2018EnglishAnnual Implementation Plan
- Improved pedagogy
- Focus on continuous improvement (Kaizen)
- Curriculum continuity
- Digital Technology
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Improved pedagogy / Dimensions of Learning
Identify lesson & unit focus explicitly to students through continued use of WALT, WILF & TIB. / When asked, students are able to describe the WALT, WILF & TIB of lessons and units. / All English staff. / Beginning of each unit/lesson.
Dimensions of Learning
In-service of all Faculty staff in DOL practices and refreshes for existing staff during Faculty meetings / 100% of Faculty has been initiated into DOL practices / All English staff / Beginning of 2018 and continuous
Dimensions of Learning
DOL unit planners construction and review with Cognitive Verb additions / All units have an attached DOL unit planner and that they have been reflected upon and changes made and Cognitive Verbs are highlighted / All English Staff / Beginning of 2018
Cognitive Verb Applications / 7-10 English units must explicitly discuss cognitive verbs and they must be reflected in the DOL unit planner. Teachers must use the DOL-A-TRON to explicitly teach understanding of verbs using Marzano’s 6 steps to teach vocabulary. This is to prepare our students for requirements of new senior syllabus. / All English Staff / Beginning of 2018
Dimensions of Learning
Continued use of peer lesson observations and feedback. / All staff to complete lesson observations as per school-wide requirements. / All English staff as per lesson obs schedule / 2 per year
Dimensions of Learning
Explicitly teaching Complex Reasoning skills / All units to have at least one CPR to be embedded within it and to CPR’s to be reflected in our weekly lesson planner / All English Staff. / Ongoing throughout the year.
Dimensions of Learning
Criteria is broken down and explained for students / All assessment items must have criteria explicitly explained and a sheet that accompanies this explanation / All English Staff. / Ongoing throughout the year.
Cross Marking (Moderation)
A sample of all assessment pieces must be moderated within the Faculty / Samples of Assessment items for all assessment pieces / All English staff / Ongoing throughout the year
Global Perspectives
Indigenous Perspectives: continue to embed Indigenous Perspectives into units / Review all units to see where we can embed Indigenous Perspectives / HOD / Ongoing throughout the year.
Global Perspectives
Social Justice – Reflect on Year 8 English unit where social justice perspective has been embedded / Teach Year 8 unit and then reflect on practice and process and refine where necessary / HOD / Ongoing throughout the year.
Global Perspectives
Develop and implement global perspectives action plan using five elements of Global Perspectives as a foundation of internationalism and international mindedness. / Review all units / HOD and Subject Coordinators / On-going
Global Perspectives
Develop staff skills with staff PD for global perspectives / Aim to send junior subject Coordinators on PD in 2018 or meet with Global Learning Centre staff / HOD and Subject Coordinators / 2018
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Focus on continuous improvement /
- Students in English are supplied with a copy of their student profile. Students update profile after each assessment item. Teachers discuss dimensions and what is needed at exit to achieve different levels of achievement
Continue the focus on Literacy and Numeracy and NAPLAN Literacy :
- Use of Literacy Planet - Homework
- Year 7 undertaking CARS and STARS program
- Year 7 & 9 have NAPLAN skills embedded in their units and assessment
- Years 7, 8 & 9 students are taking PAT-R tests to determine reading level that will inform teaching practice
- Essential vocab for all year levels
- Continue to utilise NAPLAN practices, and tests in Year 7, 8 & 9
- Implementation of Reading Program (Literacy Pro) Years 7-8
- Change in structure of Literacy Lessons. Students will be exposed to targeted literacy activities every lesson
Upper two bands:
100% of students with spelling lists which are used for testing weekly
Create culture of reading in the school
Improve upper 2 bands of NAPLAN / All English Faculty
HOD & Librarian
HOD & Lit / Num HOD & Support teachers / Ongoing
All year
Term 1 2018
Term 1 2018
As required
- Create, review and reflect on Annual Performance Plans.
Create APP for 2018.
Review APP throughout year
Reflect on 2018 & create plan for 2019. / All English staff / Create APP for 2018 – existing staff, late 2017. New or returning staff, end of week 4 2018.
Review APP throughout year – ongoing across the year
Reflect on 2018 & create plan for 2019– late term 4 2018.
- Class visits:need to occur across all year levels to be aware of what is going on in classes
- Explicit Teaching: Model structures and genres, create templates for tasks and develop exemplars for each task especially in the junior school. Breakdown of criteria must occur also (explicitly explain criteria to students)
Students should understand task criteria / All English staff / Exemplars developed per unit
Ongoing as each task occurs in the year
- Staff develop a Data Placemat that includes School Targets, Class Priorities, Students of Interest and Demographics.
Review and revise early Term 3. Reflection end of Term 4.
- English staff will have access to PD funding to attend workshops relating to school priorities. Seek out subject specific PD & subject specific QCAA workshops. Focus across 2018 will be QCAA curriculum changes.
Engage with PD - Teachers / Ongoing throughout year as available.
- Continue implementation and backward mapping of National Curriculum and continue developing units of work with the Australian Curriculum guidelines whilst preparing students for new senior syllabuses
- Continue transition to new Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment system. Focus for 2018 will be developing units for year 11 2019 and year 12 2020
- Continue to backward map Year 10 English based on new senior syllabus and reflect appropriate options and pathways (English, Essential English and Literature)
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Curriculum Continuity /
- Develop units of work & assessment items to meet new senior course design to begin 2019. Act on feedback from moderation to prepare assessment tools
- Review programs in Years 7 to 10 and rewrite work programs. Discuss implementation and changes to assessment and units as required
- Collaboration with like schools/ Introduction of Professional Learning Communities to review Junior Criteria sheets and increase academic rigour and facilitate sharing of resources for the new senior with the PLC also
- Weekly Faculty Updates- circulated via email to inform staff of important Faculty information
- All long and short term planning, resources and assessment to be stored centrally on G Drive within subject folders using the faculty standard file structure.
What we are going to do / How we are going to do it / Targets / Who is responsible / When we are going to do it
Information Technology /
- Enhance digital communications with parents by using the parent email function within Daymap.
- Enhance digital communications with students and 24/7 access through the use of Learning Place.
- Continue to encourage and upskill staff in using IT in the classroom – Verso, Blackboard etc.
- Better use of BYOD and 1:1 devices in classes.