October 2011
[Song] Footloose [Artist] Blake Shelton [Album] Footloose soundtrack
Dance Description: 64 Counts, 2 Walls, Intermediate Level Line Dance
Double Heel, Double Toe, Heel, toe, scuff, hitch
1,2,3,4 Touch R heel forward twice , touch R toe back slight to R side twice
5,6,7,8 Touch R heel forward, L toe back , Scuff R foot forward into a R Hitch with a small scoot
2 X Lock Steps or 4 X Dorothy Steps
1,2,3,4 Step R foot forward, Lock L behind R, Step R foot forward, Scuff L
5,6,7,8 Step L foot forward, lock R behind L, Step L foot forward Scuff R forward
(Alt R Dorothy, L Dorothy & Repeat)
Cross Over, Back, back repeat
1,2,3,4 Cross R foot over in front of L, Step L foot back onto L diagonal, , Step R back to R Diagonal , Cross L over R
5,6,7,8 Step back R onto R Diagonal, Step L back to L diagonal**, Cross R Over L , Step L back to L diagonal
¼ turn Right , Out Out , In In, 2X Toe Struts Back *
&1&2&3&4 ¼ Turn R stepping R foot Out to R Side and L out to L Side , Bring R together then step L together Repeat moving slightly forward ( 3 O Clock) #
5,6,7,8 Touch R toe back, bring R heel down to Ground, Touch L toe back bring L heel down to ground*
Rock Replace, Kick Ball step X 2 , Rock Replace
1,2,3&4 Rock R foot back and replace forward onto L, Kick R foot forward , Bring R together and step forward onto L
5&6,7,8 Kick R foot forward , Bring R together and step forward onto L, Rock forward onto R and back onto L
¼ turn , Scuff, cross, side, behind Side, cross Rock
1,2,3,4 1/4 Turn R stepping R to R Side, Scuff left across in front of R , cross L over R , Step R to R Side
(6 o’clock)
5,6,7,8 Step L behind R Step R to R Side, Cross rock L over R and weight back onto R
Side Shuffle, rock replace , Toe Together X 2
1&2,3,4 Step L to L Side, Bring R foot together, Step L to L side , Rock back onto R and forward onto L
5,6&7,8& Touch R toe to R side and drop heel on 2 while clicking fingers pushing left hand down, Bring L together and repeat Touch R toe to R side and drop heel on 2 while clicking fingers pushing left hand down, Bring L together
Side Toe Touch R & L & Double R, L & R & Double L moving slightly forward
1&2&3,4 Touch R toe to R side, step R foot together and touch L toe to L side, bring L foot together and touch R toe to R side and touch R toe to R side again
5&6&7,8& Touch L toe to L side, step L foot together and touch R toe to R side, bring R foot together and touch L toe to L side and touch L toe to L side again, and step L together
64 Counts Re start dance new direction.
Don’t Be Scared of the tag’s & restartsYou hear them in the music.
Wall 2 dance up to county 32* and restart dance at 9 o clock wall.
Wall 5 Dance up to Count 22** and then walk forward R, L Restart at wall 6
Wall 7 Dance up to Count 30 # & restart dance at 6 O Clock Wall for wall 8
Wall 8 Leave off the last 8 counts of the dance
At the end of Wall 3 – Facing 3 O Clock wall at the following 12 Counts
1,2,3,4 Cross L over R, touch R to R side, Cross R over L touch L to L side ,
5,6,7,8 Box Step Cross L Over R, step back onto R , Step L to l side and Point R toe to R Side,
1,2,3,4 Cross R over L and point L toe to L side, Cross L over R and point R toe to R side. Restart onto Wall 4.