Miss Sea Fair Pageant
Rules and Information
Age Groups & Entry Form

Ages Groups
Baby Miss Seafair ----- 1 & Under
Tiny Miss Seafair ----- 2 & 3 Year olds
Mini Miss Seafair ----- 4 & 5 Year olds
Little Miss Seafair ----- 6 - 8 year olds
Young Miss Seafair ----- 9-10 Year olds
Junior Miss Seafair ----- 11 & 12 Year olds
Teen Miss Seafair ----- 13 & 14 Year olds
Miss Seafair ----- 15 - 19 Year olds

Pageant attire is required. Dresses must be age appropriate, no high slits, short minis or exposed mid-drifts will be considered. Dresses may be short (approximately 2” above knee), tea length or long, and must be formal or pageant appropriate, cup cake dresses for the little ones are fine, but keep in mind the winners are chosen on their stage presence, personality, and their beauty so a winner can win in any style of dress as long as its well put together. Attire should be complete, age appropriate and should fit the contestant well. Attire will not be based on expense or elaborateness of design.
The pageant is open to all provided they meet the age restrictions no matter where they reside at. Contestants must not have reached their 20th birthday by the day of the pageant. Children 0 – 5 years of age will be allowed to have a parent on stage to assist them if needed, all other contestants will be on stage alone. We will have volunteers back stage if they get to shy to walk with them out onto the stage.
Natural beauty is encouraged in this pageant and use of makeup on children 8 years and younger is highly discouraged but is up to the parent. We expect the other age groups to have natural looking makeup if it is used. Judging is based upon natural facial beauty, so by all means let the judges see your natural beauty! Please do not wear wigs, hairpieces or hair extensions. Braces, missing teeth, glasses and normal childhood scrapes and bruises will not affect judging. If you wish to use these items please know this will not effect your total outcome for the scoring.
Hair extensions, are permitted but please reframe from large over done hair pieces. If the contestant wishes to add some volume to their hair and uses hair extensions it is fine. Please understand that this is a natural pageant and if the hair does not look natural it will not help your child win.
Please check in and be prepared for the pageant at least One Hour prior to the starting time. Contestants who are not present at the time they are called for their lineup will forfeit. Refunds are not available for entrants who are late or do not show up at all.
We expect all contestants, parents and patrons to behave in a friendly, respectful manner. Hostility and rudeness will bet be tolerated. Those who do not behave in an appropriate manner will be escorted from the premises. Coaching will not be permitted from the audience. No refunds or re-admittance will be allowed for those escorted off the premises.
1 & Under ……………. $75.00 Start time 10:00 am
2 & 3 years ………… $75.00 Start time 10:00 am
4 & 5 years ………… $75.00 Start time 11:00 pm
6 – 8 years ……….. $75.00 Start time 12:00 pm
9 – 10 years ……….. $85.00 Start time 1:00 pm
11 & 12 years ……… $95.00 Start time 2:00 pm
13 & 14 years ……….. $95.00 Start time 3:00 pm
15 – 19 years ……… $145.00 Start time 7:30 pm
Age groups may change if entries for one age group is to small. We will make adjustment as needed on pageant day or the day before. You will be notified.
Make Checks Payable to Project Graduation 2014
All the profit of the pageant will be donated to charities in Aransas County. We will donate money to school organizations, and other groups in the county that benefits the youth of Aransas County.
Admission $ 7.00 for adults
$ 5.00 students K-12
The pageant will start ON TIME. Other contestants will not be held up to wait on a late contestant. Contestants must arrive and be ready to walk on stage one hour before starting time. Contestants not present when it is time to line up will forfeit. Refunds will not be offered for late contestants. The next age category will need to be lined up and waiting as the first age category is on stage.
First will be individual competitions, once all contestants in the age category have finished the individual competition there will be a final walk thru of all the contestants in that age category for the final line up for overall scoring. Crowning will be after each individual age group.
The winner of the Miss Seafair and other winners from other age groups will be expected to perform certain duties at the festival. She may also be required to represent the festival at other events during the year such as parades, etc.
When a contestant is on stage the following things may be announced: First name, age, hair color, eye color, hometown, grade, hobbies, ambitions, sports, favorite toy or color for the younger contestants. We will use the information that you provide on the entry form. So please make sure you include enough information on the form so that she will feel like she has had her fair time on stage.
Parents or Guardians please fill out the announcer information sheet LEGIBLY and completely. Answer only the age appropriate questions.
Registration will be promoted, at schools, Facebook, via email and flyers throughout area schools. We are accepting applicants from anywhere they wish to come from..
. Registration application and fee payment deadline will be October 3rd, late entries will be accepted up until the 4th with a $25.00 late fee, if you know you will enter your child please turn in forms as soon as possible. It takes a lot of preparation to get ready for a pageant and the more advance notice we have the better prepared we are.
Judging is based upon natural facial beauty, grooming, poise, personality and overall appearance. For the Miss Seafair category, ages 15 – 19, This group will have a introduction, Casual Wear, Evening Gown and a interview and will be asked questions pulled at random at the time of the competition. Their score will be based on the answers given combined with the other 3 categories; answers will be weighted not only on the content but on the delivery and poise each contestant shows when answering.
The pageant will be held, Saturday, October 5th 2013 at the Martha Luigi Auditorium at the Rockport Fulton High School Campus.
Each age group will have a winner (Queen) and a 1st and 2nd runner-up.
Scholarship - There is a scholarship for the 15-19 years of age only, the 0-14 ages do not receive a scholarship they will just have a queen crowned in their age division.
There will be a scholarship offered for as much as $1000 depending on the amount of entries we have for the age group 15-19 years of age. If we have at least 16 entries the Scholarship will be $1000. The less we have the scholarship will be announced to the winner after the pageant.
You must attend a college or trade school, and the scholarship will be made out to the winner and the college of their choice.
A queen cannot hold the same title for their age group for 2 consecutive years. If by chance you win, the following 2014 year the Miss Seafair queen and all other age group queens must make herself available to appear at the pageant to assist in crowing the new winners. For publicity of the Sea Fair Festival and its pageant, The Queen may be asked to cut ribbons at local Grand Openings or be in various parades, etc.
You may contact the Seafair Pageant Co/Director Sunny Escamilla at 361.205.5405 OR Co/Director Troy Cady at 361.463.1268. You may leave a message with the requested information, or e-mail questions to OR You may drop off the application in Rockport to Troy Cady or Oopsie Daisy's Flowers and Gifts 361.463.1268. OR in Aransas Pass to Sunny Escamilla 361.205.5405.
Pageant Registration 2013
Personal Information
Contestant’s Name:______Age:______DOB:______
Name:______Catherine Smith______
Phone Number:______Email:______
**NOTE: Do not forget to read and sign the Agreement Page, no entries allowed without it!!
Name:______Age:______Sex: ______
Natural:______Glitz (Semi or Full):______
Hair Color:______Eye Color:______
Favorite TV Show:______Favorite Color:______
What I want to be when I grow up:______
My favorite place to go:______
Organizations You are involved in or community Service
Any other Information you would like to include. ______
If you would you like to purchase any extra T-Shirts they are- $15.00 per shirt please list sizes below and include money. Tshirts can only be ordered up until the 26th of Sept.
EXTRA SHIRT SIZES ______Total (15.00 a shirt)______
Parent / Guardian contact information (if different from contestant’s)
Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that the registration fee is due at the time of registration and is non refundable. I agree to abide by the contest rules made available to me at the time of registration. Any party found to be making false statements or not abiding by contest rules will be terminated from competition.
Name of Responsible Party (printed) ______
Signature ______Date ______