Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The Headteacher will be responsible for the strategy for the use of the Pupil Premium to improve the performance of students in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) and Children Looked After (CLA).
  2. All staff share responsibility for working towards “narrowing the gap” in achievement between students in receipt of FSM / CLA and others.
  3. Governors will be responsible for monitoring the impact of this work through the Standards and Curriculum Committee.

Monitoring Performance

  1. Students in receipt of FSM / CLA who have not made expected progress in KS2 and/or KS3 will have higher targets set for them to reflect our aspiration that we “narrow the gap” in performance.
  2. Class teachers will have students in receipt of FSM / CLA highlighted in registers and assessment monitor records.
  3. Class Teachers, departments, colleges and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will specifically monitor the performance of students in receipt of FSM / CLA in each data analysis session, irrespective of their BRAG rating (Blue, Red, Amber, Green Rating: a progress rating used by the school linked to the progress colours on student reports). This monitoring will go deeper than establishing patterns and %s to looking at the performance of individual students and planning interventions with them.
  4. SLT will focus on the performance of FSM / CLA students as a regular part of their Quality Assurance (QA) work.
  5. School Learning Meetings will focus on the performance of students in receipt of FSM / CLA.
  6. Form Tutors will focus additional mentoring sessions of FSM / CLA students, carrying out two mentoring sessions with them to every one with other students.
  7. Revised targets will be communicated to parents along with this strategy.

Improving Attendance

  1. Improvement the attendance of children in receipt of FSM / CLA will be a priority of Heads of College, Pastoral Managers and Form Tutors next year and, where appropriate, included in appraisal targets.
  2. Colleges will have responsibility for monitoring the attendance of FSM / CLA students and reporting back on this at QA meetings, irrespective of the attendance “rating” of these students.
  3. Colleges will have responsibility for setting targets and intervention plans for attendance for individual FSM / CLA students. These will be monitored by members of SLT at QA meetings.
  4. FSM / CLA students will be a priority for referrals to Attendance and Family Liaison Officers.
  5. Tutors will prioritize FSM / CLA students for daily attendance monitoring.


  1. The school will run summer schools for targeted students, including those with FSM / CLA, on entry to the school and entry to the sixth form. These will be planned and coordinated by school staff.
  2. FSM / CLAstudents will be offered places in Pyramid Clubs.
  3. Parents of students with FSM / CLA will be contacted directly by Colleges prior to Consultation Evenings to ensure awareness. If attendance is not possible, alternative arrangements will be made for parents to meet with teachers/receive feedback.
  4. Funding will be made available each year to financially support students in receipt of FSM / CLA where they cannot otherwise afford to access trips and activities.
  5. Students in receipt of FSMwill have the value of the free meal increased from the level set nationally to a level set annually by the Governors of the school.


  1. There will be a balance of FSM/CLA students in each band and in each college.
  2. The school will ensure that the setting and grouping of students in receipt of FSM/CLA is reviewed regularly so that students are appropriately challenged in groups according to their potential.
  3. Students in receipt of FSM/CLA who are in Years 9 and above will have an annual careers meeting with a trained advisor.
  4. Colleges will ensure that option interviews take place at times when parents of students in receipt of FSM/CLA are able to attend. Pastoral Managers will accompany parents and students to the meeting if necessary.
  5. Students in receipt of FSM/CLA will have first priority for participation on alternative curriculum courses if they meet the other criteria for the courses (e.g. additional literacy/numeracy, construction and Hair and Beauty).
  6. Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) support and additional literacy and numeracy support will be provided for FSM/CLA students who are underachieving in English and Mathematics
  7. Where the monitoring processes described above identify concern, a Pastoral Support Plan will be put in place by the College, in liaison with the strategy leader, to address the barriers to achievement, attendance or engagement. This plan will be communicated to parents and other staff in school.

P Wood

Approved by Governors Summer 2012