Rutherford County Schools

Descriptive Report on Services to

English Language Learners (EL)

q  Student Identification

Student Language Assessment

ESL Program Participation

Student Placement and Services

Personnel Responsibilities

Transition and Exit

Program Evaluation and Monitoring


Every student entering the Rutherford County School System is administered a home language survey to identify immigrant students and those students who have a primary or home language other than English. The home language survey is a two-ply form administered as part of the initial registration process. The original white copy is filed in the student’s permanent record at the school. The yellow copy is forwarded to the English as a Second Language (ESL) Coordinator at the Central Office within one week of student registration. The home language survey (HLS) is composed of six questions:

q  What is the first language this student learned to speak?

q  What language does this student speak most often outside of school?

q  What language is spoken most often in this student’s home?

q  Where was this student born?

q  On what date did this student first move to the United States?

q  On what date did this student first enroll in a U.S. school?

When a parent is non-English or limited English speaking, a translator is provided when necessary. The HLS is also available in Spanish, Arabic, Karen, Swahili, Lao, and Japanese. Each principal is responsible for ensuring that home language surveys are completed and forwarded to the ESL Coordinator in a timely manner. The home language survey questions also appear on the student registration form as does the availability of language translation services.

A student who is not born in the United States or in a U.S territory is asked to enter a date of arrival to the United States. The student is also asked to enter the date of first enrollment in a U.S. school. If the student has not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years, he/she is coded as immigrant in the local student management system.

A student who answers any of the first three home language questions with a language other than English is considered a potential English Language Learner. The student is assessed to determine his or her English language proficiency level.


If entering at the beginning of the school year, the ESL teacher completes the assessment of language proficiency and provides notification of services to parents within four weeks of registration. If entering after the school year has begun, the language assessment and notification to parents occur within two weeks of registration and completion of the home language survey.

The parents or guardians are advised of the results of the language assessment in their native language and informed of language support services available for their child. Students are eligible for services in accordance with state ESL guidelines. Parents are given the option to refuse language support services for their child.

Parent communication is provided in a language parents can understand. An on-staff Spanish, Arabic, Lao, Japanese, Karen, Swahili translator is available for parent contacts. Other resources are utilized to allow for effective communications with parents from other language backgrounds.


q  English language proficiency may be determined by examining prior school records to determine if an accepted language proficiency assessment has been administered. A student who has scored at the proficient level of a language proficiency assessment is coded as “NELB” (non-English background) in the student management system and no further assessment is needed.

q  A student who has no prior school record or who has no language proficiency score is assessed with the WIDA-APT or WIDA Online Screener to determine English language proficiency.

q  A student who scores proficient on the screener is coded as “NELB” (non-English background) in the school database.

q  A student who scores below proficiency is classified as English Learner (EL) and coded as “L” in the student management system. EL students are provided services in the ESL program.

q  Students are exited from the ESL program when a proficient score is attained on the State’s annual language assessment, the WIDA ACCESS, and the student is having no difficultly maintaining successful classroom performance.

q  Students who are exited from the program may re-enter the program when failure to maintain successful classroom performance is determined to be the result of the need for additional language support services. A recertification form is filed in the CUM folder and a copy sent home to parents in the language of the home.

q  All students served in the ESL program are administered the WIDA ACCESS annually to re-establish program eligibility and to determine readiness to exit, as well as to measure progress in attaining English language proficiency.

q  All data related to a student’s eligibility is maintained in the student’s CUM file at the school and in the student’s ESL file in the ESL Coordinator’s office at the Central Office.


Rutherford County utilizes an English as a Second Language (ESL) program model, based on sound educational research, theory, and practices, to provide language support services for students who are identified as English Language Learners (EL).

The ESL program is designed to meet the individual educational needs of EL students by enabling them to speak, read, write and comprehend the English language and meet challenging content and achievement standards. The following guidelines are used in providing instructional services for EL students:

q  A certified teacher with an English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsement provides ESL services.

q  Screening for English fluency of ESL teacher applicants occurs during the interview process. Oral language fluency (listening and speaking) is evaluated during the interview. Reading fluency is satisfied through college transcripts and accuracy of responses during the application process. A writing sample is taken during the interview and evaluated using a rubric for fluency in this domain.

q  Services provided by a bilingual educational assistant are under the supervision of the ESL coordinator and ESL teacher and are supplemental to the services provided by an ESL teacher. The dominant minority language of the school will be represented by the bilingual educational assistant in providing full access to the curriculum (Lau vs. Nichols).

q  ESL services are delivered during the regular school day. The system provides support services, including before or after school tutorials and summer school programs, in addition to the regular school day services received by all ESL students, as funding is available.

q  EL students receive daily ESL services. Students with WIDA ACCESS or W-APT scores below 3.6 receive at least one hour of direct ESL service by an ESL endorsed teacher. Advanced level students receive a minimum of 30 minutes of daily service.

q  EL students not making adequate progress are assessed to determine if there are special needs, other than lack of language proficiency, which need to be addressed.

q  EL students who qualify for Special Education services will have a dual diagnosis and be provided full access to both support programs.

q  EL students whose parents have waived ESL program classes will have their language development provided by their mainstream ELA teacher.

The ESL teacher monitors the academic performance of EL students in the regular classroom. EL students are entitled to modifications in content and grading to ensure that they can be successful. If failing grades are given, documentation must be provided to show what modifications have been made and to determine that language proficiency is not the cause of failure. Students cannot be failed/retained based solely on language proficiency. Staffing and resources sufficient for adequate and effective implementation of the ESL program are provided in addition to intervention programs (RTI).


When the Home Language Survey contains information that a language other than English is in the student’s background, the ESL teacher conducts a review of prior educational records. If the original Home Language Survey is found in the student’s Cum file, then the survey provided by RCS will be shredded. If the student has scored at the proficient level on a language proficiency assessment, the administration of the WIDA Screener is not required, and the student is placed at grade level in the regular classroom. If there is no score on a language proficiency assessment, the WIDA Screener is administered to determine the appropriate placement and level of services.

An Eligibility Determination for Program Placement form is completed for each student who is assessed with the WIDA Screener. A copy of the form is placed in the student’s permanent record and in the student’s file in the ESL Coordinator’s office. The ESL teacher also maintains a copy of the form at the school level. These language support services are offered as needed for students who qualify for services:

q  Pull out instruction (individual or small group) at the elementary level

q  Scheduled ESL classes at the middle and high school level

q  Sheltered English content instruction by an endorsed content area teacher

q  Modification of regular classroom assignments and tests

q  Appropriate technology activities/other instructional activities

q  Before or after school and summer programs, when funding permits

q  Parental involvement activities

q  Other special programs/supplemental services for which the student qualifies

q  Monitoring of academic progress in the regular classroom

The district ensures age appropriate grade level placement of EL students. The district prohibits retention based solely on lack of English language skills. If an English learner is recommended for retention, a student advisory team (SAT) team comprised of the ESL Coordinator, principal, classroom teachers, ESL teacher, and interventionist must meet to determine that language is not a primary reason for retention.

The district prohibits exclusion of students who are documented as EL from special opportunity programs such as Title I, Special Education, Spectrum, and Vocational Education programs.



q  Coordinates the identification, assessment, and placement of EL students in the appropriate grades and classes and assists school personnel in interpreting grades, credits, and other educational information.

q  Coordinates, evaluates, and implements appropriate classes for EL students in grades K-12.

q  Coordinates schedules and services for EL personnel.

q  Interviews, recommends, and assists in the evaluation of teachers and educational assistants involved in the providing of services to EL students.

q  Works with parent groups of EL students and provides assistance to enhance parent involvement at the schools.

q  Maintains student records and prepares all written reports required by local, state, and federal agencies.

q  Submits an annual federal budget and district plan to State agency through ePlan.

q  Submits district budget to the immediate supervisor.

q  Maintains, inventories, and secures all materials and equipment purchased for the ESL office.

q  Supervises annual English language proficiency testing, including ordering of testing materials, dissemination of testing materials, and maintenance of test records.

q  Coordinates monitoring of the progress of exited students.

q  Plans and implements staff development activities for ESL teachers and coordinates with instructional department staff to provide staff development for regular education teachers.

q  Administers program assessment Tennessee English Learner District Self- Assessment (TELDSA) to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of services to immigrant students and their families and reports the results to stakeholders and uploads to ePlan.


q  Collects all Home Language Surveys from each school and verifies that assessment data accompanies the HLS.

q  Enters information about the English learner in the iNow data system as well as the iAutomation data system.

q  Verifies that information in iNow is accurate and runs regular reports to verify EIS information is correct.


q  Coach existing ESL teachers.

q  Provide support to general education teachers of ELs.

q  Work with administrators to support the ESL team in their schools.

q  Work with technology personnel to ensure equity of access for ELs.

q  Provide professional development opportunities for ESL and general education teachers.

q  Assist the ESL Coordinator as needed.

q  Provide support for teachers of students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE).

q  Provide parent support and education as needed.

q  Ensure educators are trained to administer the annual ESL assessment.

q  Maintain schedules of ESL teachers.

q  Organize and maintain the ESL teacher personnel notebook.

q  Ensure teachers and building test coordinators are aware of ESL assessment accommodations.

q  Model instructional practices as needed.

q  Participate in and support ESL PLC meetings.


q  Provide assistance to the ESL teachers for the development, review, and improvement of their ESL parent involvement programs.

q  Assist the ESL Coordinator with the monitoring of ESL parent involvement at the school level.

q  Organize and conduct district-wide parent meetings.

q  Assist with training for ESL parents at the school level as requested.

q  Assist ESL families as requested or referred.

q  Provide input in the planning and implementation of ESL staff development activities.

q  Translate system-wide documents.

q  Serve as liaison between school administrators and ESL families.

q  Perform additional duties/tasks as needed or assigned.


q  Ensures that a home language survey is completed for each student enrolling in the school.

q  Ensures that a copy of the home language survey is maintained in the student’s permanent file.

q  Ensures that a duplicate copy of the home language survey is forwarded to the ESL Coordinator within one week of completion.

q  Ensures that the ESL teacher is informed of new arrivals.

q  Provides appropriate and comparable space for ESL instruction.

q  Ensures that EL students are scheduled for appropriate ESL services.

q  Assists in the supervision and evaluation of the ESL teacher assigned to the school.

q  Provides opportunities for staff development for improvement of services to ESL students and encourages regular education teachers to attend staff development sessions offered on a system level.