/ Application Form
Russian LanguageCourses /
Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth(day/month/year)
Place of Birth
Sex / ☐ / Male / ☐ / Female
Marital Status
Home Address / Street:
ZIP code:
Permanent Place of Residence(if the same with the home address, please, put N/A)
Address where visa invitation should be sent to
International Passport Number
International Passport Validity Dates / Date of issue: / Date of expire:
Place of Passport Issue
Present Occupation(educational institution or organization you are studying or working at now) / Organization or University name:
Your position:
Its postal address:
Tel./Fax (Contact)
Entry Date to Russia / Leaving Date from Russia
Visa Obtaining Place(Country and city where the Russian embassy or Consulate is)
Emergency Contact
(during your stay in Russia)
First Name / Last Name
E-mail / Telephone
Program Type
Study Program Type / ☐ / Russian language program for complete beginners
☐ / Russian language program for students of elementary level
☐ / Russian language program for students of intermediate level
☐ / Russian language program for advanced students
Period of Studies
(should be within your entry and leaving dates) / From / To
Preferable Type of the Study Group
(mark it out by any method) / ☐ / Individual classes
☐ / Group of 2 people
☐ / Group of 3-4 people
Where and how long did you study Russian before?(if applicable)
Accommodation and additional information
Preferable Type of Accommodation / ☐ / Student dormitory
☐ / Home stay (without meals)
☐ / Home stay (incl. breakfast)
☐ / Home stay (incl. breakfast and dinner)
☐ / Apartment
☐ / Hotel
Pre-existing medical conditions(if any)
Special food / dietary requirements / ☐ / Non-vegetarian
☐ / Vegetarian
☐ / Vegan
☐ / Other
Any other special needs / preferences(non-smoking, like / dislike animals, etc.)
Other Wishes for Program
How did you learn about us? / ☐ / 1. via PetrSU website:
☐ / 2. PetrSU website for international students:
☐ / 3.
☐ / 4. Facebook
☐ / 5. Twitter
☐ / 6. Advertisement (please, mention where)
☐ / 7. Alumni recommendation
☐ / 8. Current student’s recommendation
☐ / 9. Other

All fields are obligatory for filling out. Please do not leave blank fields, put N/A where applicable.