Issaquah Middle School:Life Science, 2016-2017

Class Policies and Procedures


Patti (425) 837-6842

Michaela (425) 837-6867

Melissa (425) 837-6825

Course Objective and Goals:

Our goal is for every student to grow as a student and scientist in my class. Students will be taught concepts, processes, and skills to perform scientific inquiry through hands-on activities, inquiry-based methods, projects, readings, and guided instruction.

Course Outline:

Living Things Curriculum Pilot



Healthy forests


Grade Distribution:

30% Labs and Assignments

20% Homework, Homework Quizzes

50% Tests, Quizzes, and Projects

Grading Scale: See Student Handbook (page 6)

Supplies (needed everyday):

Colored pen, pencils, planner, paper, composition notebook, and a binder with a Science section

All science handouts and assignments need to be kept in the “Science” section of the binder in an organized fashion. Students will keep all handouts and assignments in their binder until they are instructed to take them out and file them at home.


Grades will be updated to Family Access at least every two weeks. Ourwebsiteswill give you information about what assignments are due soon and what students should be working on. Websites will be updated before we leave school everyday. Website links are located on the school website under “Staff Websites”


Homework will be assigned 2-3 times per week. Students should expect to spend about an hour per week on assignments. Some assignments will be long-term and require planning in order to be completed on time.

Students need to complete reading questions in pencil, then download the answer key from my website, and correct their work in colored pen before coming to class. First trimester, all students will complete the reading and reading questions to prepare for the homework quizzes and during second and third trimester, students will have choices of how to prepare for homework quizzes. We will discuss the reading in class before taking the homework quiz.

Homework Quizzes: we will have homework quizzes to assess understanding of background information from assigned readings.

If you are unhappy with your homework quiz score, you may show your teacher the completed reading questions and then take a similar homework quiz after school or during homeroom.

Late Work:

  • 6th Grade Late work policy:
  • Can earn up to 80% if turned in one day late
  • Can earn up to 50% if turned in 2-5 days late

Online Assignments:

Some assignments will be given as online assignments. Some examples are Google Forms and Student Access assignments. Students will have at least two days to complete online assignments.


  • Announced Quizzes will be given throughout the unit to check understanding and help prepare for the unit tests.
  • Students are responsible for making up any missed quizzes within one week of the quiz date.


  • Tests will be given throughout each unit. Students will be informed at least one week in advance and will receive a study guide to help them prepare.
  • Students are responsible for making up any missed tests within one week of the test date.


  • Students are responsible for making up all work and labs missed due to absences.
  • Students should check the website to see what they missed the day of their absence.
  • Students have one day per missed day to turn in work.
  • For long term assignments that require one week or more to complete are due the day the student returns if he or she is absent on the due date. Exceptions may be made if he or she has a long term illness and has made arrangements with me.
  • It will be the students’ responsibility to schedule a time to complete any missed labs. All labs must be made-up at after school science help (Thursday) within one week of the absence.

Code of Behavior:

Every student has the right to learn, so any behavior that disrupts the learning of others will be disciplined. Students are responsible for their own behavior and are expected to make appropriate choices within the classroom.

Conduct of Class:

Mutual respect is practiced in our classroom. We expect to have everyone’s attention (and talking/socializing to stop) as soon as class begins. Students must extend the courtesy of listening to anyone who is teaching or speaking to the class. The same courtesy will be given to all students when it is their turn to speak.

The Big 5:

When you come into class, you need to do 5 things:

  1. Sit at your seat
  2. Read the board/agenda
  3. Fill out your planner
  4. Write the daily goal in your comp book
  5. Get out listed materials