151216 Visit to NNSY
Visit to Norfolk Navy ShipYard
December 16th, 2015
Easton-based ESC Navy League President and his wife (Bob and Judy Lawrence) drove to Norfolk Virginia and wereguests ofthe skipper (CDR Chris Horgan) and crew of the USS MARYLAND (SSBN-738) onWednesday, December16th. Theconvocation assemblywas held in an auditorium onthe Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY)in Portsmouth Virginia. Thirty plus sailors were present. It was an Honor to sharein thepresentationof the ESC Navy LeagueSeaman of the Year awards to six sailorsselected by the boat's Skipper, XO, and COB (Chief of the Boat).CDR Chris Horgan announced eachaward, and awardee. The ESC President presented the award,with the aid of XO LCDR Kevin McChesney, and MMCM Donald (Pete) Reilly,COB.
The awards werebeautiful pewter trays (by Salisbury Pewter), elaborately engraved with the insignias of the USS MARYLAND, and the U.S. Navy League, with detailedinformation of each honored sailor.
Sailor of the Year: MM1 (SS) Ramson Jackson Gandy
Sailor of the Year: MM1 (SS) Christopher Bradley Tanner
Junior Sailor of the Year: MM2 (SS) Joshua John Boatman
Junior Sailor of the Year: MM2 (SS) Joshua Adam Byrd
Bluejacket of the Year: CSSN (SS)Wesley Lamar Rodgers
Bluejacket of the Year: (ETSN (SS) Jacob Allen Morgan (not present).
MM1 (SS) Christopher Bradley Tanner went on to be selected the overall Sailor of the Year for Kings Bay Submarine Group 10. Mr. Morgan was unable to attend the awards ceremony due to official business.
LT Isaac Guillory, Public Affairs Officer (PAO),handled the events of the day, and accepted our check for $500 on behalf of the USS MARYLAND Recreation Committee. A casual lunch followed in Old Town Portsmouth.CDR Horgan plans to invite ESC Easton to the boat's crew assignmentceremony in February 2016at Kings Bay, Georgia. The crew very much appreciates our supportthroughout the year.
ESC Navy League Awards Ceremony, USS MARYLAND,
Commanding Officer and Crew Members. Norfolk Naval
Norfolk Naval Shipyard. USS MARYLAND Award Recipients, Left to Right.
ESC Navy League President, Bob Lawrence, Judy Lawrence,
Sailor of the Year: MM1 (SS) Ramson Jackson Gandy
Sailor of the Year: MM1 (SS) Christopher Bradley Tanner
Junior Sailor of the Year: MM2 (SS) Joshua John Boatman
Junior Sailor of the Year: MM2 (SS) Joshua Adam Byrd
Bluejacket of the Year: CSSN (SS)Wesley Lamar Rodgers
Bluejacket of the Year: (ETSN (SS) Jacob Allen Morgan (not present)
USS MARYLAND Commanding Officer: CDR Chris Horgan.
Norfolk Naval Shipyard. USS MARYLAND Award Recipients, Left to Right.
Sailor of the Year: MM1 (SS) Ramson Jackson Gandy
Sailor of the Year: MM1 (SS) Christopher Bradley Tanner
Junior Sailor of the Year: MM2 (SS) Joshua John Boatman
Junior Sailor of the Year: MM2 (SS) Joshua Adam Byrd
Bluejacket of the Year: CSSN (SS)Wesley Lamar Rodgers
Bluejacket of the Year: (ETSN (SS) Jacob Allen Morgan (not present)
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