PGCert Secondary Education (Physical Education) with recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
Pre-Course Subject Knowledge Audit 2013-2014
Name: ______
Having completed a sport related undergraduate degree and activity specific conditions related to your offer for a place here on the PGCert Secondary Education (Physical Education) course at Brunel University, we would now like to audit your knowledge, understanding and skills. We are also aware that many of you have experiences outside of your academic studies which could prove useful as preparation for the PGCert year. Auditing this information is a useful starting point for us as your course tutors and for you as a student to acknowledge prior learning. It also identifies areas for development which you can target during the course of this year. Below is a series of aspects which we would like you to rate yourself against and to then detail any relevant experience or comment on your confidence in this area.
Please return this form to Anne Chappell on Thursday 5th September.
Subject Knowledge Audit
Please rate your knowledge, understanding, and skills for each identified area outlining your relevant experience of each:
1: Very good with a wide range of experience.
2: Good with a range of relevant experience.
3: Satisfactory with some relevant experience.
4: Limited or no relevant experience.
Knowledge, Understanding and Skills / Rating / Relevant Experience/CommentThe nature of high quality physical education, the role of the physical educator, and what it means to be physically educated.
Pedagogy: a range of teaching methods/strategies/styles to engage all learners in learning.
Organisation in the physical learning environment.
Knowledge of physical literacy and child development.
Knowledge, Understanding and Skills / Rating / Relevant Experience/Comment
Knowledge of biomechanics and analytical skills.
Anatomy and physiology.
Effects of exercise upon the body.
Psychology of the diverse range of learners including those with specific learning needs (including those with special educational needs; English as an additional language; and the Gifted and Talented).
Social, historical and sociological development of physical education and its links to the wider societal arena.
The development of physical education as part of the political agenda.
Understanding the unique contribution physical education makes to the education of children;
Health, safety and hygiene issues relating to learning in a physically active environment.
Knowledge, Understanding and Skills / Rating / Relevant Experience/Comment
Learning through athletic activities.
Learning through dance activities.
Learning through games activities.
Learning through gymnastic activities.
Learning through outdoor and adventurous activities.
Learning through swimming activities.
Learning through health related exercise and the associated activities.
Additional Information / Details
National Governing Body Awards
(Please continue overleaf if necessary)