Business Meeting, 8:00am

Room 305 A

Monday, November 11, 2013

Board Members In attendance: Mark Sexton, Joe Ross, Jeff Metz, Jessica Campbell, Jim Headley (head table)Don Shuman, Eric Stewart, Callie Wise, Leslie Reeves, Jason Woodrum, David Lindler, Pam Davis, Joey Freeman, Matt Watts (current board members) and Jan Cox, Phil Macchia, John Taylor, Joe Eason, Kevin Walsch (past presidents)

  1. Call to Order: Mark introduceshimself and members of the board. He thanks everyone for the great turnout in attendance.
  1. Joe Rossannounces results of voting for2014 Officers:
  2. Vice President – Eric Stewart
  3. Secretary – Jessica Campbell
  4. Treasurer - Randy Gibson
  1. Jeff Metz announces results from Constitutional/By Law voting:
  2. Change in Mission Statement with a passing vote 113 of 121
  3. Change in Membership Dues Structure with a passing vote 113 of 119
  1. Jim Headley gives the Association report:
  2. Welcomed the association and thanked them for another year. Noted great attendance for today.
  3. Recognized Scott Wilhide for taking on the task of the changes made to the Mission Statement.
  4. Reviewed Membership Structure and that the agency packages can be dependent on the size of the agency.
  5. Noted the website is up and working and that membership renewal info will be sent out soon.
  6. Stated the SC LEAD Program is one of the best training programs in the country. Other states are duplicating the program including Utah. Jim applauds Joe Eason for starting the program, the board for continuing, and the agencies and participants for its success. The 2014 class will be announced at the luncheon.
  7. Thanked the 4 district VP’s for their success and for being active. The Central/Western district held a joint meeting/workshop. The Eastern district met 3 times with 45 to 50 being their lowest attendance. The Southern district met 3 times and included a social function (bocce ball tournament). The Western district met 2 times with 65 in attendance at their meeting in Clemson. They offered workshops that had something for all.
  8. Branch highlights included the ELM branch setting dates for 2014 educational opportunities, including SCAP and District meetings. EMB is holding a reorganization meeting. PRM held 2 trainings, including Playground Safety. RAP kicked off TPS with 115 registered, along with holding 3 additional workshops. TPS 2014 will be at North Myrtle Beach. Credited the results of the membership survey as to why we are increasing education and networking opportunities. SCAP met 4+ times and will be holding its institute in Myrtle Beach the 2nd Saturday in December. The Student Branch surveyed students for feedback and as a result the first ever student workshop will take place in 2014.
  9. Noted finances were in the red in 2012 by approximately 1K and this has only happened 3 times in 26 years. The operating budget is $309,000 and the projection for this year is looking good. Investments increased and we are at over $80K, which is a high mark for the association.
  10. The new website allows for tracking of finances and reprinting invoices, and you can use a single person in your agency to enroll multiple members. There is the ability to create groups within the website. SCRPA has joined social media such as FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Thanks to the board for providing direction. A social media policy is in place.
  11. Legislatively 2014 will be tough. At the State House the hospitality association (restaurant and lodging association) is attacking agencies on the use of hospitality tax, wanting to limit its use. We will have to provide the numbers on the good we are doing with the money. A meeting held with the lt. governor office about PARD money is working to ensure it is kept. Continuing to work with DHEC on rules and regulations of pools/spray pools and to help them understand the effects on our business. At US Congress the LWCF is in process of rewriting its law and we are asking for an increase in money.
  1. Mark opened the floor for discussion. With none, he calls the meeting to close and thanks everyone again for attending.