“Flock Talk”

Franklin First Church of God

Inspirational Newsletter

Issue Threeof 2016 NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE PEWS March2016 ______

Do You Have to Clean Up Your Act to Become a Christian?

By - Linda Jewell

If we mean forming new habits, making amends, or doing something on our own to become good enough for God, the answer is "No." If we really mean recognizing the truth of who Jesus is and who we are, the answer is "Yes." On the cross, Jesus hung between two thieves. When the first thief insulted Jesus, the second thief admonished him for doing so, because they deserved their punishment, but Jesus had done nothing wrong. The second thief then recognized Jesus for who He was and asked Jesus to remember him when he came into His kingdom. Read it for yourself in Luke 23:39-43.

The thief had only hours to live. He had no time to change bad habits and form good ones to lead a long, productive life. He had no way of cleaning up his actions and the resulting consequences, and he had no means of forgiving or asking for forgiveness from his family, friends or victims. He had no opportunity to become good enough by his own imperfect power to come into the presence of Jesus, a perfect man and a holy God. However, there on his own cross, he did have the time and the opportunity to take responsibility for the consequences of his destructive habits that hurt himself and others, his sins and imperfections. The second thief bowed his will to Jesus and recognized Him for who He is. In response, Jesus told the second thief the truth – that he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day.

If the second thief had been able to crawl off his cross and live longer, he would have had more time to love Jesus and face life as a different person with a changed attitude that resulted in different actions. He would have been able to ask the Holy Spirit for the strength and perseverance to battle destructive habits and to handle life situations and broken relationships that he could not handle on his own. He would never have become perfect, but he would have had the opportunity to become a better man than he was.

For a more recent example, a young man accepted Christ all alone in his living room while listening to Billy Graham on the television. At the time the young man did drugs. He plugged into a local church and began attending Bible studies. In his excitement about Jesus, he told his friends they didn't have to give up drugs to become a Christian. Yet, as the weeks and months passed, he and some of his former drug-using friends who accepted Jesus began the process of kicking their drug habits. They grew to love the comfort, excitement and freedom of trusting Jesus more than the heartaches and hassles of being dependent on drugs. Like the second thief on the cross and every other person who ever became a Christian, you too do not have to clean up your act by forming new habits, making amends, or becoming good enough on your own strength before you accept Jesus for who He is. Jesus accepts you as you are at this very moment. And when you make the choice and say "Yes" to Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have the hope of the freedom of a new life that you've never experienced before.

John 3:17 King James Version (KJV) -- For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


GOOD SAMARITAN FUND: Donations are accepted at any time for our Church’s Good Samaritan Fund. The monies in this Fund are used to help people from our Church family who are in need. Donations can be placed in the offering plate or given to the Pastor.

ALTAR FLOWERS: If you would like to purchase altar flowers for our morning worship services, please contact Joanne Cardy. The flowers can be placed in memory or in honor of someone, on a special occasion, or “just because”. Two altar vases cost $16.00. Once you order them, they are yours to take home after the morning worship service.

FOOD PANTRY: Our Church’s Food Pantry is used to assist people from our Church and community when they find themselves needing some help providing food for their families. The winter months can be especially difficult with higher gas and electric bills. If you are able to keep the food pantry stocked with non-perishable food items (check those expiration dates) or if you are able to make a monetary donation to the food pantry, it would be greatly appreciated. If you are in need of items from the food pantry, or if you know of someone who is in need, please let Pastor Jim know.

MISSIONS CELL: The family that we “adopted” at Christmas time is now faced with some medical problems. The youngest child, Braxon, will be having surgery in Pittsburgh in April to re-construct his forehead, using bones from other places in his body. There will be Dr. appointments, pre-op appointments, surgery and post-op appointments. When his mother, Ashley, was asked what we could do to help, she said the gift cards for gas would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate gifts cards from Sheetz or Get-Go, please give them to Pastor Jim or Nancy Barger. Please keep this family in your prayers.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: At our recent Congregational Meeting several people were elected to fill positions within our Church. BUT, there are still some vacancies. One of positions that needs to be filled is Adult Sunday School Superintendent. If you are interested in this position, or if you would like to know more about it, please see Pastor Jim.

ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL: There are some vacancies on the Administrative Council also. If you would like more information regarding these positions, please see Tom Shiner, Jr.

Dear Flock,

On the First Sunday of Lent, February 14th, I encouraged the church to fast one meal a week during Lent. Let me know of your experiences. This may be the best time of spiritual growth that we have experienced.

We continue to worship together each Sunday morning at nine-thirty. I am grateful for those assuming a leadership role in the worship. The greeters are the first people we see as we walk into the church building. The acolytes carry the light of God into the sanctuary and the ushers receive our gifts to God. Dennis and the other musicians bring the joy of praise through the music. The worship leaders guide us in presenting our worship and the Junior Church leaders speak to the children on their level. Those serving as nursery attendants provide a valuable service to families with pre-school children. The ones who operate the power point, sound board and digital piano contribute to the worship with excellence. Thank you for your attention to the service to which you volunteer.

We are hosting the 40 Days of Prayer time on March 1st at noon. Join with those who will come to pray as we Seek God for the City. Other prayer times occur throughout Lent as Christians of Venango County pray together. A culmination service will take place on Palm Sunday, March 20th at the Cranberry High School auditorium.

Our Kids’ Club ministry continues through March on the first and third Monday from four-thirty until six-thirty. Kids’ Club is a ministry to elementary-aged children.

The Worship Cell will be meeting on Saturday, March 12th at nine o’clock in the morning. A selection of worship music will be made.

We return to the Caring Place on Wednesday, March 16th for an evening of music and scripture readings. The evening will begin at seven-fifteen. Let me know that you will attend and be willing to read scripture.

We will observe communion and the washing of feet on Maundy Thursday, March 24th at seven o’clock. Come prepared to receive the elements of bread and the cup and kneel before our brother or sister and wash his or her feet.

An Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, March 26th at ten o’clock in the morning. Donations of wrapped Easter candy can be given to Diane Montgomery.

Easter is Sunday, March 27th. The children will sing and hear a children’s sermon that day. We all can celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus.

Your Shepherd,

Pastor Jim


March Birthdays March Anniversaries

1 Josh Doyle16 Tyler Graham3 Dan & Becky Kearney

5 Danielle Gamble16 Rex Montgomery20 Joe & Renee Cranmer

6 Rob Muse16 Alexandra Cardy

9 Keri Clark25 Wesley Best

9 Terry DeLong28 Tyler DeLong

15 Kim Clark29 Jordyn Holland

15 Don Clark29 Diane Montgomery






Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic at Miller Sibley Pavilion

Sunday, July 10, 2016



*George and Monique Byers were blessed with the birth of their daughter, Malea, on February 1, 2016. Malea has a big brother, Mason, at home. Congratulations to the Byers and DeLong families!!!

*Rachel (Stanton) and Brandt Wingert were blessed with the birth of their daughter, Norah Ruth, on February 12, 2016. Congratulations!!! Pictures of Norah are posted on the bulletin board.

Rachel and Brandt’s address is: 814 Anthony Highway, Chambersburg, PA 17202.

God Bless You All!!!

Installation of Officers

And Leaders

On Sunday, February 21, 2016, our Church officers and leaders were installed.

Diane Montgomery, Becky & Dan Kearney, Nancy Barger, Pat Dilley, Joe Cranmer,

Tom Shiner, Jr., Larry McNutt, Tom Shiner, Sr., John Doyle, Randy Jolley, Skip Curran

Pastor Jim (not pictured: Pat McNutt)

Administrative Council

Officers for 2016

President: Tom Shiner, Jr.

Vice-President: Larry McNutt

Treasurer: John Doyle

Financial Secretary: Michael Curran

Secretary: Pam Jolley



We met on February 1st with 9 kids in attendance. Pastor Jim was our teacher. On February 15th we had 7 kids, and Tom Shiner, Jr., was our teacher.

We will be meeting on the first and third Mondays of March and April. Then we will be on Summer break. So remind the kids to come join us – only 4 meetings left.

Thank you to everyone who has provided food for our meals, made monetary contributions, taught our Bible lessons, prayed for the leaders and kids, and supported Kids Club in any way. This outreach ministry of our Church is very important – this is the only time some of the kids ever go to Church.

There are still calendars available for sale - $6 each.


1.It was reported that Jaci Clark was the winner of the Obstacle Course for Kindergarten at Valley Grove Elementary School in December – Good Job Jaci!!!

2.Jaci Clark’s birthday was February 26h – she is now 6 years old  - Happy Belated Birthday!!

3.Sam Muse, grandson of Nancy and Bob, sophomore at Edgewood High School in Trenton, Ohio, swam at the championship meet at Miami University on Saturday night January 30th. Sam swamtwo events, the100 Breast Stroke and the 200 IM (Individual Medley), earning a first place in bothevents. As a result, Sam was named the top male swimmer of the yearin the Southwest Ohio Conference.

4.Pastor Jim sent a Valentine to Pamela, and I did not see it in my e-mail until after the February Flock Talk had been printed – he submitted it on time, I missed it, and I apologize.

Dear Pamela,

You have been my Valentine since high school.

I love you and have been committed to you

as your husband for 45 years.

I will remain yours through our life times.

All my love.



Prayer Requests:

Sunday School teachers

Jr. Church leaders

Kids Club leaders

Bible Study leaders

Administrative Council

Our Pastor and his wife

Eileen Yingling

Virginia Beatty

Gladys Finefrock

Jean Kelsey

Larry & Pat McNutt

Marlene Walbourn

John Aylesworth

Ed Dunlap


Bill Mook

Charlie Brown

Nancy Jolley

Megan Kline

Pastor Doug Show

Stacy Hay’s father – Larry



Father Herbein

Expectant mothers

Unspoken requests from our Church family

Persecuted Christians

Those with job stress

Those with financial difficulties

The unemployed

ABC Life Center

The Caring Place

Grove Manor

Camp Sonrise Mountain

Mustard Seed Mission



Answered prayers


Forgiveness of our sins

Christian family and friends

The officers and leaders of our Church

The beautiful weather we had 2/20 and 2/21

Children & Youth who are excited about participating in Church

New Christians

Safety in our travels


What are you praising God for???

Simon from Cyrene Carries Jesus' Cross

by Max Lucado

“A man named Simon from Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was coming from the fields to the city. The soldiers forced Simon to carry the cross for Jesus” (Mark 15:21)

Simon grumbles beneath his breath. His patience is as scarce as space on the Jerusalem streets. He’d hoped for a peaceful Passover. The city is anything but quiet. Simon prefers his open fields. And now, to top it off, the Roman guards are clearing the path for some who-knows-which-dignitary who’ll march his soldiers and strut his stallion past the people.

“There he is!” Simon’s head and dozens of others turn. In an instant they know. This is no dignitary.

“It’s a crucifixion,” he hears someone whisper. Four soldiers. One criminal. Four spears. One cross. The inside corner of the cross saddles the convict’s shoulders. Its base drags in the dirt. Its top teeters in the air. The condemned man steadies the cross the best he can, but stumbles beneath its weight. He pushes himself to his feet and lurches forward before falling again. Simon can’t see the man’s face, only a head wreathed with thorny branches.

The sour-faced centurion grows more agitated with each diminishing step. He curses the criminal and the crowd.

“Hurry up!”

“Little hope of that,” Simon says to himself.

The cross-bearer stops in front of Simon and heaves for air. Simon winces at what he sees. The beam rubbing against an already raw back. Rivulets of crimson streaking the man’s face. His mouth hangs open, both out of pain and out of breath.

“His name is Jesus,” someone speaks softly.

“Move on!” commands the executioner.

But Jesus can’t. His body leans and feet try, but he can’t move. The beam begins to sway. Jesus tries to steady it, but can’t. Like a just-cut tree, the cross begins to topple toward the crowd. Everyone steps back, except the farmer. Simon instinctively extends his strong hands and catches the cross.

Jesus falls face-first in the dirt and stays there. Simon pushes the cross back on its side. The centurion looks at the exhausted Christ and the bulky bystander and needs only an instant to make the decision. He presses the flat of his spear on Simon’s shoulders.

“You! Take the cross!”
Simon dares to object, “Sir, I don’t even know the man!”

“I don’t care. Take up the cross.”

Simon growls, balances the timber against his shoulder, and steps out of the crowd onto the street, out of anonymity into history, and becomes the first in a line of millions who will take up the cross and follow Christ.

He did literally what God calls us to do figuratively: take up the cross and follow Jesus

“If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow me” (Luke. 9:23 CEV).