writings* / -Short Constructed Response (SCR) Graphic Organizer
-Timed Writings* / -SCR Graphic Organizer
-Timed Writings* / -Grammar Assessment*
- Timed Writings* / -Periodic Assessment Practice Test
-Final Essay
Specific Resources (texts, chapters, videos, etc.)
*Teachers can use any of the mentioned articles depending on class abilities and needs*
*Teachers can use the following novel selections if they choose:
Animal Farm
Lord of the Flies
Julius Caesar
*sources for weeks 3 through 8 can be used interchangeably* / Persuasion Vocabulary
Module 7 Instructional Guide (IG)
-Mini Lesson: Loaded Words/Using Connotation and Denotation
Generating Relevant Research Questions
-p.22-23 PML
-p.50 political cartoon
PML Articles:
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan
- A State Championship Versus Runner’s Conscience
- Ain’t I A Woman
- Civil Liberties; Civil Rights
- MLK Speeches (2)
Timed Writing Prompts: / Persuasion Vocabulary
Module 1 (IG):
- “Music to Whose Ears?”
- “Licensed and Safe!”
Module 2 (IG):
- 3 sets of texts (Lakers, Orphanages, Good Samaritans)
Module 3 (IG):
- “Speeches of Chief Joseph”
- “Chief Seattle’s Speech”
SCR Graphic Organizer
Timed Writing Prompts: / Persuasion Vocabulary
Module 4 (IG):
- “Brutus and Antony’s Speeches”
- “Brutus’s Funeral Speech”
- “Who Wrote Shakespeare?”
Module 7 (IG):
- Mini Lesson: Written Language Conventions
Other Article Sources:
-LA Times
-Current Events
-Old PA’s *make sure it is not the one currently being tested*
SCR Graphic Organizer
Timed Writing Prompts: / Persuasion Vocabulary
Timed Writing Prompts:
Grammar Assessment / Persuasion Vocabulary
Practice PA (IG)
Summative Assessments: Periodic Assessment (check dates)-15% of final grade

PLC Professional Development - South East High School, LAUSD