Title (provisional) / Street Fishing, Street Culture (S.Fi.S.C.)Programme and Call / Erasmus + - Sport Collaborative Partnership– Call 2015
Deadline / 14/05/2015
Deadline to join partnership / 15/04/2014
Framework / Born in the United States and then developed in France and Canada, the street fishing is a discipline developed from spinning, with the use of ultra-light equipment and small artificiallures.
Practiced mainly in urban areas, from which the name urban fishing, this technique allows to fish also near the houses, in streams and citizens water where fishing is allowed.
In Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Amsterdam, Montreal, New York, Tokyo and other big cities many fans have already embarked on this new adventure.
In the rivers of the Loire, in northern France, there are many who practice this activity. Especially in the late hours of the afternoon, when, after leaving the job, or even during lunch you can spend even brief moments for fishing.
One way to relax after work, to clear stress and revive the spirit, along any watercourse.
Walking along a city river or lake with a bag and a pair of sneakers could be a nice way to better know our own towns and its monuments and beauties, specially for youngsters, and to explore other towns as tourists. At the same time young people could better know the environment and learn to respect it playing an healthy activity.
The Street Fishing adopts the Catch and Release philosophy, so fishes captured are photographed and released with utmost care.
General objective /
- Encourage participation in sport and physical activity, especially by supporting the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines;
- Promote voluntary activity in sport;
- Encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport, especially by supporting the implementation EU strategies, notably the Gender Equality Strategy and Disability Strategy.
Specific objectives /
- Better knowledge of their own towns and territory for youth.
- Better knowledge of the environment of rivers and lakes for youth.
- Respect for Nature and environment.
- Development of socialization among young people.
- Prevention of deviant behavior of young people.
- Development of healthy lifestyles among young people.
- Improvement of the participation of young people in sport activities.
Target group /
- Youth living in towns with at least a river or a lake.
Activities /
- Preparation, development and implementation of educational and training modules and tools;
- Awareness-raising activities on the added value of sport and physical activity in relation to the personal, social and professional development of individuals;
- Promotion of innovative synergies between the field of sport and fields health, education, training and youth;
- Promotion of the Street Fishing;
- Mobilities for youth;
- Events;
- Set up of an European Platform online peer to peer;
- Set up of a network of youth associations and sport associations aimed at promotion of the street fishing philosophy;
- Set up of fishing and touristic routes across European towns with informative posters and signals for users;
- Promotion, identification and sharing of good practices.
Partnership /
- Nuova Dimensione SCS (lead applicant) (IT)
- ENAL Pesca Perugia (IT)
Wanted partners(at least 4 partners from 4 Countries over Italians ones) /
- Sport Fishing Associations
- Public or private entities active in education and youth fields
Foreseen duration / 24 months
Financial aspects / Maximum EU contribution: € 500.000,00
Maximum EU Co-financing: 80%
Foreseen project budget: € 625.000,00
Contacts / Giuseppe De Anseris