Empowering communities: lessons from the third sector
In February, Welsh Government announced that it is developing a new cross-government approach to creating Resilient Communities, to begin in April 2018. The new approach will be based around three elements, one of which is empowerment.
Community empowerment is central to the purpose of many third sector organisations. Community groups across Wales have much experience to offer on what does and doesn’t work, including how government can both help and hinder.
WCVA is working with members and partners to capture some of this learning and develop proposals for policy and practice that can help achieve more resilient communities across Wales:
- We are hosting a panel discussion at the Eisteddfod about resilient communities and empowerment
- With Talwrn we have developed a joint discussion paper to start exploring the issues around achieving resilient communities
We would like to hear what you think about resilient communities and empowerment:
-What do we mean by ‘resilient communities’?
-What would ‘empowerment’ look like in this context?
-What needs to happen to achieve more resilient communities?
-What contribution can the third sector make? What contribution can government and business best make?
-What would success look like?
We want to use the power of social media to capture your thoughts. So why not send us a short clip in which you tell us what you think (feel free to use the questions above as a prompt). Here are some tips:
- Use your smartphones or webcams but make sure there is no bright light behind you
- Be aware of background noise
- You can speak in Welsh or English
- Remember to tell us who you are and where you live
- Speak for no more than 60 seconds
- Be sure to save the film by following this filename format ‘Resilient_communities[your name]’
- Send the film to us here or host them on your own social media channels using the hashtags #ResilientCommunities and #CymunedauCryf
Grymuso cymunedau: gwersi o’r trydydd sector
Fis Chwefror, cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei bod yn datblygu dull traws-lywodraethol newydd i greu Cymunedau Cryf, a fydd yn dechrau fis Ebrill 2018. Bydd y dull wedi’i seilio ar dair elfen, un o’r rhain yw grymuso.
Mae grymuso cymunedau wrth wraidd diben nifer o fudiadau trydydd sector. Mae gan grwpiau cymunedol ledled Cymru brofiad helaeth i’w gynnig ar beth sy’n gweithio a beth sydd ddim, gan gynnwys sut y gall y llywodraeth hwyluso ond hefyd rwystro.
Mae WCVA yn gweithio gydag aelodau a phartneriaid i gasglu’r gwersi hyn a datblygu cynigion ar gyfer polisïau ac arferion a all helpu i sicrhau cymunedau cryfach ledled Cymru:
- Rydym yn cynnal panel trafod yn yr Eisteddfod ynglŷn âchymunedau cryf a grymuso
- Gyda Talwrn rydym wedi datblygu papur trafod ar y cyd i ddechrau ystyried y pynciau perthnasol i sicrhau cymunedau cryf
Hoffem glywed beth yw’ch barn chi am gymunedau cryf a grymuso:
-Beth rydym yn ei olygu wrth ‘gymunedau cryf’?
-Sut beth fyddai ‘grymuso’ yn y cyd-destun hwn?
-Beth sydd angen digwydd i sicrhau cymunedau cryfach?
-Pa gyfraniad y gall y trydydd sector ei wneud? Beth yw’r cyfraniad gorau y gall y llywodraeth a busnesau ei wneud?
-Beth fyddai’n cyfrif fel llwyddiant?
Rydym eisiau defnyddio pŵer y cyfryngau cymdeithasol i gasglu’ch barn. Felly beth am anfon clip byr atom yn dweud wrthym beth rydych yn ei feddwl (croeso i chi ddefnyddio’r cwestiynau uchod fel canllaw). Dyma ambell i awgrym:
- Defnyddiwch eichffôn clyfar neu we-gamera ond sicrhewch nad oes golau llachar tu ôl i chi
- Byddwch yn ymwybodol o sŵn yn y cefndir
- Cewch siarad yn Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg
- Cofiwch ddweud wrthym eich enw a ble rydych yn byw
- Peidiwch â siarad amfwy na 60 eiliad
- Cofiwch gadw’r ffilm gan ddilyn y fformat yma ar gyfer enw’r ffeil‘Cymunedau_cryf[eich enw]’
- Anfonwch y ffilm atom yma neu eu rhoi ar eich sianelau cyfryngau cymdeithasol eich hunain gan ddefnyddio’r hashnodau #CymunedauCryf a #ResilientCommunities