Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Final Test (2015)

For the Les Misérables Test , you will write an analysis essay on one of the topics listed below. Do not summarize the plot of the book. You need to look at how things are developed through the novel. Create a debatable claim/thesis statement. You must have 3-4 piece of evidence to support your analysis. **You will need to include quotes with page references to support your analysis. We will discuss how this should look in an essay. There are essay helps on your teacher’s website (use them!) Use good transition words to connect each paragraph in the analysis. You should not reference any other work in your essay except Les Misérables. Do not talk about any other book, movie, or piece of literature. DO NOT get anything from the internet!

NOTES: 1) You must copy & paste the appropriate rubric (from your teacher’s website) ONTO the bottom of your essay, or it will not be graded. 2) You will lose points for summarizing the plot. 3) Be careful about using pronouns he/she/him/her/they/them. You must occasionally say who you are talking about, especially when dealing with characters of the same gender. 4) Avoid using the pronouns: I, me, my, you, our, us, etc. When writing an essay, say the reader. 5) Do not comment on how great of an author he/she is because he/she put the symbols, motifs, themes in the book. Authors do not think, “Hey, I think I will use this (symbol/motif/theme) right here.” It is upon reflecting on the novel that the READER gains the understanding of these things.

This essay is due on (A-Day: Tuesday, April 14/B-Day: Wednesday, April 15). The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and submitted as an Adobe PDF in your teacher’s Dropbox by 3:00 pm. Format the heading correctly (see below).


Mrs. Baker/Mrs. Floyd

English 10 Honors period ___


Les Mis Test, Option ___

Unique Title (not the book title or prompt option)

Option 1:

In the novel, Les Misérables, the author, Victor Hugo, uses motifs to point out important things to the reader. Select one of the motifs Hugo uses and in a well-developed literary analysis, trace the impact the motif has on the reader’s understanding of the text, as well as the impact the motif has on characters in the novel. Do not merely summarize plot.

Option 2:

In the novel, Les Misérables, Victor Hugo uses symbols to represent important concepts in the text. Select one of the symbols Hugo uses throughout the novel and, in a well-developed literary analysis, explain what the symbol represents, and trace the use of this symbol throughout the text. Analyze the importance of this symbol to character or plot. Reference important selections of the novel to support your analysis. Do not merely summarize plot.

Option 3:

In the novel, Les Misérables, there are themes that teach the reader a lesson. Select one of these theme topics and create a universal theme. Then, explain how Victor Hugo establishes this theme through character and plot development. Do not merely summarize plot. CAUTION: You must create a theme, not just use a theme topic.

Option 4:

In the novel, Les Misérables, Victor Hugo writes highly coincidental events. Select a few coincidences that appear in the novel. Analyze the effect the coincidence has on the plot and development of characters for the reader. Do not merely summarize plot.

***You may write one additional essay for extra credit. Select one of the following prompts and write a well-developed essay, including quotes and references, in order to receive extra credit. This is due in the Dropbox (A-Day: Thursday, April 16/B-Day: Friday, April 17) by 3:00 pm.

Extra Credit Option 1:

Explain, in a well-developed essay, how the printed word (newspapers, messages, letters, etc.) makes an impact on the actions of characters in the novel, Les Misérables. Do not merely give examples, but explain why each was significant.

Extra Credit Option 2:

Develop a well-written essay establishing the motif of battle/war throughout the novel. Consider external battles/wars as well as internal battles/wars. Be sure to develop the significance each battle/war has in the novel.

Extra Credit Option 3:

Develop a well-written essay establishing the motif of theft (literal and metaphorical) throughout the novel. Give examples and explain how each example is important for the development of characters or events.

Les Misérables Test Part B

Literary Analysis Essay Rubric

Format (6 points)

___/4 typed, double-spaced, 12 point font w/ proper heading & unique title

___/2 submitted in Dropbox in Adobe PDF

Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation (5 points)

___/ 5 proper mechanics, obviously proofread

Introduction of paper: (10 points)

___/1 Hook/Attention Grabber

___/2 Title of novel & Author mentioned

___/4 Background of topic (see wording from the prompt)

___/3 Debatable claim/Thesis statement

Body of Paper: (14 points)

___/6 at least 3-4 pieces of evidence to support claim/thesis (2 points each)

___/3 at least 1 quote/example to support each piece of evidence, relevant to thesis

___/5 MLA formatting—parenthetical citation of references done correctly (short quotes, block quotes, punctuation)

Conclusion: (5 points)

___/5 revisits claim/thesis, sums up the essay, offers supreme opinion—answers the “so what?”

___/40 Total Points

*Minus Points for:

-5 summarizing

-3 using a theme topic, not a creating a universal theme

-3 not explaining the significance of the symbol/what it represents

-3 not analyzing the purpose of motif, symbol, or theme in the book

-3 commenting on how greatly Hugo does things in the book

-3 using “I/you” in the essay, instead of saying “the reader”

-3 misuse of pronouns, creates confusion to reader

Les Misérables Extra Credit

Literary Analysis Essay Rubric

Format (3 points)

___/2 typed, double-spaced, 12 point font w/ proper heading & unique title

___/1 submitted in Dropbox in Adobe PDF

Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation (3 points)

___/ 3 proper mechanics, obviously proofread

Introduction of paper: (4 points)

___/1 Hook/Attention Grabber

___/1 Title of novel & Author mentioned

___/1 Background of topic (see wording from the prompt)

___/1 Debatable claim/Thesis statement

Body of Paper: (8 points)

___/3 at least 3-4 pieces of evidence to support claim/thesis (2 points each)

___/3 at least 1 quote/example to support each piece of evidence, relevant to thesis

___/2 MLA formatting—parenthetical citation of references done correctly (short quotes, block quotes, punctuation)

Conclusion: (2 points)

___/2 revisits claim/thesis, sums up the essay, offers supreme opinion—answers the “so what?”

___/20 Total Points

*Same minus points as shown on essay rubric.