2018EnglishAnnual Implementation Plan

  • Improved pedagogy
  • Focus on continuous improvement (Kaizen)
  • Curriculum continuity
  • Digital Technology

What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Improved pedagogy / Dimensions of Learning
Identify lesson & unit focus explicitly to students through continued use of WALT, WILF & TIB. / When asked, students are able to describe the WALT, WILF & TIB of lessons and units. / All English staff. / Beginning of each unit/lesson.
Dimensions of Learning
In-service of all Faculty staff in DOL practices and refreshes for existing staff during Faculty meetings / 100% of Faculty has been initiated into DOL practices / All English staff / Beginning of 2018 and continuous
Dimensions of Learning
DOL unit planners construction and review with Cognitive Verb additions / All units have an attached DOL unit planner and that they have been reflected upon and changes made and Cognitive Verbs are highlighted / All English Staff / Beginning of 2018
Cognitive Verb Applications / 7-10 English units must explicitly discuss cognitive verbs and they must be reflected in the DOL unit planner. Teachers must use the DOL-A-TRON to explicitly teach understanding of verbs using Marzano’s 6 steps to teach vocabulary. This is to prepare our students for requirements of new senior syllabus. / All English Staff / Beginning of 2018
Dimensions of Learning
Continued use of peer lesson observations and feedback. / All staff to complete lesson observations as per school-wide requirements. / All English staff as per lesson obs schedule / 2 per year
Dimensions of Learning
Explicitly teaching Complex Reasoning skills / All units to have at least one CPR to be embedded within it and to CPR’s to be reflected in our weekly lesson planner / All English Staff. / Ongoing throughout the year.
Dimensions of Learning
Criteria is broken down and explained for students / All assessment items must have criteria explicitly explained and a sheet that accompanies this explanation / All English Staff. / Ongoing throughout the year.
Cross Marking (Moderation)
A sample of all assessment pieces must be moderated within the Faculty / Samples of Assessment items for all assessment pieces / All English staff / Ongoing throughout the year
Global Perspectives
Indigenous Perspectives: continue to embed Indigenous Perspectives into units / Review all units to see where we can embed Indigenous Perspectives / HOD / Ongoing throughout the year.
Global Perspectives
Social Justice – Reflect on Year 8 English unit where social justice perspective has been embedded / Teach Year 8 unit and then reflect on practice and process and refine where necessary / HOD / Ongoing throughout the year.
Global Perspectives
Develop and implement global perspectives action plan using five elements of Global Perspectives as a foundation of internationalism and international mindedness. / Review all units / HOD and Subject Coordinators / On-going
Global Perspectives
Develop staff skills with staff PD for global perspectives / Aim to send junior subject Coordinators on PD in 2018 or meet with Global Learning Centre staff / HOD and Subject Coordinators / 2018
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Focus on continuous improvement /
  • Students in English are supplied with a copy of their student profile. Students update profile after each assessment item. Teachers discuss dimensions and what is needed at exit to achieve different levels of achievement
/ Correlation between achievement goals and performance. Students to identify methods to meet goals. / All English Staff / Ongoing throughout the year, after each assessment item.
Continue the focus on Literacy and Numeracy and NAPLAN Literacy :
  • Use of Literacy Planet - Homework
  • Year 7 undertaking CARS and STARS program
  • Year 7 & 9 have NAPLAN skills embedded in their units and assessment
  • Years 7, 8 & 9 students are taking PAT-R tests to determine reading level that will inform teaching practice
  • Essential vocab for all year levels
  • Continue to utilise NAPLAN practices, and tests in Year 7, 8 & 9
  • Implementation of Reading Program (Literacy Pro) Years 7-8
  • Change in structure of Literacy Lessons. Students will be exposed to targeted literacy activities every lesson
/ NAPLAN: 100% of students above state average
Upper two bands:
100% of students with spelling lists which are used for testing weekly
Create culture of reading in the school
Improve upper 2 bands of NAPLAN / All English Faculty
HOD & Librarian
HOD & Lit / Num HOD & Support teachers / Ongoing
All year
Term 1 2018
Term 1 2018
As required
  • Create, review and reflect on Annual Performance Plans.
/ 100% of staff:
Create APP for 2018.
Review APP throughout year
Reflect on 2018 & create plan for 2019. / All English staff / Create APP for 2018 – existing staff, late 2017. New or returning staff, end of week 4 2018.
Review APP throughout year – ongoing across the year
Reflect on 2018 & create plan for 2019– late term 4 2018.
  • Class visits:need to occur across all year levels to be aware of what is going on in classes
/ 100% of classes visited beginning of Term 1 / All English Faculty / Term 1 & On-going
  • Explicit Teaching: Model structures and genres, create templates for tasks and develop exemplars for each task especially in the junior school. Breakdown of criteria must occur also (explicitly explain criteria to students)
/ All units should have scaffolding and exemplars
Students should understand task criteria / All English staff / Exemplars developed per unit
Ongoing as each task occurs in the year
  • Staff develop a Data Placemat that includes School Targets, Class Priorities, Students of Interest and Demographics.
/ 100% of staff to have a current data placemat for all class. / All English staff / Creation in early Term 1.
Review and revise early Term 3. Reflection end of Term 4.
  • English staff will have access to PD funding to attend workshops relating to school priorities. Seek out subject specific PD & subject specific QCAA workshops. Focus across 2018 will be QCAA curriculum changes.
/ 100% of staff get access to appropriate amounts of PD. / Promote opportunities to staff – HOD
Engage with PD - Teachers / Ongoing throughout year as available.
  • Continue implementation and backward mapping of National Curriculum and continue developing units of work with the Australian Curriculum guidelines whilst preparing students for new senior syllabuses
/ 100% units meeting standards / English Faculty / 2018
  • Continue transition to new Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment system. Focus for 2018 will be developing units for year 11 2019 and year 12 2020
/ 100% of approved units of work by QCAA / English Faculty / 2018
  • Continue to backward map Year 10 English based on new senior syllabus and reflect appropriate options and pathways (English, Essential English and Literature)
/ Units that reflect the new senior priorities and prepare students for following senior years / English Faculty / 2018
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Curriculum Continuity /
  • Develop units of work & assessment items to meet new senior course design to begin 2019. Act on feedback from moderation to prepare assessment tools
/ Be complete by end of 2019 / HOD and English Faculty / Term 1 2018 and ongoing
  • Review programs in Years 7 to 10 and rewrite work programs. Discuss implementation and changes to assessment and units as required
/ 100% programs reviewed and refined / HOD and English Faculty / Ong-going
  • Collaboration with like schools/ Introduction of Professional Learning Communities to review Junior Criteria sheets and increase academic rigour and facilitate sharing of resources for the new senior with the PLC also
/ 100% of 8&9 criteria sheets reviewed and partnerships with schools strengthened / HOD / 2018
  • Weekly Faculty Updates- circulated via email to inform staff of important Faculty information
/ 100% of year levels receiving weekly updates / HOD / 2018
  • All long and short term planning, resources and assessment to be stored centrally on G Drive within subject folders using the faculty standard file structure.
/ Each subject has a complete package of planning, resources and assessment stored for future use. / All English staff. / Ongoing throughout the year.
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Information Technology /
  • Enhance digital communications with parents by using the parent email function within Daymap.
/ All parents to receive some form of email communication from teachers. Initial welcome communication as base minimum. / All English staff. / Ongoing throughout the year.
  • Enhance digital communications with students and 24/7 access through the use of Learning Place.
/ All English subjects to have a Learning Place site. Expected to have course overview, unit planner and assessment tasks. / All English staff. / Courses established at the start of the year, then updated and referred to across the year.
  • Continue to encourage and upskill staff in using IT in the classroom – Verso, Blackboard etc.
/ All English staff are able to use Learning Place and Verso / All English staff / On-going
  • Better use of BYOD and 1:1 devices in classes.
/ All students to be engaging in ICT use during their English classes / All English staff / Progressively throughout the year.