AP US History—Struz

Terms and Personalities

Unit 5—Civil War and Reconstruction

Slavery and the South

1. American Colonization Society--1821 10. Nat Turner’s Insurrection

2. David Walker: Public Appeal 11. Sojourner Truth

3. Cotton Gin 12. Denmark Vesey

4. Abolitionism 13. Frederick Douglass

5. Sectionalism 14. Prigg vs. PA--1842

6. William Lloyd Garrison 15. Dred Scott vs. Sandford--1857

7. The Liberator 16. “King Cotton”

8. New England Anti-Slavery Society—1831 17. Free Soil Party

9. American Anti-Slavery Society—1833


1. Forty-niners 21. John Brown’s Raid

2. CA Application for statehood 22. Pottawatomie Massacre

3. Compromise of 1850 23. New England Emigrant Aid Co.

4. Fugitive Slave Law—1850 24. Sumner-Brooks affair

5. Nashville Convention 25. Lecompton Constitution

6. Henry Clay 26. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney

7. John C. Calhoun 27. Lincoln-Douglas debates

8. Underground Railroad 28. Freeport Doctrine

9. Harriet Tubman 29. Panic of 1857

10. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 30. George Fitzhugh

11. Election of 1852 31. Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech

12. Perry and Japan 32. Election of 1860

13. Kansas-Nebraska Act—1854 33. John Bell

14. Birth of the Republican Party 34. John Breckinridge

15. Stephen A. Douglas 35. Political Platforms--1860

16. popular sovereignty 36. Buchanan and the secession crisis

17. 36, 30 line 37. Crittenden Compromise

18. Election of 1856 38. Know-Nothing Party

19. “Bleeding Kansas”

20. “Beecher’s Bibles”

The Civil War

1. Border States 11. Clement Vallandigham

2. South’s Advantages 12. suspension of habeas corpus

3. North’s Advantages 13. Republican legislation passed after

4. Fort Sumter Southerners left

5. All major battles 14. Conscription—draft riots

6. Monitor and Merrimac 15. Emancipation Proclamation

7. Lee, Jackson, etc. 16. Election of 1864

8. Grant, McClellan, Sherman, etc. 17. Financing the War

9. Northern blockade 18. Ex parte Milligan

10. Copperheads 19. Ex parte Merryman


1. Lincoln’s 10% Plan 19. Impeachment

2. Assassination: April 14, 1865 20. Chief Justice Chase

3. John Wilkes Booth 21. Secretary of War Stanton

4. Radical Republicans 22. Scalawags, Carpetbaggers

5. Wade-Davis Bill 23. Purchase of Alaska

6. Reconstruction Acts: 1867 24. Secretary of State William Seward

7. conquered territory theory 25. Maximilian in Mexico

8. the unreconstructed south 26. Ulysses S. Grant

9. Black Codes 27. Treaty of Washington-1871

10. Texas vs. White—1869 28. Election of 1872

11. Thaddeus Stevens 29. Election of 1876

12. Charles Sumner 30. Compromise of 1877

13. Andrew Johnson 31. Solid South

14. Freedmen’s Bureau 32. sharecropping

15. Ku Klux Klan 33. crop lien system

16. Civil Rights Act 34. segregation

17. 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

18. Tenure of Office Act