Learning From the News – Should We Ban the Burqa?

Use this lesson plan and activities with the video lesson starter: http://www.teachers.tv/videos/learning-from-the-news-should-we-ban-the-burqa

Lesson Plan – Should We Ban the Burqa?: KS3 Citizenship p.01

Further Activities – Should We Ban the Burqa?: KS3 Citizenship p.03

Using the video in KS3 RE p.03

Lesson Plan: Should We Ban the Burqa? - KS3 Citizenship
Lesson overview: This will help pupils to appreciate diversity and see things from other people’s point of view.
Year 7-9 : Unit 20, Section 2: What points of view are there about the issue, and why?
Children should learn:
·  about a topical issue, problem or event (Unit 20, Section 1). / Outcomes
Children will:
·  analyse key points and pose relevant questions
·  understand the need to balance the competing rights and responsibilities of those affected to resolve conflict fairly .
·  Video lesson starter: http://www.teachers.tv/videos/learning-from-the-news-should-we-ban-the-burqa
·  Whiteboard/ screen to watch the video and access to the internet for research.
·  Pictures of Islamic veils
·  Show the video on Should We Ban the Burqa?: http://www.teachers.tv/videos/learning-from-the-news-should-we-ban-the-burqa
·  Show the BBC link (see ‘resources’) which explains the different types of Islamic veils. Which have they seen first hand or through the media?
Main activity 1
·  Pair work: What do the pupils think about the plan to ban the burqa in France? Explain that while there is no such thing as a ‘wrong opinion’, it is important to show respect for people when expressing their views.
·  Independent activity or pair work: Explain that Nicolas Sarkozy’s plan to ban the burqa has opened up debate across Europe. Write the following statements on the board: ‘One of the effects the burqa might have on the wearer is …’; ‘One of the effects the burqa might have in the classroom is …’; ‘One of the effects the burqa might have in communities is …’ Get the children to discuss this in pairs, then complete each of the sentences.
·  Independent writing activity: Ask the pupils to give reasons in favour of banning the burqa and reasons against. Motivate students by making it into a competition. Students can compete by writing down as many sensible arguments for and against the wearing of the burqa as possible. Award a point for each sensible argument. Who can get the most points?
·  Get the pupils to share their views.

Should We Ban the Burqa? KS3: Further Activities

·  Independent activity: One of Brandon Robshaw’s students turned up to his A Level philosophy class wearing a burqa, he wrote an article about it in The Times. He said: “Wearing a burqa is like turning up for a ballet lesson in diving boots”. Write this statement on the board. Ask students to write down, individually, what they think of it. Discuss it as a class.

·  Whole class activity: Explain to children that one of the effects a burqa might have on its wearer is that it may make her feel closer to God. Ask them to discuss this idea in pairs.

Ideas for using the burqa video in other subjects

RE: Year 8

·  Starter: Show the video http://www.teachers.tv/videos/learning-from-the-news-should-we-ban-the-burqa and explain that you are going to discuss how symbols can help a religious person in their faith.

·  Main activity: Ask the class to consider the following: in what ways can wearing a religious symbol help someone in their faith? In what ways could being a teenager following a religion in Britain today be hard? (Unit 8C, Section 1).

·  Plenary: Discuss pupils’ opinions as a class.

Related Teachers TV Videos

·  http://www.teachers.tv/subjects/secondary/citizenship

·  http://www.teachers.tv/subjects/secondary/religious-education

·  http://www.teachers.tv/videos/lesson-starters-refugees-in-the-uk-first-day-at-school

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