
Dian Jamilah

English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department SekolahTinggi Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Sililiwangi Bandung 2016


Background of the research is the English is one of foreign language which is important to be learned by everyone. In practice based on the writer’s experience, the student’s vocabulary mastery is limited. It is indicated by the fact, that they are difficult to used English. The writer tried to improve the student’s vocabulary using teaching them using Total Physical Response (TPR). The research design is quantitative or more specifically the pre-experimental design with the pretest and posttest one control group. The population of this research is the third grade students of MI AL-AMANAH Cililin who consist 30 students in one class. Based on table 4.3 sig. value of pretest is 0,005 and posttest is 0,000. Based on standard decision that data can reputed normal if sig. > 0,050. Because sig. Kolmogorov 0,005 and 0,000 < 0,050 it means that data not normal. And I used Mann Whitney U-test. Based on the table 4.4 mean of pretest is 58,67 while mean of posttest is 89,33. There are significant rising between mean score of pretest and posttest.

Keywords: Teaching, vocabulary and TPR.


English has been taught in Indonesia at Elementary school as one of the local content subjects. It is hoped that the students will learn and comprehend English as early as possible and can practice simple conversation. In communication, students need vocabulary which can support them to produces and use meaningful sentences because vocabulary provide organ of sentence. That’s why vocabulary is very important to be mastered. Jeremy Harmer (1991, 153) classifies that “Then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and flesh”. For that reason the students have to develop their vocabulary and master it in order to be able to communicate with other. Knowing a lot of words in a foreign language is very important. The more words we know, the better our chance of understanding or making ourselves understood”. However, students sometimes get difficulties to use or apply the vocabulary. Their difficulties in using vocabulary which have been studied can be caused some reasons. One of the reasons could be in the method which is used by the teacher in presenting the lesson in the classroom. That’s why the appropriate method in delivering the lesson in the classroom should be considered.

One of the methods which is suitable for children in learning vocabulary is Total Physical Response (TPR) method. James Asher (http:/www.tpr-world.com,1) stated that “use TPR method for new vocabulary and grammar, to help students immediately understand the target language in chunks rather than word-by-word. This instant success is absolutely thrilling for students”. It shows that using Total Physical Respond method is effective to help the students to learn the target language because the students practice directly using the vocabulary in real context. By doing so, the students can develop the storage of the vocabulary in a short time.


Definition of Vocabulary

According to Hornby (174: 252) Vocabulary is total number of word which make language with rules for combining them. Vocabulary of language consists of lexical form (word) that refer to part of our experience.

Definition of Mastery

Mastery means natural or acquired facility in specific activity : ability adeptness, art, command, craft, exercise, expertness, knack, proficiency, skill technique.

The aspect in vocabulary mastery includes pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and use of the words. Therefore, the indicators are:

Students know the meaning the of words.

Students are able to pronounce word correctly.

Students are able to spell or write words.

Students are able to use words in sentence.

Teaching Process of English Vocabulary

Vocabulary teaching as a ‘social’ process with comprehensible input is a must when expecting comprehensible output. The most important, teachers must provide students with adequate teaching methodology and time, as well as appropriate vocabulary and learning activities that will develop verbal skill.According to Hutch and Brown (1995: 372) describe five ‘’essential steps’’ in vocabulary learning based on research into learner’s strategies:

Having sources for encountering new words.

Getting a clear image, whether visual or auditory or both for the forms of the new words.

Learning the meaning of the words.

Making a strong memory connection between the forms and meanings of the words.

Using the words.

Vocabulary needs to be met the recycled at intervals, in different activities, with new knowledge and new connections developed each time. The same words are met again. Looking at the five steps, we can see that each ‘step’ is in fact something that needs to happen over and over again, so that each time something new is learnt and remembered.

Definition of Total Physical Response

Total Physical Response ( TPR ) is a teaching technique whereby a learner ( usually young learner ) responds to language input with body motions. This could be, for example, the acting out a chant. Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity. One benefit is that TPR allows for low anxiety learning since students don't have the stress of producing language. “Robot” is an example of a TPR activity, where the teacher commands her/his robots to do some task in the classroom. Acting out stories and giving imperative commands are common TPR activities. Great for early stages but difficult to teach complex language (ASHER, 1977).


Research Design

In term of research methodology, the writer used quantitative research design. According to Kaswan and Suprijadi (2013: 10) quantitative research design is deductive theory-based research process that focuses primarily on testing theories and specific research hypotheses that consider finding differences and relationships using numeric data and statistical methods to make specific conclusions about the phenomena.

Research Method

In this research, the writer used pre-experimental design in one-group pretest-posttest design because in this research only the comparator group did not exist and the writer wanted to know how effective the technique under one group.

McMillan and Schumacher (2001: 331) explained that:

One-Group Pretest – Posttest Design

Pretest = O1

Treatment = X

Posttest = O2

In one-group pretest-posttest design, a single group of subjects had given a pretest (O1), then the treatment (X) and then the posttest (O2). The pretests and posttests are the same, just given at different times. The result that is examined is a change from pretest to posttest.

Population and Sample


The population of this research was the third grade students of MI AL-AMANAH Cililin which consisting of one class. The total numbers of population were 30 students and they are divided into one class. According to Crowl (1996:15) “ population are groups consisting of all people to whom a researcher wishes to apply the findings of a research”.


Arikunto (1991 : 107) states “ if the population of a research is below 100, the researcher has to take all of them as a sample. But, if the population is over 100, the researcher can take only 20% - 25% of them. Since the number of the below 100, the writer would like to take 30 numbers of students’s class”.


Instrument is any device which is used to collect the data (Tavakoli, 2012 : 277). Instrument can be presented in written, audio, or visual format; responses can be gathered via paper or pencil tests, computer administered tests, video camera, or audiotape recorder. To answer the research question, this research used two instruments namely pre-test and post-test.

Data Collection Technique and Analysis

Data collection technique

1.  Data Collection

The process data collection involves more than simply gathering information:

Giving pretest to explore the data of student’s vocabulary mastery before being taught by using TPR method.

Teaching vocabulary using TPR method to explore the response of the student’s when they are taught by using TPR method.

Giving posttest to find out the result of the student’s vocabulary mastery after being taught by using TPR method.

The writer did four meeting, four treatments and two tests. The test consists of 10 questions. The true answer gets 10 points and the false answer gets 0. The highest score is 100.

Technique of Data Analysis

a.  Mean

Mean is the sum of scores divided by the number of scores. To used Mean, the researcher did the following steps :

1.  Open SPSS 18.0 program. In the dialog box, click the “type in data” radio button and then click “OK”.

2.  Type “scores” and “group” in the variable view. In the data view type the gain score of both group in the scores coloum and pre test and post test in the group coloums

3.  Then, click analyze > Compare means > Means > Option.

4.  Move the mean from statistics to cell statistics > continue > OK. In the SPSS statistic viewer, the frequency result will appear as output.

b.  Standart deviation

Standart deviation is the most widely used measure of variability of a set of data in inferential statistical procedures. To used, Standart deviation the researcher did the following steps :

1.  Open SPSS 18.0 program. In the dialog box, click the “type in data” radio button and then click “OK”.

2.  Type “scores” and “group” in the variable view. In the data view type the gain score of group in the scores pre test and post test for the control in the group columns

3.  Then, click analyze > Compare means > Means > Option.

4.  Move the Standart deviation from statistics to cell statistics > continue > OK. In the SPSS statistic viewer, the frequency result will appear as output.

c.  Normal distribution

Normal distribution is a theoretical distribution is shows the frequency or probability of all the possible values that acontinous variable can take. To used, Normal distribution the researcher did the following steps :

1.  Open SPSS 18.0 program. In the dialog box, click the “type in data” radio button and then click “OK”.

2.  Type “scores” and “group” in the variable view. In the data view type the gain score of group in the scores coloum of pre test and post test in the group coloums

3.  Then, click analyze > Descriptive statistic > Explore > Plots.

4.  Move score to dependent list, and group to factor list. Give mark in none > Normality with test > continue >OK. In the SPSS statistic viewer, the frequency result will appear as output.

d.  Mann –whitney u test

Mann-whitney u test is a non-parametic test used to determine whether scores from two unrelated samples differ significantly from one another. (cramer&Howitt, 2004 :95-6).

To used Mann-whitney u test, the researcher did the following steps :

1.  Open SPSS 18.0 program. In the dialog box, click the “type in data” radio button and then click “OK”.

2.  Type “scores” and “group” in the variable view. In the data view type the gain score of group in the scores coloum and pre test and post test in the group coloums

3.  Then, click analyze >nonparametic test >pre test independent samples-test.

4.  Move the variable “scores” to test variable list and groups to groups to grouping variable > define groups > pre test in group-1 and post test in group 2 > OK.

5.  In the SPSS statistic viewer, the frequency result will appear as output.


1.  Finding Normality of Data

The data then analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov to identify the normality.

Table 4.3

Tests of Normality /
/ CLASS / Kolmogorov-Smirnova / Shapiro-Wilk /
/ Statistic / Df / Sig. / Statistic / df / Sig. /
SCORE / PRETEST / ,194 / 30 / ,005 / ,901 / 30 / ,009 /
POSTTEST / ,307 / 30 / ,000 / ,796 / 30 / ,000 /
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on table 4.3 sig. value of pretest is 0,005 and posttest is 0,000. Based on standard decision that data can reputed normal if sig. > 0,050. Because sig. Kolmogorov 0,005 and 0,000 < 0,050 it means that data not normal. And I used Mann Whitney U-test.

2.  Finding mean, standard deviation and mann whitney u-test

Table 4.4

Mean /
PRETEST / 58,67 /
POSTTEST / 89,33 /
Total / 74,00

Based on the table 4.4 mean of pretest is 58,67 while mean of posttest is 89,33. There are significant rising between mean score of pretest and posttest.

Table 4.5 /
Std. Deviation /
PRETEST / 19,429 /
POSTTEST / 12,299 /
Total / 22,338

Meanwhile based on table 4.5 standard deviation of pretest is 19,429 and standard deviation of posttest is 12, 299.


Table 4.5

Ranks /
/ CLASS / N / Mean Rank / Sum of Ranks /
SCORE / PRETEST / 30 / 17,85 / 535,50 /
POSTTEST / 30 / 43,15 / 1294,50 /
Total / 60
Table 4.6
Test Statisticsa
Mann-Whitney U / 70,500
Wilcoxon W / 535,500
Z / -5,713
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) / ,000
a. Grouping Variable: CLASS

A.  Discussion