Teacher Improvement Plan

The Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) is intended to help teachers improve professionally. It is the District’s goal that all teachers reach at least the level of Effective on the teacher observation form.

If a teacher receives a rating of Developing or Ineffective on the composite score on the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR), the administrator will convene a conference with the teacher within the first 5 days of the start of the school year to discuss the process. A Washingtonville Teachers Association representative will be included in the meeting. The administrator or administrators will convene a conference with the teacher. A second meeting to develop and finalize the TIP plan will be called within five days of the initial meeting. The teacher and the administrator should bring to the meeting specific suggestions for improving the areas of weakness that are evidenced on the composite APPR score (For example, A. Domain 1a: Planning and Preparation/Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and pedagogy; B. Domain 1d: Planning and Preparation/ Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources). There should be no more than three (3) targeted performance areas identified on any one TIP. A Plan will be developed collaboratively with specific suggestions to assist the teacher in improving. A Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) must be formulated and begun within the first ten (10) school days from the start of the school year.

The TIP will become effective on the date noted on the plan. The length of the TIP will be decided at the conference. The supervising administrator and the teacher will meet regularly at a mutually agreed upon schedule to discuss progress on meeting the standard for the areas of concern. The dates of the meetings will be listed on the TIP. The standard will be considered to have been met when the teacher has reached the level of Effective on the APPR document.

A final observation by each of the administrators involved in the initial meeting will be conducted before the last week of the TIP.


Staff Member: ______Plan Date: ______End Date: ______

This form is a tool for communicating expectations and suggestions for improvement. This form is to be completed when the performance of the staff member is evaluated as not meeting District standards as set forth in the classroom observation form. A copy will be placed in the personnel file after it is completed and signed. A maximum of three areas in need of improvement may be addressed. This plan may not outline all areas of concern. Once the plan is completed additional areas may be addressed.

Areas in Need of Improvement / Support to be Provided/Differentiated activities to support improvement/ Professional Learning Activities the Educator must Complete where appropriate / Manner in which Improvement will be Assessed/Including artifacts that the teacher can produce to serve as indicators or benchmarks of progress and as evidence.
Title, Letter, and Number

Meeting Dates: ______


Administrator’s SignatureDate Staff Member’s SignatureDate

Staff member’s signature only denotes receipt of the Plan Review

Teacher Improvement Plan Review

This form is to be completed by the administrator at the time set for the termination of the plan.

Areas not meeting District standards / Evaluation of the teacher’s efforts to meet the standards / The administrator will choose one of the following:
  1. The teacher met the standard.
  2. The teacher showed improvement toward meeting the standard.
  3. The teacher showed minimal improvement toward meeting the Standard.
  4. The teacher showed no improvement in meeting the standard.

  1. Statement by the teacher regarding achievement of standards.

  1. Statement by the administrator regarding achievement of standards.


Administrator’s SignatureDate Staff Member’s SignatureDate