Energy Savings Subgroup

Purpose & Goals
The DAWG’s Energy Savings Subgroup or “‘pup” provides a forum to share and discuss electricity and natural gas load impacts from energy efficiency, including historic, current and future accomplishments of a variety of efforts designed to encourage the efficient use of energy. Programs implemented by investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and publicly-owned utilities (POUs) are of particular interest, as well as other statewide, federal and local initiatives likely to produce meaningful impacts. Assessment of energy efficiency potential and energy efficiency goalsetting are of particular interest. Another key focus of the subgroup is evaluation, measurement & verification (EM&V) activity related to the reporting and assembling of load impacts.

The subgroup’s ultimate goal is to ensure that a unit of load reduction in one venue is equivalent to a unit of load reduction from another venue and also comparable between energy efficiency and distributed generation.

Topics Areas & Activities
Key Energy Savings Subgroup topic areas and activities include:

  • Provide a forum for discussing andcoordinating activities such as goals and potential studies
  • Share updates on the status of EM&V activities, in particular those designed to measure load impacts from IOU, POU, statewide and other significant programs
  • Discuss issues related to the interaction of savings claims between programs – both to address possible double-counting and to understand “market transformation/spillover” effects from multiple programs
  • Plan for development and maintenance of a database of forecasted, reported and evaluated savings for all the state’s utilities (IOU and POU)
  • Provide a forum to discuss statewide energy efficiency and energy efficiency potential reporting per SB 1027, AB2021 and AB 2227.
  • Provide periodic progress reports on agency efforts to quantify and standardize savings from standards and or programs, including disaggregation of energy efficiency accomplishments
  • Propose concepts for and discussimplementation of statewide appliance and equipment saturation surveys, including assessment of building stock
  • Address issues related to longitudinal program data collection and consistency of reported program impacts over time
  • Discuss consistency of energy savings impacts (including baselines) across jurisdictions.
    Address caveats to energy efficiency characterizations in the 2013IEPR and incremental-uncommitted energy efficiency report
  • Review energy efficiencycomponent of revised and preliminary forecasts, and comment on issues for developing those forecasts as needed
  • Serve as the primary Subgroup “home” for, and interact with the Demand Forecasting Subgroup (and possible future Potential and Goals Subgroup) on topics such as:
  • Measure decay
  • Macro-consumption metrics
  • Compilation of historical impacts
  • Behavioral impacts
  • Specification of “Total Market Gross” impact measurements, including:
  • Naturally occurring conservation
  • Net/gross savings
  • Quantification of load impacts from market transformation
  • Price effects
  • Takeback / rebound
  • Attribution of impacts to specific interventions or entities
  • Glossary of terms