Video Analysis of Teaching (VAT) -Part II: Learning Theories & Instruction Graphic Organizer

EDUC 7703/7703 **Complete this table with examples from your observation, reflections, and citations from text. You are not expected to respond to each heading/concept; however, you are expected to exercise professional judgment as teachers and graduate students.

Learning Theory(ies) / **Note: Points will be deducted for insufficient citation from text mixed with your observations.
Give an overview of how behaviorist and social cognitive learning theories are applied to the instruction in your lesson.
For each theory, describe the instructional methods you used that demonstrate the application of that theory or examples of the concepts you observed in your classroom (avoidance learning, for example), explaining why you believe you have employed that theory. (You are not expected to use each of the components discussed in the book, but I have listed examples here for your convenience.) / A)  Behaviorist applications employed:
1)  Instructional Objectives:
2)  Programmed Instruction:
3)  Mastery Learning:
4)  Applied Behavior Analysis for Classroom Management (see also Ormrod on stimulus/response):
5)  Avoidance/Escape Learning Examples:
6)  Punishment (time-out, response cost, verbal reprimand, restitution, overcorrection):
7)  Learned Helplessness:
B) Social Cognitive applications employed:
1)  Evidence of General Principles:
2)  Environmental Factors in Social Learning:
3)  Reciprocal Causation:
4)  Modeling (academic skills/cognitive modeling, aggression, attention, retention, reproduction, motivation, effects of modeling on behavior, characteristics of effective models):
5)  Self-Efficacy:
6)  Self-Regulation (elements of, promotion of):
If you believe some or all of the instructional methods were effective as you employed them, explain why, citing what you have learned about learning theory and instruction in class and in your reading.
If you believe some or all of the instructional methods could be more effective by employing other learning theories or strategies, explain what you would do to change the lesson or its execution, citing what you have learned about learning theory and instruction in class in and your reading.