Easy Bible Story Questions With Answers
How the World Began
1. Did God make the stars? Yes.
2. Did God make the animals? Yes.
3. How many days did it take God to create the whole world? Six.
4. What did God do on the seventh day? Rested.
Adam and Eve
1. Who was the first man? Adam.
2. Who was the first woman? Eve.
3. Where did Adam and Eve live? In the Garden of Eden.
4. What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do? Not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge.
5. Who told Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge? The snake.
6. What did Adam and Eve do to get kicked out of the Garden of Eden? They ate fruit from the tree of knowledge.
Noah and his Ark
1. Who built the ark? Noah.
2. What kind of animals came on the ark? There were two of every kind of animal and bird in the world.
3. How long did it rain when they were in the ark? For 40 days and nights.
4. What did the dove bring back for Noah to know that there was dry land? A twig.
5. What was the sign that God did that promised that He would never flood the whole Earth again? A rainbow.
Joseph and his Wonderful Coat
1. Why did Joseph’s brother hate him? They were jealous of him.
2. What did the brothers do to Joseph? They sold him as a slave to some merchants.
3. Where did the King put Joseph for being rude to the Queen? In prison.
4. How did Joseph get out? Told the King what his dream meant.
5. Why did Joseph’s brother go to Egypt? To buy grain.
6. When the brother’s saw Joseph did they know who he was? No.
7. Did Joseph know who they were? Yes.
8. Did Joseph tell them? No.
9. How did Joseph find out that his brother’s had changed and were sorry for what they had done to him long ago? Told the brothers that Benjamin had to stay and the brother’s begged Joseph not to keep him because their father already lost one son and if he lost another it would break his heart.
10. Did Joseph forgive his brothers? Yes.
11. Does God want us to forgive others? Yes.
Moses in the Bulrushes
1. The Hebrews in Egypt were forced to work as what for the Egyptians? Slaves.
2. The King of Egypt ordered his soldiers to do what to all the Hebrew baby boys as soon as they were born? Kill them.
3. Moses’ mother secretly hid Moses and later did what to him? Put him in a basket and floated him down the Nile River.
4. Who found Moses’ basket floating down the river? The Egyptian Princess.
5. What did she do with Moses? He grew up in the palace with the Princess and was treated as if he was an Egyptian prince.
Moses Leads his People out of Egypt
1. What did Moses do to an Egyptian who was whipping a Hebrew slave? Moses killed the Egyptian.
2. Where did Moses go after killing the Egyptian? He went and lived in the desert.
3. What did God tell Moses to do? Ask the King to let the Hebrews leave Egypt.
4. At first did the King let the Hebrews leave? No.
5. What kind of terrible things happened because the King would not let the Hebrews leave? The river turned red, thousands of frogs came, clouds of flies came, animals began to die, the Egyptian people were ill with horrible sores on their bodies, terrible storms came, and locust ate up the crops.
6. What was the worse thing that happened to the Egyptians? The eldest child of every Egyptian family died one night.
7. What did the Hebrews do to be safe so their first born child would not die? Every family killed a lamb and put a little blood on the doorposts of the house.
8. Did the Egyptian King finally let the Hebrews go? Yes.
9. When the Hebrews left and did the Egyptian King changed his mind? Yes.
10. What did Moses do so the Hebrews could escape from the Egyptians? Parted the Red Sea.
11. When the Egyptian soldiers tried to follow the Hebrews what happened? The sea rushed back and the soldiers were all drowned.
Moses in the Desert
1. What did God give the people to eat? Quails and bread called manna.
2. How did Moses get water for the people? He hit a rock with a stick and water gushed out.
Moses and the Laws of God
1. At Mount Sinai what did God give Moses that the people must always keep? The Ten Commandments.
2. The people forgot the laws and didn't keep to them. How did God punish them? By making them stay in the desert for 40 years.
Samson, a Mighty Man
1. What did Samson’s parents do to him to show that he belonged to God? They never cut his hair.
2. What did Delilah do to Samson to loose his strength? Cut his hair.
3. What did the Philistines do to Samson after they captured him? They blinded him.
4. Later, what did the Philistines not notice about Samson? That his hair was growing.
5. Where did they chain Samson during a feast? Between two pillars.
6. What did Samson ask God to do? Give him back his strength.
7. How did Samson rescue the Israelites from their hated rulers, the Philistines? Samson pushed the two pillars over and the whole temple crashed down. Samson, all the Philistine rulers and thousands of people were killed.
David and Goliath
1. What was the name of the boy in this story? David.
2. What did he look after? His father’s sheep.
3. What was the giant’s name? Goliath.
4. Who was not scared to fight Goliath? David.
5. When Goliath saw David coming, what did he do? He made fun of David.
6. How did David kill Goliath? He put one of the little stones in his sling, swung the sling around his head, faster and faster, and let it go. The stone hit Goliath right in the middle of his forehead and killed him.
Daniel and the Lions
1. Daniel became one of the three rulers of the whole kingdom. How did the other two rulers feel about Daniel and what did the want to do with him? They were jealous of Daniel and plotted to get rid of him.
2. Who would Daniel only pray to? God.
3. Was that against the law? Yes.
4. What happened to Daniel for breaking the law? The King ordered Daniel to be put into the lion pit.
5. Why didn’t the lions eat Daniel? God kept the lions’ mouth shut.
6. What happened to the other two rulers? The King ordered the two rulers to be put into the pit with the lions.
7. The King made a new law. What was it? He ordered that everyone in his kingdom should respect Daniel’s God, the God who had saved Daniel from the lions.
Mary and the Angel
1. Who was Mary engaged to be married to? Joseph
2. What did Joseph do for a living? He was a carpenter.
3. Who told Mary that she was going to have a baby and he was going to be the son of God? The angel Gabriel.
The Birth of Jesus
1. What town was Jesus born in? Bethlehem.
2. Where was it that there was no room? The inn.
3. Where was Jesus born? In a manger or stable.
The Wise Men
1. Who came and brought gifts for Jesus? The Three Wise Men
2. How did the Wise Men find Jesus? They followed a very bright star.
3. Why did Joseph take Mary and Jesus to Egypt? So King Herod could not kill Jesus.
4. When King Herod died where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus? To live in Nazareth.
Jesus in the Temple
1. When Jesus was a boy where did Mary and Joseph find Jesus when they thought they lost him? In the temple.
Jesus is Baptized
1. Who baptized Jesus? His cousin John.
2. Why do you get baptized? To wash away your sins.
Jesus and his Disciples
1. What did Peter, Andrew, James, and John do for a living? They were fishermen.
2. Jesus asked them to come with him and He will make them fishermen of what? Of people.
3. What did Matthew do for a living? He worked for the Romans collecting taxes.
4. How many disciples did Jesus have? Twelve.
Jesus and the Paralyzed Man
1. What kind of diseases did Jesus heal? All kinds
2. What does paralyzed mean? That you cannot move.
3. How did they get the paralyzed man into the house? They made a hole in the roof and lowered the stretcher and the sick man down into the room where Jesus was sitting.
4. Why were the Jewish leaders mad at Jesus? Because they thought Jesus had no right to forgive sins.
5. What did Jesus do for the paralyzed man? Healed him
The Sermon on the Mountain
1. Should we be kind to people who are mean to us? Yes
2. Who taught us "The Lord's Prayer"? Jesus.
The Good Shepherd
1. If a shepherd has lost one of his sheep, what should he do? He goes and looks for the lost sheep.
2. Who is the good shepherd? Jesus.
Loaves and Fishes
1. What did Jesus feed the 5,000 people that came to hear him talk? Bread and fish.
2. How much leftover food was there? Enough to fill 12 baskets.
The Good Samaritan
1. Who came out and attacked the Jew? Some robbers.
2. Did the priest stop and help the Jew? No.
3. Did the man who worked in the Temple in Jerusalem stop and help the Jew? No.
4. Did the Samaritan stop and help the Jew? Yes
5. What did the Samaritan do for the Jew? The Samaritan cleaned his wounds and bandaged him. The Samaritan took the Jew to an inn, put him to bed, and bought him supper. The Samaritan paid the innkeeper and told him to look after the Jew and he will pay him any extra money that he owes him when he comes this way again.
6. Should you be kind only to your family and friends? No.
7. Who should you be kind to? Everyone even your enemies.
Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem
1. What did Jesus ride on coming into Jerusalem? A donkey colt.
2. What did the people lay on the ground in front of Jesus? Palm leaves.
3. What were the people doing inside the temple that made Jesus so angry? People were buying and selling animals.
4. What did Jesus do? He stormed through the temple overturning the tables and furniture and driving the sellers and the animals out of the temple.
5. What did the Temple rulers want to do with Jesus? Get rid of him.
6. Who went secretly to the chief priests to tell them when it would be safe to arrest Jesus? Judas.
7. What did they give Judas? 30 silver coins.
The Last Supper
1. Did Jesus say at The Last Supper that one of his disciples would betray him? Yes.
2. Jesus told the disciples to eat the bread. What does the bread represent? His body.
3. What does the wine represent? His blood.
4. Who kissed Jesus on the cheek? Judas.
Death On A Cross
1. Who denied Jesus three times just like Jesus said someone would? Peter.
2. Judas was sorry that he’d given Jesus away to the chief priest. What did he do when he went to the temple? He threw down the 30 coins.
3. Then what did Judas do? Hanged himself.
4. Who did the people choose to be set free? Barabbas, the murderer.
5. Pontius Pilate asked the people “What shall I do with Jesus?” And what did the people say? Crucify him, crucify him!
6. What was put on Jesus’ head? A crown of thorns.
7. What did Jesus have to carry? A huge wooden cross.
8. What was Jesus nailed to? A huge wooden cross.
9. Why were guards placed at Jesus’ tomb? The Jewish leaders were afraid that someone might try to steal the body and claim that Jesus had come alive again.
The Empty Tomb
1. What did Mary Magdalene and two women friends find rolled away from the tomb? The huge stone.
2. Was Jesus in the tomb? No.
3. While Mary Magdalene was at the tomb later by herself who came and talked to her? Jesus.
4. Who ran and told the disciples that Jesus was alive? Mary Magdalene.
5. Did Jesus rise from the dead? Yes.
On the road to Emmaus
1. Why were the two men sad? Because Jesus was dead.
2. Who was the stranger? Jesus.
3. Does God forgive everyone who believes in Him? Yes.
Thomas the Doubter
1. Who wouldn't believe that Jesus was alive until he saw the marks of the nails on Jesus' hands and feet, and touch the wound in Jesus' side? Thomas.
2. When Thomas saw Jesus and saw his wounds did he believe it was Jesus? Yes.
Breakfast by the Lake
1. Who was standing beside the lake? Jesus.
2. What did Jesus cook for his disciples? Fish.
3. What did Jesus tell Peter to do? Told him to take care of his followers.
Wind and Fire
1. Who was God going to send to the disciples? The Holy Spirit.
2. What will the Holy Spirit do for the disciples? He will give them the power to speak bravely about Jesus and all that he has taught them.
3. What happened to Jesus after he told the disciples about the Holy Spirit? He was taken up to heaven.
4. Jesus has gone to be with God, but one day will Jesus come back? Yes.
5. Should you be sorry for the bad things you have done? Yes.
6. Did Jesus die for us? Yes.
7. Will God always help you and be with you? Yes.