Person Profile

for the position of

Teacher of Science

1Professional Qualities/Potential:

  • Has relevant graduate qualifications in Science
  • Has teacher registration
  • Has an on-going commitment to personal and professional development
  • Can teach Science to Year 13 level if required

2Educational Philosophy:

  • Has an articulated philosophy of Education in harmony with the ‘ethos’ of Fraser High School
  • Has a clear understanding of the value and significance of Scienceknowledge, skills and attitudes to students and society
  • Is committed to an holistic view of educational excellence and achievement
  • Fosters in students an enthusiasm for Science and learning by providing stimulating, challenging and appropriate activities
  • All teaching staff are expected to contribute to both the co-curricular and extra-curricular life of the School


Fraser High School encourages applications from first year teachers; however, for all vacancies, the best person for the position is appointed.

4Equity Awareness:

The appointee –

  • has an empathy and understanding of Tikanga Maori issues
  • is sensitive to and supportive of the multicultural character of our School
  • has a commitment to EEO issues
  • has an empathy for gender equity

5Personal Qualities:

A number of key personal attributes have been seen as desirable for this position. They include:



DeterminationSense of humourInnovationDecisiveness Perceptiveness Creativity

Build relationships with key stakeholders

Fraser High School




Teachers at Fraser High School have their own unique Job Description. The purpose of the document is to clearly identify the specific responsibilities of each teacher and the expected outcomes which can be used as a basis of a regular Review by Heads of Department in conjunction with an elected Review Team.

All appointees after September 1998 will negotiate a position with the Principal on the basis of this document.

1POSITION: Teacher of Science



  • The appointee will be responsible to the Principal as the professional leader of the school and the Senior Management Team in matters of administration.
  • In their day to day teaching as a classroom teacher, the appointee will be responsible to the Leader of Curriculum.


  • All teaching staff in their Department
  • All other staff in matters of administration and pastoral care
  • All support staff


  • To implement the policies and principles of the School Charter and the Quality Management document
  • To abide by the Code of Ethics and the PPTA Collective Contract/Individual Contract
  • To assist in the development of an harmonious and efficient learning environment at Fraser High School
  • To assist the Principal as directed within the bounds of this position and this document



(i)To plan and prepare delivery of the curriculum as set down by the Leader of Curriculum considering the differing educational needs of pupils.

Expected Outcomes

(a)Prior to the commencement of each term and following allocation of classes/levels, to have selected and planned the units of work according to the Department Plan to the satisfaction of the Leader of Curriculum/teacher in charge.

(b)Prior to the commencement of teaching units or lessons to have planned the delivery of such units/lessons.

(ii) To teach according to the educational needs of the assigned pupils

Expected Outcomes

(a)Deliver lessons in a variety of ways to meet the objectives of the Modules and Units of Work as appropriate to the specific educational needs of the pupils.

(b)To mark and return work on a regular basis as determined by the Faculty policy.

(c)To set, mark and monitor homework according to the homework policy of the School.

(d)To assess,record and report on the achievement, progress and development of individual students and classes as determined by the Assessment policies of the Faculty and the school.

(iii)Maintain good order, discipline and management amongst pupils to ensure harmony in the teaching/learning environment.

Expected Outcomes

(a)Be at school and in each class on time, to remain in class to maintain control, discipline and harmony within the classroom.

  • There will be occasions when Deans/Leader of Curriculum have flexibility to carry out Admin functions.

(b)To maintain standards of behaviour in classrooms pursuant to the baseline standards set by the Discipline Policy and Senior Management

(c)To seek assistance from Leader of Curriculum/Deans and management to deal with students who disrupt the teaching/learning environment according to the faculty and school discipline policy.

(d)To be vigilant in caring for classroom equipment and furniture and ensure that vandalism is promptly reported.

(iv)To teach in such a manner that students have the opportunity to achieve to their potential

Expected Outcomes

(a)Students are encouraged, praised and student achievement, improvement and effort is acknowledged

(b)The learning environment/climate is positive and stimulating

(v)To consult and liaise with fellow teachers, parents and caregivers in accordance with school policy

Expected Outcomes

(a)To attend Faculty meetings as required to discuss matters pertaining to student achievement

(b)To attend class/form level meetings as required by Leader of Curriculum/Deans to discuss student achievement and discipline.

(c)To attend parent teacher interviews in accordance with the policy of the school including parent teacher report evenings and specific parent teacher interviews as required.

(vi)To construct records of, and reports on, student academic, co-curricular, social and personal achievement and development according to the policy and direction of the school.

Expected Outcomes

(a)To supply records of achievement to the Leader of Curriculum according to the Assessment policy of the Department

(b)To write reports on individual students as required according to Department and school policy including subject reports, discipline reports and reports of a confidential nature.

(c)To supply Deans, Leader of Curriculums, Guidance Counsellor and Careers staff with such information as is required on student achievement, attendance, behaviour, etc.

(vii)To safeguard the health and safety of students when they are in your control "in-school" and involved in "education outside of the classroom”.

Expected Outcomes

(a)To be familiar with the school emergency procedure policy and documentation

(b)To abide by the policies and procedures when on education outside the classroom.

(c)To do the reasonable duties as required by the DP in terms of supervision before school, interval, lunch time and after school.

(viii)To participate in the professional Development Programme of the school

Expected Outcomes

(a)To participate in Teacher Only Days and Faculty Curriculum Development as required by the Professional Development Committee and/or Leader of Curriculum

(b)To alert Leader of Curriculum to any specific requirements for Professional Development.

(c)To participate in Professional Development for personal growth and development to meet specific personal requirements as directed by the Professional Development Committee/Leader of Curriculum

(d)To participate in year 1 and year 2 teacher programmes and attend meetings as required

(ix)To assist in Departmental activities and duties as delegated by the Leader of Curriculum after negotiation with the teacher concerned.

Expected Outcomes

(a)To attend and participate in Faculty meetings

(b)To assist with the planning and development of curriculum as required

(c)To assist the Leader of Curriculum in the maintenance of Departmental equipment, books and materials including the preparation of inventories and Asset Register

(d)To take all possible care of Faculty equipment assigned to you.

(e)To assist the main office with the collection of departmental fees and money as required by Leader of Curriculum according to the school policy

(x)To assist students’ preparation for external examinations, as well as aspects of internal assessments.

Expected Outcomes

(a)To undertake such activities or duties to meet standards and deadlines as required by subject/school assessment policies

(xi)To take part in any school reviews or appraisals as directed by the Board and/or the Principal

Expected Outcomes

(a)To review as required by your Leader of Curriculum, your met Leader of Curriculums of teaching, programmes of work and participate in arrangement for your further training and professional development as a teacher. This review can be initiated by the individual teacher.

(b)To participate fully in ERO reviews, and/or specific subject Department reviews initiated by the Principal

(xii)To meet the management requirements of the school as they relate to the classroom.

Expected Outcomes

(a)Be at School and in class on time (refer in (a))

(b)Report to the DP, as soon as is practically possible, impending absence from school or class

(c)Ensure that classrooms are left tidy at the end of each period and the end of the day. Chairs are to be put up, desks arranged in order, food/rubbish off the floor, windows closed, et al, according to the cleaners’ schedule.

(d)Ensure that period attendance/absence slips are correctly completed for each period and entered electronically / put in by the end of the school day

(e)Prepare current work/emergency lessons for relievers or contact Leader of Curriculum if necessary. Specialist practical work to be avoided unless prior arrangement is made with the reliever


(i)To carry out the duties of a Group Tutor as required

Expected outcomes

(a)To mark attendance registers, monitor attendance and truancy; liaise with caregivers/parents, submit attendance reports pursuant to the attendance policies of the school. To make contact by telephone with caregivers no later than the third day of absence and, if unable to do so, to refer the concern in writing to the appropriate House Dean immediately.

(b)To show interest in the personal, academic, co-curricular and growth of students in the form class.

(c)To liaise with classroom teachers, Deans, the Guidance Counsellor, Careers, Transition Leader of Curriculums and parents to help promote the growth and development of students in the form class.

(d)Assist members of the group with school-related issues, liaise with the Guidance Team with issues of a personal or confidential nature.

(e)To keep students in the group informed and involved in school life through the dissemination of information.

(f)To monitor the uniform of students in your group and enforce compliance with the uniform code of the school.

(g)To assist the main office with the collection of money as required by the Senior Management team.

(ii)To carry out the administrative duties as a teacher at Fraser High School

Expected Outcomes

(a)To do the duties as negotiated with the DP in terms of supervision before school, intervaldetention, lunch time and after school.

(b)To attend staff briefing, assemblies, staff meetings, Department meetings and special meetings on time and as required.

(c)Superviseand, as far as practicable, teach any pupil whose teacher is not available to teach them, as reasonably required by the DP or Leader of Curriculum. Specialist practical work to be avoided unless prior arrangement is made with the relieving teacher

(iii)To be involved in the corporate life of the school, that is, to contribute to the effective functioning of the total school operation. (Refer Appendix G, Section 1.15(b) of the Collective Contract)

Expected Outcomes

(a)To be involved in activities beyond the classroom in a negotiable, flexible and reviewable way with school management. (Refer Appendix A of this Job Description.


(i)To abide by the published Code of Ethics of the Post Primary Teachers Association.

Expected Outcomes

(a)Be concerned for the quality of service rendered to and for the welfare

of students.

(b)Help all students develop their potential for personal growth

(c)Deal justly and without prejudice with students.

(d)Respect the basic responsibility of parents for the child and seek to establish a co-operative relationship with them.

(e)Encourage community participation in our school

(f)Be concerned for the welfare of colleagues and show respect for colleagues in public or in the presence of students.

(ii)To act and dress in a manner appropriate to a professional and as a role model for students of Fraser High School.

Expected Outcome

(a)To act in such a manner as to NOT contravene Section 3.4 Teacher Conduct and Discipline of the Collective Award and the provision of the Education Acts therein.

(iii)To abide by the School Charter and Policies


For new appointees, those personal qualities and skills required for their position are detailed below:

  • Be able to teach Science up to and including Level 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
  • Be able to manage all aspects of assessment delivery of Science for NCEA levels 1, 2 and 3.
  • Be capable of teaching junior electronics based on Fraser High School’s learning program.

SIGNED: Principal ______Appointee: ______Date: ______