TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO)

TWAS Regional Prize for Young Arab Scientists 2012 (YAS Prize)

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region

The prize will be awarded to a young Arab scientist who has significant contributions in the field of chemistry to solve current problems in the Arab region.

Nomination form 2012

15th of October 2012

Please complete this form electronically, save it in the format SURNAME_Initial.doc (eg SMITH_D.doc if the candidate's name is David SMITH), and send it to:;Copying: ()

If you opt for postal submission, print out the completed nomination form, sign it and send it by post to:

TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO)

Center for Special Studies & Programs (CSSP)
at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria,

El-Chatby, Alexandria 21526, Egypt

to the attention of: Ms. Israa Elfayoumi ()

Please note that the following two documents must be submitted:

1.This nomination form (all items are required);

2.The candidate'sFull curriculum vitae including his/her full list of publications.

SURNAME: / Name:
Position/Title: / Date of birth: / Town and country of birth:
Address (Institution): / Phone:
Nationality: Present:Previous (if applicable): / Gender: Male Female


TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO)

TWAS Regional Prize for Young Arab Scientists 2012 (YAS Prize)

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region

The prize will be awarded to a young Arab scientist who has significant contributions in the field of chemistry to solve current problems in the Arab region.

Nomination form 2012

15th of October 2012

One-page write-up of the candidate's contribution to the field of “Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region”


TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO)

TWAS Regional Prize for Young Arab Scientists 2012 (YAS Prize)

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region

The prize will be awarded to a young Arab scientist who has significant contributions in the field of chemistry to solve current problems in the Arab region.

Nomination form 2012

15th of October 2012

Candidate's biographical information

Biographical sketch of the candidate:
Degrees obtained: / Date obtained: / Awarding institution:
Other awards:
Professional appointments: / From - to: / Employing institution:


TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO)

TWAS Regional Prize for Young Arab Scientists 2012 (YAS Prize)

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region

The prize will be awarded to a young Arab scientist who has significant contributions in the field of chemistry to solve current problems in the Arab region.

Nomination form 2012

15th of October 2012

NB: The List of 10 most important publications by the candidate shall be included in the nomination form and listed in an internationally acceptable format. In case of lesser known journals and national publications, the nominator shall clarify the publication category e.g. Article, abstract, an article in conference proceedings or any agency preprint.

List of 10 most significant Publications:
# / Research Title and Authors / Journal name / Edition number / Year of Publication / Publisher


TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO)

TWAS Regional Prize for Young Arab Scientists 2012 (YAS Prize)

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Arab Region

The prize will be awarded to a young Arab scientist who has significant contributions in the field of chemistry to solve current problems in the Arab region.

Nomination form 2012

15th of October 2012

Referees (please provide the contact details of three referees):
Surname / Name / E-mail address / Postal address
SURNAME: / Name:
Address (Institution): / Phone:
TWAS-ARO Member: / Non TWAS-ARO member:
Signature: / Date: